Hi people

Hi everyone!! My name is Que. I am a 37 years young, educator. I work all the time, take classes, and I try to get a nap in, whenever I can!
Well, I am have been pretty fit most of my life. After graduating from college, I worked 3 jobs, working 120 hours a week, just to keep the lights on. I did not see the 40+ pounds come on over those 4 years.. I have not been able to get rid of it.. In June, I started working out with a great group of people at the fitnes bootcamp I go to. I have not lost any pounds, but am starting to tone more. Now, just have to work on eating better. I am getting there.. Hopefully, this will help. My sister is getting married next May, so I am trying to order a size 16 dress come Jan/Feb. We shall see!!!


  • lynne_p
    lynne_p Posts: 173 Member
    Welcome, Que! Wow -- you worked three jobs?!? That shows a lot of determination! You'll find a lot of support, enthusiasm and encouragement here. If I can be of any help to you, don't hesitate to ask. You can add me as a friend if you like and we'll kick these pounds together! :happy:
  • AzizaBell
    If you can work 120 hours per week, you can exercise at least 5 hours per week. Set aside time each day for exercise that is non-negotiable. If you had plans otherwise, you wouldn't cancel them - DON'T cancel your exercise time. I have been exercising regularly for two weeks now and already feel the difference - you will too! I have 30 pounds to lose - seems like a HUGE undertaking (no pun intended!!) but I just take it one day at a time. Best of luck to you!!! :blushing:
  • deelava
    Hi Que,
    I am new on here too. So far I am really liking the accountability of the whole thing. I refrained from having a brownie today because I knew I would have to write it into my food journal. We will help each other reach those goals!
    All the best,