Colon Cleansing

Anyone try it? What kind? What did you think of it? Believe stuff can back up in your colon for years or is it all a money making scam? I know there's a TON of articles and the controversy on whether or not you should do it. Not really interested in posted links or copy/pasted articles from the web. Just wanted to know if anyone personally has tried it.


  • jellymedina
    i think the only way to get a colon sqeaky clean is a colonic or enema. otherwise just take ex lax, prune juice, etc..its a scam i think
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    If you search the forums, you'll find a lot of discussion.

    Long story short, you can get the same results from upping your fibre and water intake and eating clean.:flowerforyou:
  • numberscolors
    it's a scam.
    over time, colonics can really damage your body/intestinal tract, too.
    from the mayo clinic website: "While there is little scientific evidence to support or refute the benefits of colon cleansing, critics say it's generally unnecessary and at times may even be harmful. Although doctors prescribe colon cleansing as preparation for medical procedures such as colonoscopy, most don't recommend it for detoxification. Their reasoning is simple: The digestive system and bowel naturally eliminate waste material and bacteria — your body doesn't need enemas or special diets or pills to do this.
    One concern with colon cleansing is that it can increase your risk of dehydration. A potentially more serious concern is that certain laxatives used in colon cleansing, such as those with sodium phosphate, can cause a rise in your electrolytes, which can be dangerous if you have kidney disease or heart disease."
  • justdoingit
    justdoingit Posts: 185 Member
    30 grams of fiber daily and your colon will be clean. Plus, it will help you loose weight!!!
  • Dive_Girl
    Dive_Girl Posts: 247 Member
    From my experience my body functions are perfect when I up the amount of veggies, water and fruit I eat. If my body doesnt do it naturally then I figure I dont need it or I'm doing something wrong on the intake and exhertion.
  • slimmingmom
    I think if you swallow gum that is the only thing that can stay in you for quit some time. But with food, I heard that one meal can stay in you for up to a week. Once a month I do a colon cleanse and it takes off about an extra 2 pounds the week I do it but it doesn't make me feel any different physically. It does make you go to the bathroom quit a bit more and I reccomend you taking it about 2-3 hours before you go to sleep that way the pills don't start "working" in the middle of the day at an inconvenient time :blushing: And also make sure to drink a lot more water becuase they can dehydrate you a little more for one, but they also do their job better if you do drink more water. I personally drink an extra 24 ounces the day before I take them, an extra 40 ounces the day I take them, and then an extra 24 ounces again the day after I take them!!! Hope this helps you!!!! Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    Well I actually bought a "de-tox/colon cleanse" product. It didn't help a whole lot.. I actually think it didn't really do anything, but honestly, I did buy the cheapest one. I don't think it was worth the $17 to get it. I poop good anyways.
  • leavinglasvegas
    I cleanse about twice per year with the Master Cleanser. I love it. I also use Senna Tea occasionally outside of the cleanse for a little boost. (I have a redundant colon and IBS and cleansing regularly helps me stay symptom free.)
    I do feel that anything sold in a store or that is advertised on TV or radio is a scam. A simple cup of Senna tea will do the same thing, it is a natural laxitive and Senna is the main ingredient in most laxitives anyway simply because it works. You can buy it at a healthfood store for about 5 bucks and you get about 20 tea bags.
    While I do believe that the body is a magnificient machine able to take care of itself, I also feel that our fast-paced lifestyles and polluted planet slow that process down. Something like stress can really affect your body and slow down its natural functions. In a perfect world we could find time to meditate daily, practice Yoga, have no financial concerns, get along with everyone, and feel blissful all the time. But this is not a perfect world, sometimes life happens and we need assistance to get back on track. I feel that it is the same in our bodies. All of our body systems are miraculous parts of one great machine. We shower and wash our skin to keep it clean and healthy, even though the integumentary systems purpose is to protect our internal systems from outside influence. We assist it, because we do not live in a perfectly clean world and it is obvious that most sicknesses can be avoided by proper external hygiene. I don't see how it is different in the gastrointestinal system.

    That is my opinion.
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    Thanks for all of the great replies! Please keep them coming :drinker:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I hear the commercials for this. And based on what I know about weight loss and fitness I cannot fathom how these products are a good idea.

    I mean seriously?

    Changing to maintaining a healthy life style are the only way to lose the weight consistantly.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Anyone else think of the scene from the movie "Nutty Professor" when they read this?

    "What do you think a colon cleanse is? You think you run your @**hole by the car wash!?!?" :laugh: :laugh: My sister and I laughed at that scene for years... still do, in :laugh: fact!
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I think it's a scam. I've got to have a colonoscopy every two years or so and that's all the "cleanse" I need or want. :grumble: It's not making me feel any better in case you're wondering.

