ATTN: People with Full-Time Jobs!



  • Shawnalee0703
    I think I've got it made... But I want to get to maintenance so I don't have to KILL IT every week to keep it off, I will kill it now so I will have time to breathe when we have kids and I have my own classroom, ok so I won't be having much breathing time but then I will look at the gym as "my time" to think and get out frustrations and what not. Working out is what you make it. Do what you can and just watch your calories and the quality of the foods you are eating. You will be fine.

    Up for work between 530 and 7 (depending on where I am subbing that day)
    Off to work between 630 and 815 (again depending on where I am subbing)
    Off between 230 and 4 (again depending on where I am subbing) *7.5 hrday*
    snack as soon as the kids leave the school then straight to the gym between 3 and 5
    Home to make my juice and clean up between 430 and 630
    Then dinner usually before 730.
    Bed between 1030 and 12 (I am a night owl and don't tire easily)

    I do NOT always know my work schedule the day before, let alone the week before. This means I have to plan all meals ahead of time and pack for the gym and my snacks and lunch before bed... just in case something comes up .
    I workout during the week 3-4 times and once on the weekends.... on a good week.
    I think ya should just make the best with what you can! :-D Even if it's a quick workout before dinner in your living room or a walk on your lunch and then plan a BIG gym day on the weekend. Do what you can, don't stress about it. Eat well and you will be fine. Also, if you are going to cram in a workout during the week make it the best it can be, do crazy intervals or BUSY heart throbbing circuits (obviously not on lunch hehe unless it's long enough to shower)! Make it a GOOD one. And make it fun! :-D Good luck!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I have a very tight schedule, plus I am on call alot as well, so no working out when I am on call.
    I do not work out much during the week ...

    I would suggest scheduling longer workouts on the weekends for yourself when you have time to fit them in... and schedule 1 night a week to get a home workout in. You can also try one night a week to go to the gym... and just let hubby or family be on their own for dinner, make a crock pot, etc. You NEED to make yourself a priority or it will NEVER happen!

    I love ya... and Im not being harsh. For example this is my schedule ...

    Up at 6am
    Leave house at 7am
    (one hour drive to work)
    On call and work frrom 8-6pm
    If I go to gym ... no one gets dinner made.
    I eat dinner then at 9-10pm....

    I run on Tuesday for about 1 hour..... and I "try" for Thursdays... but it doesnt always happen to be honest. Sundays have been my long run (so I havent been working out on Saturdays, but I used to run and go to the gym on Saturday and have that be my big workout day.

    Get some activity during the day if you can ... take the stairs.... go for a walk ... go squats, lunges, pushups, etc!

    Good luck! Much luv!
  • Shawnalee0703
    I have a very tight schedule, plus I am on call alot as well, so no working out when I am on call.
    I do not work out much during the week ...

    I would suggest scheduling longer workouts on the weekends for yourself when you have time to fit them in... and schedule 1 night a week to get a home workout in. You can also try one night a week to go to the gym... and just let hubby or family be on their own for dinner, make a crock pot, etc. You NEED to make yourself a priority or it will NEVER happen!

    I love ya... and Im not being harsh. For example this is my schedule ...
    I completely agree... in order for you to be able to give your all to others you need to be 100% committed to YOU. You will work it out. :-D Just make the best of it.
  • Shawnalee0703
    I just don't get HOW you do it?!!! How do you find time to exercise when you have a full-time job??!!!

    A breakdown of my schedule:
    4:30am - Wake up and get ready for work
    5:30am - Leave for work
    6:30am - 5:00pm Work
    6:30pm - Get home from work, make dinner
    9:00pm - Slowly dying, crawling for my bed...

    I would even throw in the lunch workout but unless I skip lunch altogether, its impossible since my company has a "no eating at your desk" policy, which I admit helps cut down on snacking, but makes it hard to fit in a lunch-time workout sesh.

