

  • one night isn't going to ruin it. It sucks, but just focus on this feeling and learn so it doesn't happen next time.
  • I love supporting fellow MFPers :)
  • good core strength is benefit all other types of workouts. I don't see why a certain body shouldn't do them. has some amazing ones
  • few days? FEW DAYS. That is nothing! Don't you even think about beating yourself up for a few days. We all need slip days every once in awhile. Going completely overboard for extended periods of time is the problem, not a few days to a bit of guilty indulgence. You are doing great, tomorrow is a new day. Hit it harder then…
  • Steel Cut Oats are delicious and easy to make a bunch over the weekend :)
  • Ice, handful of kale, some plain greek yogurt and whatever fruits i happen to have around. Turns it a crazy color of green but I have never tasted it. It is so nutritious and I found that I will stay fuller longer when I add spinach or kale :)
  • Vegetarian for five years. Recently been finding ways to up my protein since MFP's limit is WAY too low for my workouts. I think you need to add me for my diary but I'm pretty proud of my vegetarianism and diet. :)
  • Oh my gosh, that stir fry sounds amazing!
  • In my smoothies I usually add frozen berries or a banana AND another fruit. I think the Kale has a bit more flavor than spinach but with those fruit options I have never noticed it. I do blend it a little longer because there tends to be more Kale flecks than spinach.
  • is this what you were talking about?
  • I have tried Vegan and I 100% fully support it (however, my bank account and dorm dining plan did not). I am a vegetarian (5 years) and have never once had heath issues with it. If you want a good vegan diet ideas and why it is good the book Skinny ***** is fabulous. There are so many soy, dairy-free alternatives that…
  • COOKIE BUTTER. I swear, I could die of happiness to eat that all day, every day. YUM.
  • Add some nuts to get the fats in? or avocado?
  • It's amazing! I love it.
  • BLOGILATES! She has TONS of ab videos (and tons of everything, really) - it is one of my favorite workout sites.
  • Have you tried the fake "meat" products? I am a vegetarian because I just don't like the taste of meat and don't want it in my body but in order to up my protein I have been trying some - they aren't too bad. Might be worth checking out? Also - Morningstar Chipotle Black Bean burgers are TO DIE FOR. :)
  • That smoothie is killer! Whoa! My breakfasts lately have been protein smoothie/shakes from home. 1 cup chobani, 1 scoop protein powder, some spinach and whatever fruits we have around the house. So I know what is in there and the only carbs I am getting are from fruit! Smoothies are super easy meals but most smoothie…
  • Also! I was getting 50 - 60g daily because that was the MFP goal but working out and keeping healthy I've been told I should be AT LEAST 100 if not more. So FYI I do think these goals are pretty low :\
  • I have been a vegetarian for five years and yeah, finding protein sucks! I do greek yogurt, protein powder, eggs (Fake eggs from Costco - 30 cal and 6g protein! YAY), low fat cheese, tofu and I am trying out tofu meat products (tofurkey, tofu dogs, fake sausage - I am vegetarian because I don't like the taste of meat so…
  • It definitely varies, but if you wanted to get an "idea"... I used Not sure how reliable it is. I came up with about 600 cal/hr and my instructor burns 800+/hr with a HRM.
  • Could it just be a matter of cutting down on water? That may sound stupid. I don't know. Personally, I drink a ton of water throughout the day but stop two or three hours before I go run because if I have too much I feel off and then as soon as I am done I get water.
  • I'm 19, gained 30 pounds last year living in the dorms (gahhh, even when trying to eat good!) going into my senior year of university next month. I've completely changed my eating habits and kicked up workouts and am pretty proud of how i have been doing even if the scale hasn't been changing as much as i would like it…
  • See, I usually reach that goal, too. But it is A LOT lower than a few nutritionist and fitness leaders have suggested to me based on my activities. So it is frustrating because I THINK I am doing so good haha. Thanks!
  • Does anyone know of store that sell it? Or how I could find out? I want to try it!
  • Level 1 was pretty disappointing, but the other levels were a big step up. I didn't actually lose any weight from it - but it definitely made me stronger (especially my arms - it was awesome!) so I felt like it was pretty motivating.
  • Yeah, I am getting a house next year instead of the dorms because I hate not being able to cook my own meals and having all the bad foods so accessible!
  • Thanks! I've taken whey protein but I am really sensitive to dairy but every nutrition store I have been to seem really against soy products.
  • I love doing Zumba, Yoga (have you tried SUP Yoga! So much fun!), The easiest for me though is running on an elliptical or treadmill, when I do those I watch episodes of the Biggest Loser which takes my mind off the running but is also super motivational (If Jillian and Bob are yelling at the contestants to…
  • I had a lot of problems doing BodyRock's January challenge because it involved a lot of jumping and some days my knees could just not take it - but when I did 30DS I had on shoes with better support and was just really conscious about how I landed on jumps. She gives modifications on some of the moves that need them. It is…
  • I was just required to have a dining plan so avoiding it would just waste my money. Thats what I did - as a vegetarian there really weren't many options anyways for me so I mostly stuck to the salad bar. It is mostly just being around friends who eat so much junk food and absent mindedly study snacking, I think!