    I've also worked in long term care for 10 years and witnessed first hand the problems people run into from overusing laxatives over the years. I'm talking about my mother's generation - when she was a kid, castor oil was a popular home treatment for whatever ails you, and lots of people continued this throughout their lives. By the time they hit retirement age their bowels can't function without help any more. A healthy lifestyle, with fibre, veggies and fruit, lots of water and exercise is the best way to "cleanse".
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Eating more fiber isn't always the simple answer, unfortunately. The over-consumption of fiber can also have the effect of constipation or digestive distress (gas, bloating). Many "cleanses" contain high amounts of fiber supplementation and/or bentonite clay. Clay acts to bind and remove mucus and flora from the digestive tract. This is a horrible idea. You need this to properly digest food and keep a healthy digestive tract.

    A tip for someone who's suffering from constipation is to up their magnesium intake a bit, ensure they're eating enough dietary fat, and to eat soluble fiber sources (veggies and fruits, especially leafy greens!). It's also VERY helpful to eat food such as yogurt, kefir, kimchee, kombucha, sauerkraut, or any other foods that contain high amounts of probiotic. Another tip is to drink one warm beverage each morning - a glass of warm water or tea. That can act as a relatively fast trigger for peristalsis and sort of sets your body up on a schedule.
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    Glad you mentioned warm water, I also heard from a friend of mine (who owns his own gym) say in the mornings to drink a cup of lukewarm water with 1 lemon squeezed in it. The taste is something you have to get used to but it works.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I've been taking a digestive cleanse for quite a few years on and off.
    The one I take. DOES WORK.

    I know if eating fruits, vegetables, fiber, drink water will help out.

    I can't talk about other products that are out there.
    I started taking this product years before when I was not eating very healthy. When I started it I would have went once every 2 days, which is a huge no no.
    Taking the prorduct helped me elminate 2-3 times a day, and eliminating ALOT more.:blushing:

    I just want to clear up some things that people seem to have confused.

    A digestive/colon cleanse can help clean out your 32 feet of intestines (don't have exact #'s here)
    20+ of small intestine and 6 feet of big intestine (colon).

    When you get a colonoscopy it is only the last 6 feet your big intestine (colon) that is being viewed.

    A digestive/colon cleanse is NOT a laxative.

    The small intestines are responsible for extracting the nutrients out of the food we eat as the food passes through.
    Most people should have 2-3 meals in their body at one time. After they eat one, they should be elminating another.
    Many practioners feel that it's the small intestines that can cause problems with people getting nutrients from the body, and causing some help problems.
    Our small intestine can be the size of a nickel, all 20 feet wrapped up inside us.

    It can stretch to accumulate more fecal mater, fi the drain is plugged.

    Think of undigested food that's sitting at almost 100 degree's for 7 days.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I attempted a 14 day store brand. Ok, I only lasted 9 days, why forgot on day 10 & beyond.

    I didn't notice any difference except I was popping 2 pills with breakfast and 2 pills with dinner.

    Was it worth the $14.99 plus 7% sales tax -- probably not.

    Was I desperate - probably.

    Good luck.
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    I've been taking a digestive cleanse for quite a few years on and off.
    The one I take. DOES WORK.

    I know if eating fruits, vegetables, fiber, drink water will help out.

    I can't talk about other products that are out there.
    I started taking this product years before when I was not eating very healthy. When I started it I would have went once every 2 days, which is a huge no no.
    Taking the prorduct helped me elminate 2-3 times a day, and eliminating ALOT more.:blushing:

    I just want to clear up some things that people seem to have confused.

    A digestive/colon cleanse can help clean out your 32 feet of intestines (don't have exact #'s here)
    20+ of small intestine and 6 feet of big intestine (colon).

    When you get a colonoscopy it is only the last 6 feet your big intestine (colon) that is being viewed.

    A digestive/colon cleanse is NOT a laxative.

    The small intestines are responsible for extracting the nutrients out of the food we eat as the food passes through.
    Most people should have 2-3 meals in their body at one time. After they eat one, they should be elminating another.
    Many practioners feel that it's the small intestines that can cause problems with people getting nutrients from the body, and causing some help problems.
    Our small intestine can be the size of a nickel, all 20 feet wrapped up inside us.

    It can stretch to accumulate more fecal mater, fi the drain is plugged.

    Think of undigested food that's sitting at almost 100 degree's for 7 days.

    I didn't realize that a colonoscopy only views the last 6 feet
  • erodriquez
    Hi everyone! I'm a colon hydrotherapist and a massage therapist in los angeles. I see the benefits of a colonic everyday. If anyone has questions please ask. If there is one thing that I can say is Please Please Please don't don't laxatives they are very bad for your system.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I also use Senna Tea occasionally outside of the cleanse for a little boost. (I have a redundant colon and IBS and cleansing regularly helps me stay symptom free.)
    I do feel that anything sold in a store or that is advertised on TV or radio is a scam. A simple cup of Senna tea will do the same thing, it is a natural laxitive and Senna is the main ingredient in most laxitives anyway simply because it works. You can buy it at a healthfood store for about 5 bucks and you get about 20 tea bags.

    I'm drinking some right now! :smokin: