Where will YOU be come Spring 2011?



  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    I love this! I'm so glad you did this topic right now! You hit it on the nose! I live in Minnesota and you do just kind of shut down come snow and cold time. Then you pack on the pounds! Not gonna happen THIS year!!! I will join something for exercise! I will keep losing weight! I like your idea of single digit size jeans! It could happen. I'm shoot'n for that too! I've been there, I can get there again! Next Spring (that's no earlier than April here so 7 months from now) I will be in much better shape, and really really close if not in a single-digit size jean!!!!! I'm only 5' 3" so I SHOULD be in a single-digit size jean!
    O lordy lordy, wish me luck!:wink:
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    For some odd reason I find it easier this time of year through about March to stick to my eating plan and exercise regime. I find Holiday's a challenge and I always can successful drop lbs during the last quarter of the year. I had hoped to be close to my goal of losing 70lbs but have lost hardly anything since June so I'm way behind on my goal. I haven't gained which is great - just wish i were 15lbs lighter. But for next Spring I do hope to be about 145 and gearing up for my first tri!
  • Memah
    Memah Posts: 129
    I have 20.5 pounds to go, so I definitely plan to be at goal by spring. Additionally, I want to wear size 12 or 10 jeans, be toned, and have energy like I've never had before. I also want to retain a gym membership and go as many days of the week as I can.

    As far as winter is concerned, I will make a mental decision NOT to allow myself treats, too much food or to slip off this wonderful wagon, because I know the rewards. Already, with 9.5 pounds gone, I feel different and my clothes are starting to feel a little looser. I am going to pedal my recumbent bike faster and for more time every day, continue to eat well, and walk inside, including doing the steps of the three stories of my house

    I CAN DO IT. We all can. Let's be cheerleaders for one another.
  • TXmama
    TXmama Posts: 37
    I love reading all these positive, uplifting goals! So inspiring! I also plan to be at my goal weight by mid-April 2011 -- and it will put me at the lowest I've been since my VERY early 20s. I can do this, with all the wonderful support we have here at MFP!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I love this! I'm so glad you did this topic right now! You hit it on the nose! I live in Minnesota and you do just kind of shut down come snow and cold time. Then you pack on the pounds! Not gonna happen THIS year!!! I will join something for exercise! I will keep losing weight! I like your idea of single digit size jeans! It could happen. I'm shoot'n for that too! I've been there, I can get there again! Next Spring (that's no earlier than April here so 7 months from now) I will be in much better shape, and really really close if not in a single-digit size jean!!!!! I'm only 5' 3" so I SHOULD be in a single-digit size jean!
    O lordy lordy, wish me luck!:wink:

    you will be a cutie pie then.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Comes spring I want to be in a size 10.. Need your help/

    :heart: Marie
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I love this! I'm so glad you did this topic right now! You hit it on the nose! I live in Minnesota and you do just kind of shut down come snow and cold time. Then you pack on the pounds! Not gonna happen THIS year!!! I will join something for exercise! I will keep losing weight! I like your idea of single digit size jeans! It could happen. I'm shoot'n for that too! I've been there, I can get there again! Next Spring (that's no earlier than April here so 7 months from now) I will be in much better shape, and really really close if not in a single-digit size jean!!!!! I'm only 5' 3" so I SHOULD be in a single-digit size jean!
    O lordy lordy, wish me luck!:wink:

    I love your attitude!

    I live in Texas so it doesn't get nearly as cold as Minnesota...I'm hoping to do more outside workouts this season.

    And I don't find the Halloween candy to be tempting at all. Candy corns? :sick: Something about "fake" sugar like that grosses me out. The things that tempt me are peanut butter cups and chocolates. :heart:
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Ohh I like the goal of being in single digits jeans!!!!! I hope by spring I will be down 10 more lbs and have more lean muscle on my body.

    I'm going to go for the gusto and say I wanna be in a size 8 jean by Spring. It's a loft goal for me since I"m in a 12 right now but I know I can do it!

    I love this thread!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Ohh I like the goal of being in single digits jeans!!!!! I hope by spring I will be down 10 more lbs and have more lean muscle on my body.

    I'm going to go for the gusto and say I wanna be in a size 8 jean by Spring. It's a loft goal for me since I"m in a 12 right now but I know I can do it!

    I love this thread!

    I'm about the same size!
  • erin_89
    erin_89 Posts: 45
    Im hoping i would loss about 40 pounds by then. the big plus buying new clothes YAY
  • dogdaze
    dogdaze Posts: 110 Member
    I would like to be at my goal weight by June 2011 but I would much rather make progress slowly and improve my health and fitness than achieve my goal weight and then bounce back up
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    By Spring 2011, I hope to have reached my weight loss goal of 50 pounds or at least close to it. I just have to control myself this winter because the holidays are the worst time of the year. It starts with Thanksgiving and doesnt end until Valentine's Day (at least for me). So, I hope all goes will and I stay focused.
  • dreamcatcher139
    This spring, I will be at or very, very close to my goal weight. I'll be in another country with my friends for a week, and I should be able to feel comfortable in my own skin for the first time in forever. In the 3-4 years I've been trying to lose weight, winter and the holiday season have always screwed me over, every time. Thanksgiving came and it was the end of me. Not this year, though! Not 2010/2011 or ever! I've made too much progress now to just let it go to waste during the holidays. I AM losing weight and I am keeping it up through winter into spring and later because I know I can do it. Here's to achieving our goals, guys! ;D
  • AzizaBell
    I hope to definitely be at my target weight of 123 by April. Back into my size 4's (I am in size 12's now) and feeling healthy, happy, positive and more energetic. It is so great to know that other people out there are moving in a positive direction and attaining their goals - it makes me feel more confident that I CAN do this. Thank you to everyone who posts and tries to inspire other people!
  • gingermoon
    gingermoon Posts: 239 Member
    By Spring, I will be over and done with this part of life and moved on to a life of maintaining.
    I'll be back in all my size 4's and enjoy my closet again... and this time I will be staying there!
    April 1, 2011 will be one year since I started this journey.
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    hopefully, i will be able to be maintaing my goal weight. i would like to be between 120-124 so crossing my fingers that i can do this. my weight is coming off, slowly but every week it is dropping:) i would also like to try strength training exercises.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    The hardest part for me won't be the food. It will be the cold. I stayed holed up last winter, and didn't do anything unless it was absolutely necessary. I am going to try my damndest to not fall off the wagon. By April of next year, I'd love to have lost 20 lbs or more, if possible.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Well, I live in Michigan and I was born and raised in Massachusetts so I go out to see my mom at least twice a year. When i last saw her this past June..I was about 10 pounds in..now I'm going back to see her April 2011 and it would be nice to be at my goal weight or not too far off of 140. (my later goal weight might be 130-135 in a later time) but i wanna maintain at 140. :)
  • turbojanem
    i do have goals through the end of next year for my training: vacation in one week. when i get back, i plan to start a walk to run program and Brazilian Butt Lift, while continuing my Turbo Jam. Then Dec first i plan to start ChaLEAN Extreme (i love a new challenge, so this will take me through the holidays!)
    then in Feb i am going to start doing lots of biking and running while core strength training. as soon as i can hit the lakes in March, i will kayak, bike and run....all in preparation for a Kayak-a-lon the end of April. i will then go back to ChaLEAN Extreme May 1st through the beginning of Sept while kayaking, boating, swimming all summer. the beginning of Sept i will do my first round of P90X....and back to ChaLENE Extreme through the holidays again.
    all my exercising has purpose...a healthy lifestyle, not to just get me to a goal. i want movement and eating healthy (not eating out of bags/boxes or processed foods) to be a life long choice. i have never been a fitness nut. exercised from time to time, but never with much planning or purpose. now that i am 43, i want to be the second half of my life to be a life of fitness and tending to my temple.
  • TraceB
    TraceB Posts: 26 Member
    Under 200!