

  • Eat the ice cream. Fast for an entire day tomorrow.
  • Chapulines: traditional Mexican dish of grasshoppers/crickets sauteed in garlic butter, wrapped up in a tortilla and consumed. It wasn't that it tasted nasty, because it didn't. It was pulling the little segmented legs out that got caught in my teeth. That was the part that was hard to take.
  • Gianna44, I started being interested in fasting because of Ramadan. My ping pong buddy Amine is from Morocco, and he is observant. During Ramadan you essentially eat and drink nothing at all after the sun rises, and then you can resume once the sun sets. It goes on for a few weeks. Amine normally loses about 13 pounds…
  • Good job! Keep it up and let us know. I'm on my second month of intermittent fasting. I'm down about 28 pounds. I was down over 30 but my routine was disturbed by a family tragedy, Now I'm back on track and ready to lose the next 60 pounds. I look forward to my fasting days and almost feel relieved when they come, they…
  • You should read up about this online or get Mosely's book off Amazon. This entire fasting thing was not designed as a weight loss tool. It followed animal studies that were intended to increase longevity, and those animal studies resulted in some rodents doubling their life spans. There are groups of people (I can't…
  • Thank you and good points. I do try to take multivitamins and I am attempting to intake more healthy and less processed foods. I consider this a lifestyle change, and I intend to continue it for the rest of my life. However, as Dr. Mosely found, after a while, 5:2 becomes too much, you start becoming too gaunt (this is…
  • You ask what I drink on the fasting days? Water, iced tea with no sugar, black coffee, occasional Diet Coke (try to avoid these because they just aren't good for me, but I'm no zealot so I do drink them once in a while), San Pellegrino or Perrier with lime (these seem more filling than water). I drink a lot and it helps.…
  • I"m using the Atkins protein shakes but also the EAS AdvantEdge Light protein shakes, which have higher protein but also low carbs. I've been on a low carb diet for a while now and have lost maybe 35 pounds, but I am getting very tired of eggs for breakfast and meat for dinner, etc. So I've started having an Atkins shake…
  • yeah, I quit it. I joined Lifetime Fitness and got a nutritionist. She is adamant that the metabolic effect of diet drinks is to make you hungrier, esp. for bad things. I switched to iced tea and water. So far, I have only cheated once in about 3 weeks. I don't really miss it anymore, though I used to drink up to 5 a day.…
  • Hey, if you have a microwave, you're all set. Who needs real appliances? There are lots of frozen dinners that you can buy cheaply that are pretty good -- like anything from Amy's Kitchen. And there are always sales on frozen stuff. Walmart and Target and Costco have big varieties of frozen dinners and vegetables that are…
  • Yes. I'm 55, and fat as a hog. I started swimming maybe a couple of months ago, and I was a complete idiot. But I stayed with it. I know generally how to swim from when I was a kid, but I was never particularly good at it even then. In any case, I made one decision -- I was going to swim the crawl ONLY, and aim for…
  • I'll repeat here what I said in another forum on this site. I listened to a sportscast a couple of days ago and they were talking about one of the baseball teams in the playoffs that played really stupidly and made lots of mistakes. One of the sportscasters said, "how are they going to be able to get past this awful,…
  • Good points! I was listening on the radio to some sports, and someone made a comment about some notable failure that a professional baseball team had made, playing very badly against an opponent, and speculated that it might be very hard to move forward with all that bad memory hanging over the team. The other commenter…
  • Maybe it's what you're eating. If you're eating very sugary or starchy stuff, your blood sugar shoots up and then drops like a rock. You're better off eating a lot of protein, and low glycemic index vegetables. You also need to have some fat in there, or you won't be satisfied. Maybe you should lead up to your meals by…
  • Why don't you order the filet, and instead of mashed potatoes, which tend to be full of cream and butter, order broccoli or asparagus or whatever vegetables they have, and specify that you don't want butter or oil on them. Then a side salad -- I recommend you try Newman's Own Lighten Up Asian Sesame Ginger dressing -- only…
  • Nope, I don't think you're crazy. You're going to have to run your life without the medical intervention at some point, might as well be now. Here's what I would do in your situation: go out and buy a pedometer -- a good one, preferably an Omron (WalMart has them cheap and so do some other stores -- pay about $25), and…
  • Thomas Light Multigrain English Muffins -- 100 cals
  • OK, here's the trick: you are responsible and accountable for your actions, 100%. So, cheat freely on Day 1, but track every bite in your food diary, and figure out how many calories you have exceeded your target. Then on Day 2, without fail, cut back by that many calories, or burn that many calories by exercising. Walking…
  • I fight the cravings by eating when I'm hungry. But I only keep relatively low cal stuff around, and I build cheating into my plan. I set up 6 meals a day (breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, midafternoon snack, dinner, after-dinner cheating) on the food diary, and I plan to be eating constantly. But each main meal is 300…
  • well, if that's what you want, it's a good outcome. but I would not be so ready to declare victory. I think you've gotten a taste of what is going on with this guy, and you need to retain a healthy dose of skepticism for the time being. It's possible that he really needed some alone time to sort things out, but that's just…
  • In Virginia, this would be a felony if the damage to your car was over $1000. But your insurance company will cover you if you have comprehensive coverage, minus your deductible, even if you can't find the moron who hit you. I agree with one of the prior commenters: if this was a public space that might have a security…
  • That's the spirit! If this guy doesn't appreciate you as he should, he needs to pound sand. Or maybe he just is not in a good place emotionally at present and can't deal with the intimacy. Either way this is not your problem, it's his. Besides, you've embarked on a big project, getting down to your optimal size, and it…
  • I don't understand the time frame thing. He can take as long as he likes to figure things out, it's up to him. But he has to accept that things may change while he is pondering what to do. If too much time passes, he may not have the same range of options he had before, and he has to understand that. On the other hand, it…
  • Day/Night, who cares? Wasn't there a physicist that proved that the act of observation influences the results of observation. Granted, he was dealing with subatomic particles, but why pay such close attention to the scale that you have to weigh yourself only in certain precise circumstances? We're not doing a scientific…
  • Light is too bright outside the cave... Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • troglodytic
  • ABSOLUTELY DO IT! Back in 1983 I ran the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington DC. I was a good runner then, and in shape. It was my first and (so far) only marathon. The surprising thing was who was running along with me: old people, fat people, little kids -- it was amazing. Now, I passed a lot of them by, but they just…
  • So, eat 400 cals less today! My personal theory, which I'm submitting for consideration, is that you don't beat yourself up for cheating or for failing to hit the target, but you are nevertheless accountable for your deeds. My way of looking at this is if you go over 400 cals in Day 1, you subtract 400 calories from your…
  • Don't know if this will help. I've had many problems losing weight, going from diet to diet, succeeding, backsliding, etc. This time I decided to get rid of all the food in the fridge and anything I liked to eat from the pantry, and buy only frozen meals that have around 250-300 cals apiece. I buy them at Target for 1.99…
  • how often do you weigh yourself? your post seemed to indicate it might be multiple times each day. If so, maybe you should relax your focus a little. The numbers don't really mean anything, especially if you don't give enough space between them. You might retain more or less water on a given day, or there might be some…