    Any suggestions what I can do???!!!
    What about a small snack on the way to the gym after work or on the way home, wherever you workout.... get in 30 min and head home to make dinner..... maybe? I eat and drive all the time lol if that's the only time I can get it in.... so be it ;)
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I work out between 8:00-9:00 p.m. after my daughter goes to bed. Not ideal, but it's what I've got. I'm up by 6:00 a.m., teach on my feet all day, come home, help w/ homework while making dinner, do dishes and some housework, then help get her ready for bed.

    I will say that after building up my stamina from working out, I am able to get through my day a lot more easily.
  • Shawnalee0703
    I just don't get HOW you do it?!!! How do you find time to exercise when you have a full-time job??!!!

    A breakdown of my schedule:
    4:30am - Wake up and get ready for work
    5:30am - Leave for work
    6:30am - 5:00pm Work
    6:30pm - Get home from work, make dinner
    9:00pm - Slowly dying, crawling for my bed...

    I would even throw in the lunch workout but unless I skip lunch altogether, its impossible since my company has a "no eating at your desk" policy, which I admit helps cut down on snacking, but makes it hard to fit in a lunch-time workout sesh.

    Any suggestions what I can do???!!!
    What about a small snack on the way to the gym after work or on the way home, wherever you workout.... get in 30 min and head home to make dinner..... maybe? I eat and drive all the time lol if that's the only time I can get it in.... so be it ;)
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Wow! Some of these schedules are nuts!

    I work 8:30-5 and go to school part time but I find the time to work out. I have to or I'd lose my mind.

    Some tricks I use:
    Cook a couple different meals Sunday and Monday and pack them up in tupperware. That way you have options for lunch AND dinner.

    Pack your gym clothes!

    Find a gym in the same neighborhood of your job and tell yourself you'll do at least 30 minutes Monday, Wednesday, Friday (or whatever...)

    If you have the option of eating at your desk, use your break times to go for walks or go up and down stairs!

    Find DVDs you like and do them after dinner/before bed.

    GOOD LUCK! Make time for yourself and your health!
  • deeanne22
    OMG 4:30am

    I get up at 6:15 / 6:30am

    Start work at 8:30 and leave at 5.

    Get home about 5:30pm.

    Do an hour exercise and then put on the dinner.

    Bed at 10 and and hour of my slendertone in bed with the tv on
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    If I workout in the morning my schedule goes like this:

    4:00-4:15 Get up and workout
    5:00 Shower and get ready for work
    6:15-6:30 Head to work
    7:00-5:00 Work (an hour lunchbreak, I am going to start walking when it warms up)
    5:30-9:00 Dinner, cleaning, laundry, whatever

    My husband and I are going to start working out at night together, we have plenty of time after dinner.
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    here is my day ..genearlly, this is how my day goes

    5:30am - Wake up and get ready for work
    6:30am - Leave for work
    7:30am - 4:00pm Work
    5:00pm - Get home from work, set up computer so I can continue to work as needed through evening
    5:30pm - 6:30 workout a couple of times a week
    6:30pm - Make dinner
    8:00pm - Make lunches (while hubby cleans and does dishes)
    8:30pm - sit and relax while answering emails and monitoring for issues
    10:00pm - go to bed and get ready to start again next day

    It certainly isn't easy.. dr appts, errrands.. all sorts of things can derail you. I am fortunate that I don't have young kids at home, my husband is very supportive and doesn't mind waiting until after I work out for me to make dinner and he does alot around the house to help me out.

    But now that I read what I do, I think I am ready for a nap.. :laugh:
  • LMac423
    LMac423 Posts: 82
    You can do it, girlfriend! You just need to get into a routine. My schedules are kinda crazy, too...but it makes my day go super quick and it makes me really appreciate the weekends!

    4:30a- wakeup
    5-6:30 - gym
    7:30-4- work
    5:30-9 either grad class (M/W) or coaching high school cheerleading (T/R/F)
    9:45- sleep

    It is super intimidating to start out doing a strict schedule but once you get into it, if you don't do part of it you feel like something's missing out of your day. You'll find how to work it in! =)
  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    I work 2 jobs - a full-time job and a part-time job, so I often have days where I leave the house around 7:30 and return at 8:00pm. This is one of my biggest struggles.

