Booper83 Member


  • I like Ripped in 30 more, but 30 day shred is pretty good. Ripped in 30 is more intense. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Try a fresh juice cleanse. You need a good juicer, lots of fresh produce, some white tea, and a few great juicing recipes. This is a good resource I have Dr. Oz's 48 hour juice cleanse from his website, but I'm nervous that I'm going to buy all the ingredients and not being able to drink the…
  • And, sorry to say, but it's Monday! You are allowed to be tired! I understand that when crabby mood to exercise to feel better. Maybe instead of the treadmill, go for a walk outside or in the mall? Something to really boost you and get vitamin D or increase your seratonin uptake? I know the treadmill would not really help…
  • Looking for motivation. Add me if you want! :)
  • Wow! That's a tough one! I used to do the 60 second rice with frozen veggies. Or a salad in a bag. Or a wrap with basically a salad in it if you want more carbs. If I was really poor, I'd eat frozen veggies. If you need more ideas for a poor college student, let me know.
  • These might help. Sounds great to me!
  • You use wishbone, so stay with that just use a light salad dressing. They still taste good and much better than the fat free. And, remember avacado has a lot of fat as well. And the Kraft fat free cheddar is really good too instead of the regular cheese.
  • Well, breafast has fruit, yogurt, cereal; and lunch has salads and such. Those aren't as hard. The difficult part is dinner! All the dinner foods are fabulous and you want to eat all of it and try more things. Good luck on staying on track with the cruise. Remember, once you are off the ship, you are walking everywhere,…
  • Veggies or a fruit that is mostly water like watermelon.
  • Start measuring your body and see if there's a difference. And the weightt might be gaining muscle and losing fat.
  • I was concerned for you. So I did a google search. Here are some answers and the website where I found them. 1. Dietary imbalances which results in constipation or a deficiency of zinc or magnesium are other causes of body odor. Foods like garlic, onion, spicy foods, coffee and alcohol are also important causes.…
  • It just sounds like you are sleeping funny. Take potassium and a multi-vatimin, drink water and remember to stretch your arms as well. If that doesn't help, consult your doctor. Exercies should not cause arm numbess.
  • Have you tried Truvia or any of those sugar substitutes that are healthy with 0 calaries?
  •,,, you can just google healthy recipes and a bunch of sites come up. Hope this helps!
  • Maybe the carbs you are eating. Or sugar. The experts say it's usually that. Or, if you work out a lot, it could be stomach acid building up. Try less carbs/sugar and see what happens.
  • You're so thin already. OK, what does this fasting include? I get hungry for dinner, but my bf is out of town, so I don't have a realy motivation to eat or anything at night. But, if I don't eat lunch, I'll pig out at dinner! I already know that about myself!
  • i gain 5-8 pounds that week every month, but it never lasts.
  • Not sure on the calories. But, I know it takes away from the vitamins you get from the veggies and fruits. I think that's why people go to the raw diet. But, I'm sure more people have input.
  • Maybe turn into a game with the kiddos if they are old enough. They get to pick the next game if you eat something of their's, they get an extra time playing something they love if you eat something, they get more time outside if you eat something. If you tell them it is for you to be healthy but because they are kids they…
  • There's a workout for carrying household items. That's what I used when I moved.
  • I googled this for you. Try eating these and see if you feel better. And then, workout too. It won't hurt to workout, just don't push yourself too hard. Your doctor may recommend a diet filled with iron-rich foods and a multivitamin with iron if you're mildly anemic. The foods with the highest iron content are: Meat,…
    in Mono Comment by Booper83 March 2011
  • You could try aerobics high impact if you are constantly moving. But, not too sure because I don't have it.
  • That's awesome! Life gets in the way and I can't always get near a computer. I don't have a phone that has the application and my internet is really slow on my phone to upload this whole site sometimes. Awesome job!!!
  • Well, my goal is 135 and I'm 5'4''. I wish I could be 125, but I don't think I could get there because I enjoy happy hour and a beer at the beach too much! :) I have 5 more pounds to go. I think it just depends on your body type being 5'4''-5'5''. I am larged boned, but wish I wasn't! :) But a lot of people can't believe I…
  • Stretch! Sounds like your muscles are REALLY sore. Stretch them. Try getting a yoga video if needed to help with stretch ideas. You're are pushing too much and not stretching your muscles. Hope this helps!
  • I don't know about blood sugar levels. But, I do cook with an organic apple cider vinagar and it's really good. You just have to shake it first. Yummy in salad dressing too. Just make it for that specific salad, don't make it and store it, doesn't store right.
  • Sounds like you need more water throughout the day, or yes, you are pushing yourself too hard. Sometimes when I run, I'll feel like that. I have also heard, that it is acid build up. Instead of getting cramps, you feel like you are going to throw up. No, don't push yourself. You can overheat. Good luck, but be safe!
  • Coffee creamer is my bad thing I allow everyday. I can't live without coffee, so I just add it and deal. Something gotta give and it will never be my creamer! ;)
  • I don't know anything about an IUD. But, you can have too much fiber. If I were you, I'd go see your doctor about it. And maybe take a taxative. Not safe at all to be backed up. Could cause other issues. I would totally go see your doc. And coffee helps me.
  • 100 sticks! Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods