Promised I wouldn't delete people from my friends list

So I won't. Well unless they are rude several times. Which has never been a problem. Still I have so many who really don't participate. Eh, that is okay. I promise to them I will be there if they need encouragement, advice (Such as it is), or some ideas (Again such as it is).

However, I don't think I will be commenting on their status as much. I want to focus on those with passion and that offer feedback, enjoy a few laughs, share common goals, and share life's problems and joys.

Just getting a few thoughts off my chest.


  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I hear ya. Its hard to keep up with everyone everyday but I try as much as possible to give encouragement to all. The only ones I have deleted are those that have not logged in in a month. After that, I delete them. If someone hasnt logged in in a week, I may send a message just checking in on them, maybe they are on vacation, or maybe they just need a little nudge.
  • Derameth
    Derameth Posts: 58 Member
    hahaha, that was pretty funny. I am very much like you. People haven't been rude, and trust me my verbal/typing skills are second to none when it comes to rippin' off a few good repartees...but that being said, I feel that sometimes I over react, and yak too much to people... pointing out things I see that they could tweak, or try, and to be a cheerleader (since I was too fat in High School to be a real one...heheheh)

    I believe that giving advice is always good...of course that is because I usually the one yappin' about "try this..." Or "This worked for me have you tried it"...and I feel that it is up to me to take advice folks give out, see if it works for me, if it doesn't, no biggie, and if it does, I have come away for the better..

    Someone such as yourself, who is making awesome strides on their weight loss journey has much to offer. Sooooo Aesop, just deal out your comments, along with your fables, and we know there is always a moral there for us.

    Hope you feel better about that....*hugs*

  • dopehat
    dopehat Posts: 33 Member
    "I want to focus on those with passion and that offer feedback, enjoy a few laughs, share common goals, and share life's problems and joys." - Yep, agreed! (sorry, I don't know how to do the proper quote thing here yet :P)
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    When I think of those who don't participate I often reflect upon myself. I wasn't ready to lose weight until, I was ready. I had to hit a wall. I think I should be there when that happens. Funny thing is that wall is different for everyone, health, clothes, activities they can no longer do, and the list goes on. Often it's a combination of things such as with me.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I just put them in hiding if they havent commented for awhile it take up too much space if they are not going to comment or a few words of encouragement, then when i see a comment from them they get to come out and play with the rest of us who take the time.I dont understand when people want to be-friend you then never comment. Oh well thats what makes the world go around.
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    When I think of those who don't participate I often reflect upon myself. I wasn't ready to lose weight until, I was ready. I had to hit a wall. I think I should be there when that happens. Funny thing is that wall is different for everyone, health, clothes, activities they can no longer do, and the list goes on. Often it's a combination of things such as with me.

    I was trying to explain the whole "I'm not ready to lose weight until I'm ready to lose weight thing" to someone the other day and, well, couldn't. It's so weird. You said it pretty well-hitting a wall- it's almost as if something just clicks and you're off after that point, also something mental/psychological, where there's a some sort of realization and deeper understanding of the whole process. You can't just throw someone into this and expect them to fully participate right away. They have to understand the benefits for themselves first,on their own time. Anyway, sorry a bit off topic, but thank you for giving me some new ways to explain. I think I'll give the explaining another go lol.
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    When I think of those who don't participate I often reflect upon myself. I wasn't ready to lose weight until, I was ready. I had to hit a wall. I think I should be there when that happens. Funny thing is that wall is different for everyone, health, clothes, activities they can no longer do, and the list goes on. Often it's a combination of things such as with me.

    I was trying to explain the whole "I'm not ready to lose weight until I'm ready to lose weight thing" to someone the other day and, well, couldn't. It's so weird. You said it pretty well-hitting a wall- it's almost as if something just clicks and you're off after that point, also something mental/psychological, where there's a some sort of realization and deeper understanding of the whole process. You can't just throw someone into this and expect them to fully participate right away. They have to understand the benefits for themselves first,on their own time. Anyway, sorry a bit off topic, but thank you for giving me some new ways to explain. I think I'll give the explaining another go lol.

    Off topic is good. I have a friend who hasn't been on in months. I still keep him because I figure some day he will be ready. He had a few disappointments in his life that got the best of him. Then his world crashed when his father died. So one of these days he will pull himself together. I just have to be patient.

    I have a lady friend who is 4'11" and weighs over 270 lbs. I've told about the site several times but she has to decide. I wanted to tell her that, "You can lead..............." Uh never mind LOL. That would be bad. Anyway I just let her know I'm still here and she knows I'm losing weight.

    I run off of two theories, one is everything is related to everything else and the other, if you learn to strive physically you can learn to strive mentally and vice versa. After I sat and passed the CPA exam last year I started thinking, if I put this much effort into losing weight I should be successful. So far that is true.

    What the heck was the wall, I'm trying to remember. It was just so many things. I wanted to look more professional to get a job, I didn't want diabetes like my ex-wife has, I want to see my grandkids (if those nonproducers ever get busy), I wanted to set a good example for my kids. I wanted live life a little better. I want people to see me as successful and my foes to be disappointed. LOL. Yeah I have some distractors.

    As far as clothes go I couldn't fit into my already huge suit I use for interviewing. Well I can't fit into now for a completely different reason. I can live with that. My belly no longer touches the steering wheel of my jeep. Which is just awesome to me. So many benefits about losing weight I just never thought of before. Like clothes, easier to garden, work out longer, fitting into the booth at the cafe, and the list just goes on.

    Best of luck in explaining "The Wall". It is just so personal.