    I've found that I need to schedule it in and I treat it no differently than work. I can't decide one day that I just don't want to go to work, so I keep that mind-set with working out. I get home at 8:15sh and head down to the treadmill. Done around 9:30, shower and bed.
  • aschultz9
    I get up early and work out every morning, even if I only have 20 minutes I still do it. It takes a while to get into the habit, but it is part of my day now and I really feel "off" if I don't and it affects the rest of my day. I work out in my basement so it is more convenient than going to a gym.
  • doggiemomma
    6 am - Wake, tend to dogs, get dressed etc
    7:30 am - Leave for work
    8 am - arrive work
    4:30 pm - leave work
    5 pm - pick up mom for gym
    5:30 - arrive at gym
    7 - leave gym
    7:30 pm - arrive back at home
    8 - eat dinner (hubby usually has it fixed or almost done when I get home)
    9 - 11 - shower and tv time with hubby and dogs (also computer work if I need to)
    11 pm - bedtime

    I make it work. I just decided that I have to do it or I will never get rid of all this junk on me. I have lost 25 lbs in 4 months doing this schedule. You just have to force yourself. Someone once told me "I wish I had your determination." I didn't think I had it until I just up and MADE myself do it.

    Good luck.
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    I work my exercise into my commute. I have a 30 minute walk to my bus in the morning, and about a 10 minute walk in the afternoon. If I leave early, I can add another 20 in the morning, and another 10 in the afternoon, to further bus-stops.
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    OMG.. nice to see I'm not alone on this.. I struggle sooo much trying to get anything in. I also work full time and have my son exclusively with me 50% of the time. Between work, my son, his school, after school activities, playdates, etc.. I hardly have time to do anything. On the mornings that I don't have him, here is my schedule. I'll admit I'm not always 100% on in getting my butt out of bed to go to the gym. But I'm working on getting better....

    5:15am - wake
    5:40am - gym
    6:45am - home to get ready for work
    8am - leave for work
    7pm(ish) - home from work, errands, appointments etc.
    10pm - lights out

    Sundays are my big workout day where I have the time to do mulitple things like go to the gym, get outside for a walk, play Wii. It's definitely hard. Having so little time to work out I feel like I need to be extra vigilant with my food.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I've had this problem in the past. But right now my boyfriend and I do not work the same days or the exact same times. Since I get off work 2 hours before him on wed-fri, I get my workout in right after work and he works sat and sun 9-5 so I workout whenever on those days.

    my wed schedule (which is totally crazy considering we game on tues and I don't get nearly enough sleep!)
    5:45 wake up
    6:10 leave for work
    7-3 work
    3:30- 5:30 class
    6:30-8 belly dancing

    my schedule thur-fri
    5:45 wake up
    6:10 leave for work
    7-3 work
    3:30 gym
    5 home

    9ish wakeup
    10-12ish gym
    then whatever :)
  • zach1356
    zach1356 Posts: 13 Member
    I feel your pain on this, but find a routine and stick to it and you won't even think it's a chore anymore.

    7am-7pm work (includes commute)

    7-7:30 eat, take 1 scoop Jack3d.

    8-9:30 gym

    10 sleep

    Try taking a preworkout supplement like Jack3d before your workouts. It makes you want to go the gym and gives you energy. Highly recommended. I couldn't lift heavy *kitten* weights 5 times a week for PRs without it.
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    Thanks fo all the tips everybody!!! It helps to see I'm no the only one with a wacko schedule!!! I think I need to get into the habit of working out right when I get home from work. Maybe make easier dinners, crock pots were a grrrrreat idea! I just don't want to get into the habit of eating out after work all the time because it really puts on the lbs. Thanks again! :flowerforyou:
  • monstertwelve
    my day goes like this...

    5:00am-5:30am - get up and get ready
    5:30am-6:30am - go for a walk
    6:30am-2:30pm - working full time job
    2:30pm-7:00pm - working part time job
    7:00pm-9:00pm - exercise some more
    9:00pm-9:30pm - get food ready for the next day
    9:30pm-till next day - SLEEP!!!

    its crazy but...can be done!