Insanity of JM Shred better for me?

I am debating between these two DVDs. From what I have read on the forum and elsewhere it seems that Shred is effective, but pretty easy. Only bad thing is that is seems you have just 3 unique workouts for 30 days. Insanity seems insanely hard but you get a different workout every day, right? I'm not sure if I am in good enough shape to do insanity yet, what do you think? I have about 35lbs to lose (until I have basically no more fat to lose). Currently my cardio is 1 hour of biking a day so I am in decent shape cardio wise. I have plenty of time to do the 40 min-1 hour workouts. Just wondering if it will be a waste to start insanity while I am still somewhat far from my goal weight and not already in great shape.


  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I would say that the Shred would be a great start. It does have 20 minute programs that seem repetitive, but you can always push yourself. I have the DVD and my husband and I have done the DVD a couple of times. It was not easy. She has a lot of compound full body moves that get your heart going. Also, we did levels 1 and 2 back to back one time and levels 1,2 and 3 back to back. That gave a killer workout. it's a good program to work yourself up to Insanity.

    If you are pretty good cardio wise then you can give Insanity a try. The first month of the workout the DVD's are less than 40 minutes long. You can go at your own pace and hit pause when needed.
  • AzizaBell
    AzizaBell Posts: 28
    i found jm shred to be really easy - i could do the whole workout by the second day. i am currently in month 2 of insanity. i am LOVING it. i go at my own pace. i can't do everything just the way they do it on the video, i.e. can't get my knees above my waist in power jumps, but i do what i can. i have lost 11 pounds over the last 5 weeks. insanity is TOUGH, especially month 2. you do repeat workouts but only about 2-3x week per month. make sure you are physically fit to do a demanding program before you start and GOOD LUCK!!!
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I haven't done either. But, I agree that you get the tougher one and modify the moves when you have to. The more and more you do these intense workouts and push yourself harder than you are used to, you will get stronger and better at doing them. And it will only aid you in your weight loss goal. I do the P90x workouts and each time I do one, I can do a bit more and push myself a bit harder.

    Edit to add:
    But, if it will discourage that you can't do everything to the level that they do, then go for the Shred. I personally like the push to work harder. It's the same theory as when you play a sport or game, you should always play with someone better than you because it will push you to rise up to that level!
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I know nothing about Jillian's 30 Day shred, but I do know this about Insanity, If you aren't in good enough shape to make it through the warmup you shouldn't do it. You'll spend too much time resting and catching your breath. Unlike P90X where you can modify the resistance workouts or some of the moves in the cardio program, Insanity is all out. It is not meant to be done at half speed.

    That's my 2 cents. What ever program you choose to do, give it all you got and your results will come!!!

  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    I do the 30DS and I love it. I don't think it's too's as hard as you want it to be. You can modify the movements to make them easier or more difficult. Right now I'm on level 2 of 30DS with 3lb weights. Once I've completed all three levels, I intend to repeat the entire 30DS workout with 5lb weights. You only get out of it what you put into it. Like Jillian says, if you want to do a 20 minute workout, you have to push yourself.

    The only con to 30DS that I can think of is that by days 8-10 I'm kind of bored with doing the same routine...however, it's really such a small downside and I always feel like I've accomplished something at the end of each workout.

    I've never done insanity, but I would definitely recommend 30DS. Why not start with 30DS and then do insanity next?
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    I found shred to be not only easy, but boring (sorry).
    I tried it for a week, completed level 3 workout with ease, but I kept checking the time. it was painful.

    I'm only on day4 of insanity, but I am absolutely LOVING it!!!

    Jump on board, you'll be glad you did.
  • spiritmachine
    I'm leaning towards giving insanity a try and if I can't get through it at all then saving it until later. No harm in at least giving it a shot right? The thing is that the next two month are pretty open for me whereas after that my work schedule is gonna be much busier. I want to hit July 1 (start of residency) in the best shape of my life.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I'm leaning towards giving insanity a try and if I can't get through it at all then saving it until later. No harm in at least giving it a shot right? The thing is that the next two month are pretty open for me whereas after that my work schedule is gonna be much busier. I want to hit July 1 (start of residency) in the best shape of my life.

    I say go for it!

    It is what I did and I have no regrets! I was 175lbs and SO SO SO SO OUT OF SHAPE!
    I was doing the Jillian's MIcheal Shape Up series and yeah in the middle of week one I stopped it (after a had a breakdown and just HATED my body) and thought screw this, go hard or go home, right?!?! The next day I ordered Insanity and it has been the BEST choice I made!!!

    I even completed it in the first try! Now it is a program I do all the time! When I do take a break from it and do another workout video program, I miss Insanity so much that I go back to it! It truly does give you fast results!! I also LOVE Shaun T as a fitness Instructor! He motivates me so much! I started another round of Insanity and after I'm done I'm going to reward myself with The Asylum!! Although I want it NOW!! lol

    I had two kids via c-section and my csection pooch is slimming down! I feel like if I didn't purchase Insanity I would had failed with getting into shape and losing weight! I just want to meet Shaun T and thank him!! =) Even though I still have a small pooch I'm just loving my body =) I truly feel that I worked out compared to other cheap in home videos!

    My sister is skinny and she is doing Insanity with me and she didn't realize how out of shape she was! My husband is in the Army and he does PT twice a day and Insanity is tough for him too!
  • spiritmachine
    I'm leaning towards giving insanity a try and if I can't get through it at all then saving it until later. No harm in at least giving it a shot right? The thing is that the next two month are pretty open for me whereas after that my work schedule is gonna be much busier. I want to hit July 1 (start of residency) in the best shape of my life.

    I say go for it!

    It is what I did and I have no regrets! I was 175lbs and SO SO SO SO OUT OF SHAPE!
    I was doing the Jillian's MIcheal Shape Up series and yeah in the middle of week one I stopped it (after a had a breakdown and just HATED my body) and thought screw this, go hard or go home, right?!?! The next day I ordered Insanity and it has been the BEST choice I made!!!

    I even completed it in the first try! Now it is a program I do all the time! When I do take a break from it and do another workout video program, I miss Insanity so much that I go back to it! It truly does give you fast results!! I also LOVE Shaun T as a fitness Instructor! He motivates me so much! I started another round of Insanity and after I'm done I'm going to reward myself with The Asylum!! Although I want it NOW!! lol

    I had two kids via c-section and my csection pooch is slimming down! I feel like if I didn't purchase Insanity I would had failed with getting into shape and losing weight! I just want to meet Shaun T and thank him!! =) Even though I still have a small pooch I'm just loving my body =) I truly feel that I worked out compared to other cheap in home videos!

    My sister is skinny and she is doing Insanity with me and she didn't realize how out of shape she was! My husband is in the Army and he does PT twice a day and Insanity is tough for him too!

    Thanks for sharing. I was curious so I tried level 1 of 30 day shred. It was probably a 6/10 in terms of intensity. I could get through the whole thing without stopping and going at a good pace. I definitely feel it in my muscle though and I got a good sweat going. I think insanity is going to be soul crushing for me at this point. I am going to work my way through level three of shred and then move on to insanity once I can do level 3 without a problem.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    That's a great decision and I like the way you said soul crushing. There is nothing worse than starting a program and stopping it because it simply beats up your spirit. Take 30 Day Shred level by level, soon you'll be surprising yourself.
  • spiritmachine
    That's a great decision and I like the way you said soul crushing. There is nothing worse than starting a program and stopping it because it simply beats up your spirit. Take 30 Day Shred level by level, soon you'll be surprising yourself.

    Cool, yeah I am going to take your advice. Considering how sore I am today I think giving shred the full 30 days is in no way below me.