Trim for Turkey Day starts today! Join if you want!



  • :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I weigh myself twice a day----last thing at night and first thing in the morning and record both weights on a chart that I keep near the scale. I don't record a new weight on MFP unitl it's been consistent for a few days.
    last week
    today's weight 126

    starting weight January 14

    goal weight

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Oh man, I couldn't do that. I HATE weighing myself. I almost have a panic attack every time I step on the scale - lots of pleading as I step one toe on and then another. I don't think my heart could take the stress of weighing every day, twice a day. :laugh:

    I'm leaving on Monday for Munich and Oktoberfest - so I won't be posting. Next week could be a real disaster for me. I made a deal with my husband that we would split meals at the restaurants (German food = yummy beer, potatoes, fried meats, sausages, cheese, and bread = me gaining 10 lbs). I figure even a really bad meal split in two will be tolerable. There is a really nice gym at our hotel - going to continue my C25k and sit ups and push ups. Taking protein bars for my breakfast.

    It is difficult - I want to enjoy my holiday, but I think my priority is not gaining weight. They sell beer by the liter at Oktoberfest!!! Man, I'm scared of blowing up. I just don't think I can face another gain. I was 161 at the start of the summer, then I gained 8 lbs, now I'm barely back to 162.5 - I'm so tired of the 160's!!

    Any advice??

    "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" repeat to yourself!! make sure you drink plenty of water. try and make the best choices, but most of all enjoy life! :flowerforyou: good luck
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    I know it was the weekend, where is everyone? I went to Octoberfest the real deal in Munich. It was amazing! Only bad part is I ate terrible though! Well just to remind you all this Thursday when it is weigh in I will post a new thread. I will put the link on this page first.
  • mmm oktoberfest! sounds yummy! i just went out and bought the polar f6 hrm. trying to read up and learn how this handy dandy thing works! anyone use one? do you wear it all day, or just during your exercise sessions? hope everyone had a great weekend. :bigsmile:
  • Lisadaniel
    Lisadaniel Posts: 17 Member
    hi, I'm new to this.
    Current weight: 197.6
    Goal weight: 182
    by TD: 192
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I have an F6!!! I LOVE it!!!:love:
    I only wear mine during my exercise sessions... It's very handy for when I actually do what I'm supposed to and monitor my calorie intake!:embarassed:

    I'm almost at 100%... Still dealing with some stuffiness and coughing junk up.:noway: I'm hitting the gym on Monday, and will be VERY strict with my eating habits... Volleyball is starting up on Mondays again, too, so that means 4 hours of volleyball a week for me. That'll up the calorie burn bunches for me!
  • i've been wearing it since i practically walked out the store:laugh: and i'm already in :heart:

    glad to hear ur feeling better missresa and yay for volleyball. that'll keep the calories comin off!
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    resa - I AM SOOOO JEALOUS!!!! i have been eyeing them hahaha... how is it??!?!

    pep - where are you? you haven't posted in a while that's not like you. hope everything is ok.

    also, everyone, "lisadaniel" is my mom, so welcome her!

    i was bad on friday night but have eaten well and exercised a TON (shred and stationary bike) sat and sun, so i am hoping it wont cost me too much. i have been being good overall, i would just really like to see some scale movement which hasn't been happening too much lately (although my measurements have gone down!!!)... those stupid scale numbers. i have been weighing myself every day and i think it's getting me down. so my goal this week is not to weigh myself til thursday and see if it goes better.

    have a good week everyone :)
  • The weekend feast is over!
    Tomorrow I'll be on a strict diet. I like to take it easy over the weekend and don't think about the diet.I went hiking & went to zumba class but I don't count my calorie input.
  • :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: I WANT TO JOIN.....

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    I AM NEW.....

