Trouble in Ab-land

Okay, so here goes. I am 240 pounds, 5'8" tall, and an "apple" being that I carry most of my weight around my midsection. I need advice on ab workouts/exercises. I have trouble with all exercises designed for that area. Aside from little crunches that I can do, everything else is impossible. I have had a back injury in the past and know that to help that I need to strengthen my core, yet not over-do it and injure my back again. I was exercising to a dvd and there were some ab moves called "windsheild wipers", everytime I did one I was like an inch worm and scooted on the floor. I think this is because I'm trying too hard and lower my legs too much, I lowered my range of motion and that seemed to help. Then there is the bicycle crunch. I find these impossible to do. I wind up flailing around and accomlishing nothing. I guess what I'm looking for here is advice. Should I stick with it and do what I can or should I look into other exercises? Is it possible for my core to be so weak that a mere 3 repetitions seems impossible? I was just wondering if there were any trainers out there who could help me. Also if there are people out there about my build (or used to be(good job)), did you run into this and if so what did you do to overcome it.

On somewhat of the same note I know that it is important to build the muscle under the fat and since most of my fat is around my midsection I'm feeling completely lost at this point.

Any and all advice would be appreciated.

Also, I only log on once a day so I won't be reading replies again until this time tomorrow so I thank you for your help in advance.

Thank you so much. M


  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I wonder if maybe you should look at focusing on cardio more. If you have a tummy, building those muscles, while great for you, may actually make the tummy look bigger. If you move to cardio - elliptical, walking, jogging if you can get up to it, swimming such that your heart rate is higher, then you'll shed some fat and make it easier on your body to do the strength exercises. If, while exercising, you also focus on keeping your core tight, that will help too.

    That and stay within your calorie guidelines, promoting a slow steady drop in weight.

    I'm a firm believer in get rich quick, get poor quick - in other words, if you make dramatic changes and lose a tonne of weight, I think you're more likely to gain it back. If you slowly train yourself into a healthy life pattern, then you will earn your riches, and be less likely to squander them away.

    I'm not a professional. So please take my advice as just one friend to another.

    All the best!
  • kdward83
    kdward83 Posts: 32
    Try elbow planks. They are great for your core on their own, or you can add some pelvic tilts to make it tougher.
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    This works the abs like crazy..i am in pain bahaha

    and leg lifts also work the abs, if lifting both legs at the same time is to hard..keep one knee bent while lifting the other leg it still works the abs.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Try elbow planks. They are great for your core on their own, or you can add some pelvic tilts to make it tougher.

    ^This! You can also lay on your back, with your feet on the floor as close to your butt as you can get them (comfortably-ish), knees together and then lift one leg in the air so that it is straight (still with knees tight together) with your toe pointed, put your hands together (like you are praying) on your stomach and then lift your but off the floor and hold it for 20 seconds. Then do the other foot. You could probably try it with both feet on the floor at first. Good luck and do some cardio for sure.
  • chizumlassstar
    chizumlassstar Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you everybody for the advice so far. I probably should have mentioned that I am cardio crazy. Meaning that I love cardio. I haven't always but for the last three weeks (minus one day) I have done at least 20 minutes of cardio every night after work. I know they say don't work out before bed but it works for me. After my endorphins come down I sleep like a bear. Anywho, I usually do Jillian's kick-boxing fast fix (20)min, sometimes if I'm feeling a little mellow I do "dance off the inches sizzling salsa (30 min, and yes I know its silly but its fun, as long as no one sees me lol), and then I also have 2 other jillian dvds that I rotate in if I'm feeling bored with the regular ones. On weekends I try to walk for at least 30 minutes and then I jog a little bit during my walk. Just enough to get my heartrate and breathing up but not enough to give me shin splints or side aches. So, long story short, yes I do cardio, should have said that in the beginning but it just seems really akward everytime I go into an "ab circuit" and can't even complete 30 seconds or a few repetitions of the exercise:grumble: . I think I'm just really unfit in that area and will try to do my best and hope that it gets easier and I can do more and so on and so forth. I think I just have a really, REALLY weak core and its really out of shape and will take longer to "tone" than my arms and legs because I don't use it as often as them. Anyways, keep shooting me advice. I really appreciate it and will take it to heart.

    Thank you.
  • goodbyerachel
    BLOGILATES! She has TONS of ab videos (and tons of everything, really) - it is one of my favorite workout sites.
  • kdward83
    kdward83 Posts: 32
    Just a little encourement for you....I am currently pretty week in my core also, but years back I got really into working out and I noticed my abs were the part of the body that improved the fastest when I worked hard and kept at it. It's just tremendously hard in the beginning. Well I think I just talked myself into putting a little more focus on mine! lol
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I am middle weight heavy with the same build as you. I also have lower back trouble and just know its because of the extra middle weight. I lose every where first except my middle. its always last.
    At the beginning I just did cardio.. as the weight started coming off, I use 5lb hand weights to start off. straight legs back and arms, start with the weights in both hands, on the floor between your feet swing straight out and up above your head, from above your head, same movement,out and down until you are back between your feet. This is called the chopping block motion. . You will mostly feel your lower stomach muscles work as you are lifting up. I started fast at first a few reps. now I uped the weights and do it slower as i go up and sometimes hold the weights straight out halfway up.
    Boxing with the weights to move your waist is a good one too.
    Another one I do (at the beginning, I could not even lift my feet up to tuck a pillow under my legs)
    I first started sitting relaxed on the couch, keeping my legs straight, lift one at a time. As I strengthen, I started doing both at a time, then i upgraded to the floor, hands supporting my lower back lift both at a low angle off the floor at the same time and hold.
    As that strengthend I added scissor crosses starting straight up and work my way down to almost touch the floor..., but don't touch, head back up crisscrossing the legs as you go. its great for the inner thighs too.

    This sounds silly but its my own making and let no one see me do it I call it the slinky worm... Lay on your stomach and your head sideways on the floor (your face cheek will be laying there.) hands and arms close to your side. Use no other muscles, (arms, or legs) they stay limp. using only your middle,do a gyro/grind with you pelvis,hips and stomach (kinda looks like you are making love to the floor lol) you are using ONLY the middle muscles to move. your legs will flop like a fish if you are doing it correctly,back and forth. your arms should be relaxed also. I do this grinding movement at a count of 100. Believe me you will feel it, but it also seems to make your middle feel great when done, you have used your middle muscles, your own weight as a resistance.
    start out slow it you will get stronger! Its helped me so far..Good Luck!
  • chizumlassstar
    chizumlassstar Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice. I was beginning to think there was something wrong with me. I have only been working out for about three weeks and can't expect to be perfect. I do feel better and I think I can visually see a difference but its hard telling the rest of my body that "hey, we are healthy now" and that it needs to catch up. I will work on keeping my core tight as I work out and then start slow and know that it is a work in progress. :bigsmile:

    Thanks again for all your advice and support!
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    Check out New Rules of Weightlifting for Abs from your library, and see how well you feel after three weeks on the first rotation of
    A/B workouts - pay close attention to the alternatives to ease the movements.

    It really concentrates on core strength, and the workouts are working.