What is the point of working out?



  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    If you don't move it, you lose it. You need to exercise for all aspects of your health. There's no ifs, ands or buts. It's just a fact of life. If it makes you hungry, eat to replace what you lost in your workout.

    Exercise is good for your cardiovascular system, your heart, diabetes, depression, anxiety, energy, your skin, your bowel functions, and just about everything else your body does.

    Exercise shouldn't be seen as something you do just to lose weight, it should be seen as a necessary thing you do for your health and life.
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    I'd just like to point out, also, that at 3 months postpartum, your body is still recovering from pregnancy and childbirth--it took you 9 months to gain all that weight, and it can easily take just as long to lose it. Especially if you are breastfeeding (even if not exclusively) your hormones will take a while to stabilize, etc, etc. I agree with other people's suggestions for more protein, but I'd also add that maybe a bit of patience and more listening to your body is required. You want to make sure that you and the baby both stay healthy! Good luck!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I know, the importance of weight training is to build muscle, which helps burn fat/metabolism even at rest, but it seems like the cardio is what makes me what to make me eat like a maniac. And I feel so guilty afterwards, then it's like, what good was that workout for then?

    Why do you feel guilty after you feed the machine? Do you feel guilty about putting gas in your car? :smile:

    When you exercise you make yourself fitter/leaner/stronger/healthier. You also burn up some calories, 'cause every machine needs fuel to run. Don't feel guilty about feeding the beast. You did the work, you need the fuel. Enjoy it!

    You've lost 9 pounds - obviously you're doing something right. How do you look? How do you feel? I'll bet you can do things now that you couldn't do in the past. Stronger,,, more stamina? We don't just do this to get little... :smile:

    Today was a particularly bad day. After working out, I was soo hungry I couldnt wait the 10 min to drive home i made a beeline to Charleys subs and got a chicken sub and a strawberry lemonade. Luckily i didnt order bacon cheddar fries, but i was thinking about it though.

    I guess I felt guilty, I was so hungry i couldnt wait to get home i needed that instant gratification now. Normally I am able to make it home and I have soup and a half sandwich or something way better. Yes I lost 9 pounds. About a pound a week/avg so not bad I guess. I'm starting to be able to zip up prepregnancy pants now, even if my rolls hang over the top, I'm just happy they zip. LOL.

    I got done at the gym today, and my stomach was growling, even though I had breakfast!

    It's okay to be hungry after, you just did a lot of hard work! Why don't you bring a banana or an pple with you to the gym? Stick it in your bag and if you're hungry, you can munch on that unitul you can get home to make lunch instead of hitting the sub place.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Tuna, chicken, chunkacow,,, protein protein!!!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Don't feel guilty about eating after you work out. Sometimes I only work out to earn extra calories. In fact, all the time. LOL. :blushing:
  • jellymedina
    i found a great way not to be so hungry the days i work out, instead of a bowl of cold cereal before my morning workout, i have a packet of oatmeal. i was content for hours after working out, i even forced myself to eat lunch!!