dopehat Member


  • I totally agree with what candistyx said. I think the more of your body that you show him and the more often you do it, you will get used to it over time and no doubt begin to realize that he really does love and enjoy your body. I know it's easier said than done but it is possible if you push through it. I'm definitely…
  • Hi there. I know what you totally know what you mean about the motivation. It's wonderful that you're feeling determined again. MFP will definitely help, especially when you add friends who will encourage you. And it definitely helps to be accountable. I think taking notes (whether they be mental or on paper) of your goals…
  • Yes I have the same problem, you're certainly not alone!! I get the munchies when I've had a glass or two and it's reeeeally hard to not eat! I've so far managed to refrain from buying take-out (I used to get it every weekend when I drank) but now I tend to have crackers and stuff. I'm still wanting to solve that issue!…
  • I completely agree with that statement, couldn't have said it better.
  • I agree, avocados are great. I also use hummus (I'm obsessed with hummus) :P
  • Thanks so much everyone! Appreciate it. Can't wait to check them all out! I'm poor as DEATH right now while I'm studying and having trouble getting enough hours at work so I can only get a select couple of groceries. I still live with the family at home and desperately trying to convert them to healthiness (they are…
  • I'm going to make this. Sounds lovely! I love chicken and broccoli. Thanks!! :)
  • Thanks for that, I'll watch it when I'm not at work :)
  • "I want to focus on those with passion and that offer feedback, enjoy a few laughs, share common goals, and share life's problems and joys." - Yep, agreed! (sorry, I don't know how to do the proper quote thing here yet :P)
  • Thanks Hollie. That helps! I think I'll just need to research some more healthy food options, work more on portion control and make sure to track everything. Maybe I'll give it another month and if there's no change then I will see a dietician or something like that! I'd really like to do this the healthy way.
  • Good article but I do think there is a lot of it that's just logic. I mean, a salad with dressing etc is obviously going to be high calorie. Although I do think that this article will be helpful for a lot of people, especially "beginners."
  • Hi there. Thanks for your response. I have checked over my food diary, workouts, water intake many times. I've checked it with a couple of people who seem to think that it's good and should be working. The diet shake thing really was just a quick (and probably passing) thought. If I knew 100% that what I was doing now is…
  • I definitely smile when it's a beautiful sunny day. It's currently winter in Melbourne so it's rather grey most of the time but the other day it was randomly sunny and I had a day off from work, just sitting in the sun and being outdoors all day :)
  • Thanks for the clips! I'm at work so can't watch the whole thing but I will later :)
  • Hey Nicole. I totally agree about the support group, it's really benefited me having friends on MFP because it's really the only support I have! You learn interesting things and it's great to be able to give out support and receive it back. I'll add you as a friend if you're interested :)
  • Hey hey! Too bad you live in Chicago (I'm from Australia), sounds like it would have been nice to go for walks with you near that lake! :) Anyway, I wish you the best of luck! I'm pretty much doing this health/weight-loss thing alone but I definitely find that the people here on MFP really do help to motivate you!
  • There's also a show called "Supersize vs Superskinny." You can watch episodes on YouTube. Also I think someone mentioned the show "I Used To Be Fat" on MTV. That's a good show too!
  • I agree with Clayeth54. I think the elliptical seems to work the best for me (in terms of burning calories). I tend to just use that and the treadmill. I do prefer the treadmill though, just because I think it's more enjoyable!
  • Thanks for posting this Emma. I had the same question as I get pain in my joints too.. not fun!
    in Sore joints Comment by dopehat July 2011
  • Welcome!! This is a great site! Lets be friends haha :)
  • That's so wonderful! I haven't had fast food in 3 weeks now and that's huge for me! I find that the cravings die down A LOT over time (especially when I'm exercising and feeling healthy). There's nothing better than that proud strong feeling you get when you resist fast food. It's so much more satisfying than the very…
  • Wow you look incredible!!! What an inspirational story and photos. You should be so proud.
  • Wow you look amazing!! I'm so inspired :)
  • Hey everyone. Thanks so much for taking the time to reply, some of which are so detailed! So the back pain is lower back, I can feel there's some muscle pain (which I'm not worried about) but I feel like some of it is the spine. It's from like middle back to the bottom of the back bone and I can feel/hear it cracking quite…
    in Back pain Comment by dopehat July 2011
  • Hey Lindsay. You've made the first step so that's positive change and something to be proud of already! I've been using myfitness pal for a little while now and it's really great. If you just stick with it, it will really help you! I've only just added some friends as of a few days ago but I think that will really help…
  • Add me too if ya like :) I've been using the phone app for a while friend free but only just remembered that there's also a website with a whole community on here! I have lacked some motivation at times, however recently I have really gotten into the exercise and I'm eating healthier and loving it! Would love to encourage…