

  • allenaceattorney

    If you want it to be an exact duplicate of pasta you'll be pretty disappointed (At least I was at first)

    This is 100% true. It's usually best not to try and shoehorn healthy ingredients into less healthy recipes...the results are often disappointing and will leave you craving the real thing.

    I find it's good to appreciate each thing on its own rather than try to make it a stand-in for something else. You're acknowledging how much you want that thing, and that can't be good for cravings. Turkey bacon is not bacon, mashed cauliflower is not mashed potatoes, and spaghetti squash is most definitely not spaghetti.

    It think it's best to find some recipe that is made for spaghetti squash. If you want to do a mock pasta, use a sauce more suited for the sweet flavor of squash rather than what you always used for spaghetti.
    I serve shrimp scampi over spaghetti squash instead of pasta, and in my opinion it tastes better. I also like it as a side dish with a bit of fake butter and some herbs, or just salt and pepper.

    This is off topic, but smittenkitten, you're really hot. Wanna go out sometime?
  • KimInsanityP
    Any way to get the seeds out without destroying the inside?
  • fantm
    fantm Posts: 87 Member
    You can also add pesto sauce (homemade or store bought) and it's pretty good too. My fave is just adding some olive oil and salt.
  • Lazygal53
    Lazygal53 Posts: 294 Member
  • Chip10k
    Chip10k Posts: 57 Member
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    Anyone suggests on how to cook the squash without a microwave? I'm microwave-less.
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    Poke the whole squash and stick it in the oven for about an hour at 350 or till soft.

    Then take out, let it cool, cut in half and shred it to bits. There you go! Make sure you poke the squash before cooking it it can go boom otherwise and its not pretty.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Throw any type of pasta sauce on spaghetti squash and you can't go wrong. I like making a veggie "meat" sauce with a basic marinara base and a meat replacement and it is so good, and SO filling. I do recommend pairing with some form of protein in order to feel full longer, but spaghetti squash on it's own is fairly filling.

    Roast the seeds too! Don't throw them out. They taste delicious!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I eat it like once a day...for real. Besides using it as an alternative for pasta, I sautee it in olive oil & garlic. Serve cold with olives, tomatoes and cucumbers cut up. Its awesome!

    I eat it once a day too. At least. I use it everywhere. It's great in curries or anywhere we would eat rice. Really good with chili too.

    Oh, and caramelized onions.

    And sauteed with greens.

    Or with fried eggs and bacon.

    Do I need to go on? Lol...
  • KimInsanityP
    This was the recipe i did for my first try and it came out really really good, I'm so excited to have found this. So simple and healthy!!!

    preheat oven 350 degrees. Take one spaghetti squash, slice it length wise. Scoop out the seeds, spread butter (or butter substitute) over each half (of the inside). Place flesh side down on a cookie sheet. Bake one hour. Using a fork, loosen the flesh into spaghetti like strands. They form automatically, hence the name Spaghetti Squash. Serve with butter and pepper. This was the simplest recipe I found
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Has anyone ever tried it asian style, like part of a stir fry dish?
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    Poke the whole squash and stick it in the oven for about an hour at 350 or till soft.

    Then take out, let it cool, cut in half and shred it to bits. There you go! Make sure you poke the squash before cooking it it can go boom otherwise and its not pretty.
    Thanks! I've been wanting to try this for a while now.
  • enb5056
    enb5056 Posts: 31
    I loveee spaghetti squash! It is my favorite, if i make it once a week I can have it in the refridgerator and use it for all sorts of meals. Of course its great with just marinara but I love to toss it with some salt, pepper, herbs (such as oregano, parsley, italian things, i have a garden so I go outside and go bananas with the herbs) and then maybe throw in some zucchini (having a garden= zucchini in everything) , and sun dried tomatoes to give it a burst of acidity ^-^
  • sefrank
    sefrank Posts: 26 Member
  • oOMusicBabii
    Obvious choice is as a spaghetti substitute.

    But other than that, I enjoy sauteing up some onions and garlic (maybe some mushrooms) then toss the 'shredded' squash in and call it yum.
  • goodbyerachel
    It's amazing! I love it.