sarahleelee Member


  • Subway has great, healthy egg white sandwiches + a coffee for $2.75. :)
  • Mrs. Dash makes amazing marinades and salt-free toppings. Also, you can get sodium free salt which is actually potassium and isn't half bad.
  • I know! She's tall and curvy like me and I think (besides her big boobs) we have similar body shapes (or I used to and will again very soon!) I love that she's definitely in shape but still soft and feminine :)
  • I want to look like THIS:
  • F**k You - Cee Lo Green Hot Toddy - Usher feat. Jay-Z Lollypop -- Lil Wayne Starstrukk - 3OH!3 Worry About You - 2AM Club
  • The GoWearFit and BodyBugg are the same product -- you also wear the BodyBugg 24 hours a day. :)
  • I'm forced to do this from Thursday through the 1st! I am moving and am having my scale Can't weigh in. Will be interesting, since I'm a daily weigher! 11/15 - 183.4
  • Soup is loaded with sodium. You'll probably overload your system with salt if you eat nothing but soup! I've learned that cutting out entire food groups will give you results that won't last. Best way to "cleanse" you body is to eat lots of fruit, veggies and clean foods. Keep your sodium low and fiber high!
  • The lemonade cleanse is not that great -- sure, you lose a lot of weight, but you're drinking your calories for 2 weeks. I have done it twice. You feel great when you're on it (the first 5 days are HELL, though), and then as soon as you start eating again, all of your "hard work" dissipates and you're right back where you…
  • Hey girl! I'm 5'11 and know how you feel! I used to weigh about 140lbs and gained a good 10 pounds a year until I hit 205. I'm down to 183 and feel better than ever. I sometimes look in the mirror and see a trim, beautiful girl, but other times see a girl who needs to lose at least 20 more pounds. I attribute a lot of this…
  • Fiber is so good for you! I used to try to hit 40g a day, but that took a lot of work. Now I hit around 35 in whole grains, fruits and veggies :) It's natural and helps keep your body regulated!
  • Donate it to a food bank!
  • MFP's daily intake requirements for fiber is really low. My best friend, who has her Masters in nutritional sciences, says the recommendation for an adult is between 25-35g of fiber a day!
  • The La Tortilla Factory Whole Wheat, High Fiber Tortillas are a great source of fiber! 12 g of fiber, 8g protein, and only 80 calories, I use them to make wraps nearly every day! I also eat raspberries with yogurt. 1 cup of raspberries packs 8g of fiber!
  • Go for a walk if you're worried about upsetting your stomach!
  • Vodka soda with a lime it great. If you must have flavor, you can drink vodka diet. You'll find the more weight you lose, the less drinks it takes to get that buzz... e.g I used to have to be at least 3 drinks deep before I felt anything; I had one vodka soda the other night and felt a nice buzz. :)
  • I got a 16oz tumbler with a built-in straw. For some reason that helps me drink a lot more water at work. Definitely get some crystal lite packets to make it seem like you're drinking lemonade! Also, sparkling waters are a great alternative, just try to get the ones that are naturally flavored vs. the ones flavored with…
  • They're all going to weigh you differently, since no scale is 100% accurate and you'll step in it differently every time. The best was to track weight-loss is pick one scale and only weigh in on that one! Plus, it's not really about the number in the end; the scale is a device to help track progress. :) Best of luck!
  • It's VITAL! If you really can't bring yourself to drink plain water, spice it up w/ some Crystal Lite or lemon juice. It's mind over matter, and the more you drink, the better!
  • Honestly, I've found that the best ones that stay in place and don't give you "fat bulge lines" are the ones that look like a dress: They work fabulously under any dress!
  • It's normal to lose an average of 100+ hairs a day. You may notice that if you wear you hair in a ponytail, a lot will "come out" when you take it down. Normal. However, if you're seeing a lot of hair loss, you're probably not getting adequate nutrition or not eating enough :(
  • I make one with 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg. Fat Free Miracle Whip and a little French Mustard later, I slap it on an Arnold's Multi-Grain Sandwich Thin... Delish! I also add some salt and pepper to taste. :)
  • I've learned that you don't have to starve yourself or exercise until you feel like you're going to die to lose weight. Also, I've learned that sodium is evil, I can live without copious amounts of cheese, and anything can taste incredible if spiced properly!
  • I eat a Fiber One yogurt: 50 cals and 5g of fiber! I like to mix it w/ a cup of frozen raspberries for an extra 8g of fiber: YUMMY! Babybel Lite cheese: 50 cals, 6g protein. Fruit is always good, too. I love apple slices or peaches. Laughing Cow light swiss (35 cals a wedge) on pretzel crisps (5 are about 50 calories) are…
  • Oh, I'm SO there with you! I start my new job in a new, HUGE city (NYC) in Jan and I'm constantly anxious! I find that going for a long walk or to the gym for a while helps - I also like a good, slow movie to calm me. "Meet Joe Black" works well ;) GOOD LUCK! You're going to be amazing!
  • I drink a Pure Protein shake every morning. They taste AMAZING, have 26g of protein and are low sugar/lower carb. The reason it appeals to me so much is that they come pre-mixed in little bottles and I can grab and go in the mornings!
  • Hey babe, I bake the Purdue Perfect Portions -- they're 140 cals each, with 60mg sodium and 32g of protein! I then take Mrs. Dash Garlic and Herb Blend and thoroughly coat it and it tastes AMAZING. Slap one on a tortilla or maybe a sandwich thin...nom.
  • Log it in your diary and then go for walk. I always eat something much healthier for dinner if I screw up at lunch :) Like baked chicken and green beans.