

  • i found a great way not to be so hungry the days i work out, instead of a bowl of cold cereal before my morning workout, i have a packet of oatmeal. i was content for hours after working out, i even forced myself to eat lunch!!
  • b: chai tea latte, packet of oatmeal l: water, progresso soup, grilled cheese sandwich w/turkey
  • do u think u have an eating disorder? u could stand to be at LEAST 20lbs heavier and no way be considered fat.
  • i started loosing when i was 6 weeks post partum sept 16. since then i lost 11 lbs but hardly any time to excersise. i am able to go to the gym 3xs a week this month i have child care now, so i can wait to start loosing more!
  • People who are skinny but don't excersise will have fat around their organs like a fat person would. I don't want that for myself. I know I need some suggestions to better manage food cravings on the days I work out. Because when I don't, I hardly have any cravings at all.
  • Yes, I do cardio before strength training. Does it really make a difference? I know exclusive breastfeeding can burn up to 500 cal a day, but I don't exclusively breastfeed, I supplement my baby with formula, so I don't think I am burning that many calories.
  • Today was a particularly bad day. After working out, I was soo hungry I couldnt wait the 10 min to drive home i made a beeline to Charleys subs and got a chicken sub and a strawberry lemonade. Luckily i didnt order bacon cheddar fries, but i was thinking about it though. I guess I felt guilty, I was so hungry i couldnt…
  • What's your current fitness level? I was put on bedrest for my pregnancy. I am now 3 months post partum. I used to be really fit and trim before, but now not having done anything in a long time, I am back to square one. I could run on the eliptical for an hour straight before I got pregnant, now I feel zapped at 20 min.,…
  • Hmm that makes sense. I could eat high fiber high protein on the days I work out to curb my appetite. I know what you're saying about the lady, I wouldn't want to be skinny fat like that. Yuck. Whats the point of being skinny if you're going to look all saggy?
  • Eliptial machine: 30 min. it says 300 cal. I can't do anymore or else I feel really dizzy. I think for me it is a lot, I get really sweaty for the 30 min. i do cardio. Lifting weights and what not: 30-40 min. of course I don't really know how much I'm burning, but I estimate about 50 cal i'm not really working too hard,…
  • I know, the importance of weight training is to build muscle, which helps burn fat/metabolism even at rest, but it seems like the cardio is what makes me what to make me eat like a maniac. And I feel so guilty afterwards, then it's like, what good was that workout for then?
  • well since several ppl asked, actually my "secret" is for the last several weeks i have started eating more than the 1200. id say, 1400-1500. one day i screwed up and ate too much, but turns out i actually lost weight, so i kept doing it ever since.
  • i never got stretch marks when i was pregnant (i was HUGE by the way) but now that im loosing weight, i'm getting them. :angry:
  • LOL i'm not the only one who loves it. since i'm italian i need my pasta :happy: next time i make it i will probably do it for 2 people, then put lots of veggies like onions, peppers, mushrooms, etc.. in it to expand it. but since thats not happening anytime soon (hubby deployed) i just wont buy it!!!
  • thank you guys! i needed someone to tell me it was ok. i dont feel so bad now for stinkin' up this board with my sob story amongst all the posititivity.
  • wow u look like my ex bf from middle school (your "now" pics)..which was in prehistoric times. LOL. I saw him recently and he has gained a lot of weight in the 5 years since we graduated high school. He looks way older than 24-25. I should also say since loosing the weight you look younger. Thanks for giving me motivation!…
  • if u can fit all that food and be in your range for calories then good. with me it seems my fit doesnt add up to much.
  • u loose more the bigger u are. think about it, i takes bigger ppl more energy to do something like run around the block then a normal, more fit person.
  • i see u live in in graf! i went last year. this year im not i cant fit into my dirndl :( i wouldnt have gone anyways. i have no willpower when it comes to that beer, or the half meter bratwurst.
  • I'm setting a reasonable goal, that i should be able to attain early so i dont set up for failure. i should be drinking approx. the 8 cups a day btw. prepregnancy: 125 nov 2008 end pregnancy: 190 aug 2009 current weight 7wks post partum: 155 sept 2009 goal for turkey day: 145 goal for end of the year: 135
  • i have the curves shoes and they are akward and dont believe they contributed anything.
  • we americans tend to like ice cold drinks. where i live in europe they like them room temp, and asia they have hot tea with every meal. its supposed to help dissolve the fat u just ate. so i would say hot drinks are better.
  • i sure hope im eating at least 1200. its hard to measure esp. if its a homecooked meal.
  • Alright, i wont weigh myself until next sunday then.
  • yeah i think im gonna get a measuring tape so i can see if i am at least loosing inches, even if the scale doesnt reflect it. i dont need to work a particular area, i need total slim down.
  • i think the only way to get a colon sqeaky clean is a colonic or enema. otherwise just take ex lax, prune juice, etc..its a scam i think
  • There was a study done that eating low fat dairy products helps u loose weight. obviously fat free/skim is the best choice. i prefer organic, once u taste organic u wont drink regular milk again.
  • cool..and caffiene/coffee helps you loose weight long as you dont put all the stuff in it that makes it bad.
  • I need a good fast to get my butt in gear..J/K
  • I have an infant that wakes up for feedings during the night. While i wait for the bottle to warm i'll grab a snack. a yogurt, a spoonfull of peanut butter, etc... if i slept normal i wouldnt have this problem.