    LAST WEEK 277.8

  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Sudzie-I have had my F6 for about 6 months, and I love it... I lost the heart rate monitor that goes against your sternum, and almost died without it!!! It was only lost for 2 days, and it was like the end of the world for me... Even my kids helped me tear the house apart, I was so frantic! We found it under a pillow on one of our armchairs!:laugh:

    Dalrae-welcome to the group! We post our weight loss amount on Thursdays!!!
  • I'm setting a reasonable goal, that i should be able to attain early so i dont set up for failure. i should be drinking approx. the 8 cups a day btw.

    prepregnancy: 125 nov 2008
    end pregnancy: 190 aug 2009
    current weight 7wks post partum: 155 sept 2009
    goal for turkey day: 145
    goal for end of the year: 135
  • I know it was the weekend, where is everyone? I went to Octoberfest the real deal in Munich. It was amazing! Only bad part is I ate terrible though! Well just to remind you all this Thursday when it is weigh in I will post a new thread. I will put the link on this page first.

    i see u live in in graf! i went last year. this year im not i cant fit into my dirndl :(

    i wouldnt have gone anyways. i have no willpower when it comes to that beer, or the half meter bratwurst.
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    hi, I'm new to this.
    Current weight: 197.6
    Goal weight: 182
    by TD: 192

    Hello lisadaniel, welcome aboard!
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    I've been sick since Thursday so I haven't been working out at all! I feel just terrible! I can't believe how close Thanksgiving is now and I haven't even lost 10 lbs yet!! I may have to readjust my goal:sad:
  • TheNatKitchen
    TheNatKitchen Posts: 33 Member
    I got sick this weekend :cry: So, no workouts for a minute, but hopefully I can keep the calories low and have a good weigh in on Thursday.

    Do we have a new challenge this week? I know we were talking about pedometers, but where do get one? It seems like you got one free with EVERYTHING a few years ago, but I'd like to get a good one. Any thoughts?
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Sorry everyone's feeling sick! I'm finally getting over the last of a really bad sinus infection, so I know how everybody feels!

    Today was the first day working out in over a WEEK... I thought that it would make me feel better, and it did, but when you've been sick for 8 days you can really tell the difference in your stamina... I've been really good about working out, and am proud to say that my cardio is waaaay better than a lot of people in the classes that I take, *but* today the instructor really kicked my butt... I had to stop constantly to blow my nose, and thought my heart was going to jump out of my throat! I burned 724 calories!!!:bigsmile:

    My diet is going to be spot-on this week. I plan on entering what I'm going to eat in my food diary the night before, that way I have it all planned out and WILL NOT DEVIATE from it the next day... Maybe we can use that as a challenge? Clean eating for a week? Or keeping within our calorie amount, including exercise calories? I know that's where I've been lacking...
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Yes, I count Crystal light and things like that, but make sure you're aware that they do have calories... I know that I was using propel water bottle packets, and didn't pay attention to the fact that I could have 100 extra calories a day if I went crazy with the water!!!
  • hey everyone!! hope your week is going well. i'm sure everyone is busy with that thing called life...:laugh: but where are all our posters??

    so i used my F6 for the first time during my cardio-strength train-cardio session of 2 hours and i burned 700 calories according to my hrm. i put it under circuit training...guess it doesn't matter where i put it since i have the calories burned, right? :huh:

    finished week 3 of the crunch challenge and moving to week 4 on thursday! i definitely feel my core getting stronger and i added some jillian michaels ab moves i saw in her no more trouble zones video. love it! i'm drinking way over my water intake just to see if i will benefit from some extra h2o.

    hope everyone's week is going well for weigh in thursday!
  • hey everyone!! hope your week is going well. i'm sure everyone is busy with that thing called life...:laugh: but where are all our posters??

    so i used my F6 for the first time during my cardio-strength train-cardio session of 2 hours and i burned 700 calories according to my hrm. i put it under circuit training...guess it doesn't matter where i put it since i have the calories burned, right? :huh:

    finished week 3 of the crunch challenge and moving to week 4 on thursday! i definitely feel my core getting stronger and i added some jillian michaels ab moves i saw in her no more trouble zones video. love it! i'm drinking way over my water intake just to see if i will benefit from some extra h2o.

    hope everyone's week is going well for weigh in thursday!

    Burn 700 calories in 2 hours, that's is so cool. I feel my core is getting stronger also.

    Yesterday and today, I was hungry all the time. I don't know why maybe because I ate too much starch. Today, I 'm so disappointed at myself for eating half a bag of doritos, not because I ate it but because I thought I can handle stress better now. When I feel helpless, stress, or pain I want chips or ice cream.
    I doubt I will lose any weight this week. I'll be lucky if I don't gain any weight back :mad:

    I have to admit everything is about the mind. When my mindstrong, I control my eating, workout. very well... but when my mind is weak.. I give up so easily. The good thing is I feel that I'm getting better at this mind gam.
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