What's your vice?

Over the years I've finally weaned myself off of the problematic foods that I've been accustomed to eating. One of which was the giant green cans of Monster Energy drinks. They were the replacement for my original vice, Mountain Dew! From one to another...

I've finally kicked the bad habit of having soda and energy drinks and have moved onto another. I recently became stationed in the South and the locals are hooked on sweet tea. I quickly gave it up after finding out how bad it is and only consume one glass of coke or pepsi with meals when I eat out. From having 12-20 dews per day to 2-3 Monsters down to 3 or 4 sweet teas a day and finally having no soda on a daily basis I'm finally getting there!

Onto my next problem area.....those damned buffalo wings I grew up on. My home town is making me fat and I don't even live there anymore! I can't give these up so I make them at home in moderation.

What are your problematic vices?


  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Over the years I've finally weaned myself off of the problematic foods that I've been accustomed to eating. One of which was the giant green cans of Monster Energy drinks. They were the replacement for my original vice, Mountain Dew! From one to another...

    I've finally kicked the bad habit of having soda and energy drinks and have moved onto another. I recently became stationed in the South and the locals are hooked on sweet tea. I quickly gave it up after finding out how bad it is and only consume one glass of coke or pepsi with meals when I eat out. From having 12-20 dews per day to 2-3 Monsters down to 3 or 4 sweet teas a day and finally having no soda on a daily basis I'm finally getting there!

    Onto my next problem area.....those damned buffalo wings I grew up on. My home town is making me fat and I don't even live there anymore! I can't give these up so I make them at home in moderation.

    What are your problematic vices?

    My main vice has always been ice-cream. I love it more than ANYTHING! :love:
    But, since coming to MFP, I've discovered Edy's slow churned, no sugar added cookie dough! :love: I can't tell it apart from the "real" thing! :noway:
    I was able to lose most of the weight that I wanted to by STILL eating the icecream I love almost every night! :happy: You can't beat that! :laugh: :happy:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    McDonald's McCafe menu...hot or iced lattes. I know you can get it with the nonfat milk and sugar-free vanilla syrup, and they're not too bad for you calorie and fat-wise, but all those chemicals! I need to wean myself off of them. I think the $3/cup price is helping with that.
  • chicka200413
    ice cream... and I can eat the healthy ice cream, but I eat like 6 servings of it everytime I sit down. I really need to learn to put one scoop in a bowl, rather then sitting down with the whole carton.... It's just soo good on a warm summer day!
  • jellymedina
    I have an infant that wakes up for feedings during the night. While i wait for the bottle to warm i'll grab a snack. a yogurt, a spoonfull of peanut butter, etc... if i slept normal i wouldnt have this problem.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Chai Tea Latte... I try to limit myself to once per week, but I have been really stressed out lately. So it has been my one comfort food.
  • Daniel78
    I like the Skinny Cow brand of ice cream for a quick fix. They sell it on base and I've also seen a few of their items at Walmart. I'm still trying out the different fat free and sugar free ice creams to find the perfect one. Too bad there isn't a fat free Reese's Peanut Butter Cup! *grumble*
  • kaja
    kaja Posts: 145 Member
    Definately chocolate. The problem is once you've had a bit you want more and i love dairy milk so not the best kind of chocolate to eat.
    Well i've gone from a very large bar a day or 3 normal sized bars down to a kids snack bar a day and i can even go a day or two without chocolate now.:happy:
  • Scubachick
    ... My home town is making me fat and I don't even live there anymore! I can't give these up so I make them at home in moderation.

    What are your problematic vices?
    I am Irish so I'm embarrassed to admit that my home country is making me fat! Yes, it the flamin alcohol that really does it :drinker: In fact, its the weekends that make me fat and the whole routine I had built up around a few drinks.

    I too have decided to alter my usual habits, rather than give them up completely. I have switched from pints of Guinness to glasses of beer. The french fries after the drinks in the pub have been switched to toast at home. But now I dont snack after the pub at all. The "morning after" I am finding really hard. If I have a bit of a hangover all I want is greese and salt! Yesterday (Sunday) I had Weight Watchers bread soaked in egg and fried using the low-cal spreay oil. I also fried up Tomatoes and mushrooms. This wasn't a bad alternative to the fried breakfast and satisfied my cravings.

    Apart from the Weekends, french fries are really my downfall. If I smell them then I will crave them for days. If there are any on my plate I have to eat every last one. :embarassed:
  • RaeBella13
    Oh my goodness.....PEANUT BUTTER and CHEESE.

    I can't get enough of either one :ohwell:

    Luckily, the PB I am addicted to is the reduced fat Jif, which still isn't good for you, but better than the regular stuff.

