quitting diet coke

Has anyone ever tried to quit this stuff before? If so....how long before you felt human again?


  • johnthefatman
    Can't recall how long but wasn't that bad. It really really is important. I actually do not buy anything with the words 'diet' or 'light' in the name any more they are all bad for you one way or another. Simple real food and drinks are all you need. Getting of artificial sweeteners will help you loose weight - really! If you must drink soda use the real thing and count the calories.
  • rjjarvis
    rjjarvis Posts: 55
    yeah, I quit it.
    I joined Lifetime Fitness and got a nutritionist. She is adamant that the metabolic effect of diet drinks is to make you hungrier, esp. for bad things.

    I switched to iced tea and water. So far, I have only cheated once in about 3 weeks. I don't really miss it anymore, though I used to drink up to 5 a day. Just takes a while to stop wanting it.
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    I substituted iced tea in for my diet pop obsession. It worked really well for me. I would drink probably 4 glasses of iced tea a day. But I didn't go for the sweetened lemony stuff (the reason I drank diet pop to begin with is because it's less sugary than regular). I drank plain old Lipton Iced Tea, in the powder form. Now I drink mostly water. You can do it! This easiest way is to not have any pop in your house, then you won't be tempted to grab one!

    ETA: These days I have soda every now and then. But I still don't buy it and keep it in the house, I only have it if I'm at a restarant etc, and craving something other than water.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I did - over 3 years ago now. It is possible - I'd say about a week was what it took for me. It's an adjustment - I replaced mine with Iced Tea for a while so I was still getting some caffeine, I think breaking from the carbonation was the hardest. I don't miss it at all! Good luck to you. Your body will thank you.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I didn't ever have a serious pop addiction, but I love baked goods....breads, pastries, etc. I have never quit them entirely, but now they are a once in a while treat, not every day. I find that if I try to totally deprive myself of something, I want it all the more. So enjoy your diet coke once in a while, or if it is a serious habit, wean yourself off it slowly. For example, if you drink 3 a day, try 2 a day for a week, then one a day then one every other day etc. It will get easier. The hardest part will probably be caffeine deprivation, unless you were drinking caffeine free varieties. Good luck!
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    I have been a avid drinker of diet pepsi for years. I have been trying to quit that also. I have weened myself down. I drink diet caffeine free ice tea from Kroger. That is really good. When I quit cold turkey before it took me about 2 weeks before I started to feel up to par from the withdrawal. I had headaches for about a week. But the good thing is you really sleep better and they say that Diet soda is very bad to drink anyway. I think its the sodium but I am not sure. Hope that helps. Good Luck
  • Ninachristina
    Ninachristina Posts: 13 Member
    I was a total Diet Coke freak!!!! Recently let it go, like 6wks ago. Within a week I felt much better. Headache was gone, stiffness in the muscles in my upper back went away and I felt much more energetic!! So after 2wks I had one glass with a meal........BIG mistake!! Within 30min I had a migraine, felt completely sick and had to lay down. That did it! Never again!
    In fact I've been trying to eat as 'clean' as possible. No overly processed foods, fried foods, sodas etc. Eating whole foods, organic when possible, lots of fruits & veggies and very little meat.
    And as far as what I have in my cup all the time. I drink water with a few lemon slices constantly. Sometimes I sqeeze extra lemon in and add a pack of Stevia for sweetness. I bought one of those large tumblers with a scew on top and straw. Perfect for around the house and on the go!!
    DAKTHREE Posts: 52
    I gave it up 5 years ago. I was addicted to it!! My Doctor told me to stop gradually to avoid headaches from the withdrawal. I would open a can in the morning and keep it in the fridge and just sip on it as I needed it. At the end of the day I would toss what was left. By the end of the week I was tossing nearly the whole can. My frequent headaches went away and my liver count went back to normal. I now have one occasionally once or twice a month when I eat out but prefer unsweetened ice tea and water.
    You can do it!!! You'll be so happy you did:happy:
  • NeNaBeAr
    NeNaBeAr Posts: 13
    I couldn't help but read your post, partly because your name is mine to, with one letter change. and partly because I hads a similar issue with Diet Pepsi, when I was younger, as a second grader, I had migraines so bad that I couldn't focus. We later found out it was aspartame poisoning.
  • NeNaBeAr
    NeNaBeAr Posts: 13
    I was a total Diet Coke freak!!!! Recently let it go, like 6wks ago. Within a week I felt much better. Headache was gone, stiffness in the muscles in my upper back went away and I felt much more energetic!! So after 2wks I had one glass with a meal........BIG mistake!! Within 30min I had a migraine, felt completely sick and had to lay down. That did it! Never again!
    In fact I've been trying to eat as 'clean' as possible. No overly processed foods, fried foods, sodas etc. Eating whole foods, organic when possible, lots of fruits & veggies and very little meat.
    And as far as what I have in my cup all the time. I drink water with a few lemon slices constantly. Sometimes I sqeeze extra lemon in and add a pack of Stevia for sweetness. I bought one of those large tumblers with a scew on top and straw. Perfect for around the house and on the go!!

    I couldn't help but read your post, partly because your name is mine to, with one letter change. and partly because I hads a similar issue with Diet Pepsi, when I was younger, as a second grader, I had migraines so bad that I couldn't focus. We later found out it was aspartame poisoning.
  • beachmommy87
    beachmommy87 Posts: 4 Member
    I haven't had a Diet Coke (or Diet Dr. Pepper...my vice) in 7 months & 3 wks!!! I quit cold turkey on Jan 1st, 2010. It was HARD...I would drink 4-5 a day. I woke up & would immediately go to fridge & grab a Diet Dr Pepper with my breakfast. Now, looking back....the thought disgusts me!!! GROSS!!!
    I'm all about H2O & Iced Green Tea (unsweetened) from Starbucks. I had the worst "withdrawal" symptoms for about a week...then they lessened up. It was the BEST thing I have ever done!!!

    Stick with it! You can do it!!
  • hmlayman
    hmlayman Posts: 70
    This is a very interesting post for me because I wasn't aware that diet coke was even bad for you?! Wow! What an enlightenment! So "diet" and "light" things are not good for you either?!
  • nbingham
    nbingham Posts: 102 Member
    This is a very interesting post for me because I wasn't aware that diet coke was even bad for you?! Wow! What an enlightenment! So "diet" and "light" things are not good for you either?!

    No they're really not. You can check out the reasons why here:


  • coolstacey6
    coolstacey6 Posts: 83 Member
    WOW! Thanks for all the advise, tips and just sharing! I will make it! I am determined! Thanks again!
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    This is a very interesting post for me because I wasn't aware that diet coke was even bad for you?! Wow! What an enlightenment! So "diet" and "light" things are not good for you either?!

    Well soda of ANY type isnt really good for anyone, no matter if its regular or diet...and just because something says "diet" or "light" doesnt always mean its good for you either, ALWAYS check the ingrediant list of what you are putting in your mouth, many times those diet foods are chocke full of chemicals and artifical crap to replace the stuff they took out to make it healthier for you but really, they didnt do anything to make it truly healthy.
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    Thanks for this post and for all the information. I just threw away my diet pepsi and have decided to be done! I've only had 3 in a week in a half..... but I am done now!! =)
    Thanks for the "kick in the pants" I needed that!!