

  • I have a Polar FT6. I love it. I hate to go to the gym without it on. My mom has one and she loves hers also.
  • I know. I wish mine could say that also.....
  • At my office. I keep it at my work so that I am not led to weigh all the time. It stays here and then I weigh on Wednesday am when I come in. No more until the next Wednesday.
  • I made her cheesy potato soup tonight. OMG is all I can say. It was awesome. It says it makes 4 servings and I was only able to eat 1 serving and I was STUFFED. It was great.
  • I am going to be trying the Cheddar Cheesy Potato Soup tomorrow night for dinner. I figured it out and without adding the extra sour cream or bacon at the end, it is 385 calories for one serving. I will be trying that one.
  • When I first read it, I was skeptical also. These recipes all look great and yummy. Can't wait. I love my comfort food......
  • If you type strength in the cardio box it will come up with strength training and then you can add your time in there just like you would walking.
  • You need to eat some of them to reach what MFP says should be your calorie intake. Say you have a 1700 calorie intake. You burn off 700 working out. That only leaves you 1,000 calories for intake. That will put your body into starvation mode. You need to eat some but not all of them back. I usually make it a habit to eat…
  • It has taken me a while to get into that mentality also. But now that I am there, I am loving it. When I work out I get the extra calories then I can have my fun stuff (m & m's, fat free vanilla ice cream, all the yummy stuff). I now make it an effort to work out so that I can have the extra calories. Even if it means…
  • Are you taking into account your exercise calories and eating them back. I have noticed that since exercising regularly and making sure I eat at least half of my exercise calories back, I have dropped at least 1 lb a week, I am set up for 2 lbs a week but will take what I can get. If you have a total of 1200 that you can…
  • 6 am - Wake, tend to dogs, get dressed etc 7:30 am - Leave for work 8 am - arrive work 4:30 pm - leave work 5 pm - pick up mom for gym 5:30 - arrive at gym 7 - leave gym 7:30 pm - arrive back at home 8 - eat dinner (hubby usually has it fixed or almost done when I get home) 9 - 11 - shower and tv time with hubby and dogs…
  • I hit 35 yo and 333 lbs. Had a horrible time this summer when I took my nieces and nephews to a local park to play and decided that was it. I wanted to be able to run and play with them because the oldest is 11 yo and I have been heavy his entire life. I am 11 lbs away from my first goal of 295 which will put me under 300…
  • When I make it I will have to modify a little and remove the mushroom and onions. They do not agree with me very well (I know TMI). :ohwell: It does sound awesome though. THANKS
  • The exercise bikes we have at our gym, let us bump up the levels/resistances even when they are in fat burning or cardio mode. I always just use the manual and then adjust as my hrm tells me too.
  • I have a Polar FT 4 or 6 can't remember. Mine has the chest strap. I think you have to wear it one day when you are NOT working out so that it can calculate the normal heart rate. After that, you can calculate calories burned, time doing workout. I love mine. It is super easy and my mom just got one exactly like it for…
  • In my personal opinion, you don't need that destructive person in your life. Yes she may have taken the easy way out, but to me, you are doing it the easy way. You can still eat what you want, how you and and you will be LOTS healthier than she will be. I hope she has talked to people who have had that surgery and where…
  • I have the same problem, mine is walking not running, but I am going to have to go to the doctor. It hurts if I straighten it. It hurts if I bend it. My big problem is is that the knee is the one I banged up really badly in a car wreck about 4 years ago. I am hoping it is only sprained and if I rest if for a while it will…
  • My boredom problem is not only at work but a lot at home. I know that I have a boatload of stuff I could be doing at home but I still feel bored. Make sense. That is when I can really sabotage myself. Sometime I have to go in my bedroom and just stay there and play on the computer so that I don't see the food ads that they…
  • I used to be on Yahoo messenger but now I used gmail messenger because I can talk to my mom. I usually keep apples behind my desk to snack on if I get hungry (bored) or even craisins that I measure out. I also keep the water handy.
  • I have found I have to get up and exercise in order to lose. If I don't move, I don't lose.....
  • Yes I was. I thought it was my computer but when I realized it was them, I just about lost it.... AAAAAAAAA
  • I was just to the exact same thing. I am allergic to life. I was also told as of Jan 1 I had to eliminate Oats, Wheat, Soy, Nuts, Tomatoes and Rice. Basically anything that would be healthy..... ugh.... I was just getting ready to make a post about this but I am glad you did. I will be following this one closely and will…
  • I really like Airplanes To me a lot Nickleback and 3 Doors Down get me moving. I live Daugherty also.
  • I have the same problem and I just work through it. I have noticed a difference when I was doing PIYO (Pilates/Yoga). It helped to stretch all that area out. It hurt to stretch it but it felt so much better afterward. I also see a chiropractor and massage therapist and they help a lot also.
  • I totally understand. I have a job that I set all day at and I didn't realize how bad my weight had gotten until someone took a picture of me setting at work and it made me sick. I am also on emotional/boredom eater. I personally think that is the hardest to break. I noticed that today I was so busy that I didn't have time…
  • I am in for it. I will try anything once. heeeeee
  • There are also purebreds at shelters. Miniature Pinschers are also active. If you get one from a shelter or rescue, they can tell you how energetic the dog will be. Home for the Holidays - 'Till they all have homes.
  • you can set in your seat in the car and are able to use the cup holder without putting your drink in the holder farthest from you. I didn't even notice until I was getting in my car and set my drink down and realized it was in my cup holder and not tipped to the side. YEAH me. I am also with the bra thing. It is great. And…
  • I don't know anything about this brand. I have a Polar that has the chest strap. It fits right where my bra fits on my chest so I really don't notice any thing. I hope that helps.
  • I have noticed that the days I use the elliptical that my back kills me.