    Cheese, on the other hand? Give me almost any kind and I'm happy.

    I wish it was easier to give these 2 things up, but I am surprised and shocked that it is harder to give up these 2 things than it is to give up chocolate!
  • joolesh
    I lose it for Nacho Cheese Doritos, I cant have them in the house and if someone opens a bag in the office, Im like Hammy from the Over The Hedge. Thoes little triangles of powder coated love are just the best:love: .
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    For me, it's sugar- in just about any form. I love cake more than I love life, pretty much.
  • blakgarnet
    I have several:
    ice cream - I now only buy the skinny cow cookies and cream sandwiches. I also got my boyfriend to buy Edy's slow churned french vanilla for his house so that dessert there is also low calorie

    donuts - the staff in my office love to get dunkin donuts. A plain glazed donut is 180 calories, so if I have no willpower, I have that and make sure to have no other sweets during the day AND hit the gym

    pizza - another office favorite. I try to only have one piece (170 calories for one medium slice of cheese) and then hit the gym.

    I have terrible willpower at the office - I am always running around and hungry. I always bring a healthy lunch, but sometimes it's really hard.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    coffee and sweet tea
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    recently it's been whatever, it doesn't matter the food, that my bf is eating. I buy all the healthy stuff but he has all kinds of junk because he can eat whatever he wants and not gain an ounce.it's awful.

    Little Debbies

    grr.... so I've tried getting substitiutes for these things

    Weight watchers oreo ice cream
    100 cal packs or flax seed cookies
    turkey bacon..it actually cooks up crisper.

    But every once in a while///:grumble: I cave :blushing:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I live in Buffalo (actually Orchard Park, just down the road from the stadium, Go Bills!:bigsmile: ), and I agree the pizza and wings are a killer and every party or gathering you go to that is the menu! I always ask if I can bring a salad so that I can limit myself to one piece of pizza and two wings. I am also willing to excercise like crazy to earn them.

    After that it is chocolate. I went from needing some form of milk chocolate every day to now my love is Lindt 90% cocoa and I indulge about once or twice a week...sometimes with natural peanut butter! YUM!:love:
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    After a busy day at work, when I usually miss lunch, it was chips and cherry coke, which is provided free in the nursing lounge in unlimited quantities while I chart my entire day of work after my shift was over. But now that I only work one day per week after having my little one the habbit has been easier to break.

    At home, around 9pm I ALWAYS have to have a snack. This is the time I get the munchies and I don't have just any one thing I have to have. This is where ANYTHING sounds good: a small blizzard, McCafe Coffee, I am totally guilty of opening a cream cheese icing container (who needs cake?), reese cups, large glasses of juice...you name it. Now that I'm counting calories I have to leave room for the munchies at around 9pm and pre-plan healthier choices...because this is where my diet goes to hell in a hand basket!
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    My hometown is definitely making me fat, too. I've just been back to Germany for three weeks and gained 8 lbs :embarassed: Although most of it was water weight from all the sodium in the food , some of it is "real" gain. My downfall? Beer, really good bread and yummy lunch meats and cheeses. Back in Canada I can't get all this good stuff (or not easily anyway) so it's nose to the grindstone again :laugh:
  • RaeBella13
    I live in Buffalo (actually Orchard Park, just down the road from the stadium, Go Bills!:bigsmile: ), and I agree the pizza and wings are a killer and every party or gathering you go to that is the menu! I always ask if I can bring a salad so that I can limit myself to one piece of pizza and two wings. I am also willing to excercise like crazy to earn them.

    After that it is chocolate. I went from needing some form of milk chocolate every day to now my love is Lindt 90% cocoa and I indulge about once or twice a week...sometimes with natural peanut butter! YUM!:love:

    I live in Buffalo too and I completely agree....pizza and wings are a huge downfall!!!! Love them!!!!!!!!!

    GO BILLS!!!! What a game yesterday, huh??
  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member
    For me, the hardest thing to resist was a warm cinnamon and sugar pretzel, cream cheese and lemonade at the mall yesterday!!!

    I know that I ever come face to face with a funnel cake vendor, one of us is going to end up tattered and covered in powder sugar in order for me to get my fix. lol :love:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    My vice - I'm not sure it's really a vice.

    I'm hooked lately on protein and weight training. I've gained back 5 or 6 pounds from my lowest weight. I'm pretty sure most of it is lean, but still... I wanted to get to 200 even.

    Think I'll "cut" next month after our vacation and try to get some of this fat off - but right now I'm enjoying eating and lifting and growing :smile: