How to be Slim-BBC Documentary



  • GemmieNoWobbles
    GemmieNoWobbles Posts: 398 Member
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I'm glad that they agreed water doesn't make you feel full. I've heard that one a thousand times and never had water make me full!
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
  • BFit40
    BFit40 Posts: 163 Member
    There's more stuff on the bbc website:
  • nicola1812
    nicola1812 Posts: 32 Member
    Bump x
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Very interesting. Watched up 4/6 now will watch the rest later.

    Vic Reeves isn't fronting it, infact i've not seen or heard him yet.

    I'm definately going to be increasing my dairy intake, in calories ofcourse.
  • Sumijain
    Sumijain Posts: 309 Member
    Thank you for posting the link. It's a very educational, if a bit disturbing, documentary. :smile:
  • mazza33
    mazza33 Posts: 123 Member
    Bump :)
  • changedoutlook
    changedoutlook Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for sharing :)
  • DashaDahling
    On my to watch list.....
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    bump for later
  • InTheRightLane
    This was a nice documentary. Not too much "groundbreaking" information, but it being presented in a visual manner was nice.
  • dopehat
    dopehat Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for that, I'll watch it when I'm not at work :)
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    bumpety bump xx
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    There's more stuff on the bbc website:
    Loads of interesting stuff on that site, much dispelling diet myths we regularly read about. I particularly liked this one:

    There’s a common dieting myth that if you drink a glass of water before you eat you will feel fuller for longer.

    But is there any truth in this? We took it upon ourselves to put the water theory up against the latest idea in the science of dieting.

    The new buzzword in dieting is satiety - it’s less about reducing your calorie intake and more about eating foods that will keep you satiated for longer.

    To illustrate our study we conducted at Nottingham University we took two teams with a love for classic American automobiles and sent them on a road trip through the lonely Nevada desert to see which group would give in to their hunger pangs first.

    Both teams were given an identical meal of chicken and vegetables with a glass of water. The only difference was that one team drank the water before they ate, and the other had the water blended with the meal to make a soup.

    Then we sat back and waited for the hunger signals to kick in.

    In the original study the group who ate the chicken and vegetable soup were satiated for 60 minutes more when compared to the group who drank the water before the chicken and vegetable meal.

    "activating our satiety signals can reduce our hunger by up to a quarter"

    But why? When we drink a glass of water with our meal our stomach is able to sieve the water from the solids passing quickly from our intestines into the stomach. However, when we combine the water and food in a soup this sieving is prevented and ensures that the water and the nutrients from the food stay together, homogenised, thus entering the intestine at the same time.

    Because of the increased volume of the water and solid combined the food stays in our stomach for longer, activating our satiety signals and delaying emptying, which, according to the scientists, can reduce our hunger by up to a quarter.
  • SarahJaneDeschamp
    SarahJaneDeschamp Posts: 359 Member
    bump :)
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    *bump* for later
  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    I'll give it a go then - thought I saw him in the first few mins and really put me off! Thanks :)