4mykids Member


  • I was recently told that those ramen noodles are deep fried before they are packaged... anyone know if this is true or not?
  • Oh and just found out I have "impaired glucose tolerance", so not quite gestational diabetes YET. but great!
  • Oh wow, you are so me!!! That`s me to a `T`. I hurt everywhere, now I`m 16 wks pregnant, and 120lbs overweight... I have been on a rollercoaster of trying to lose weight, go to the gym, etc. for the last 3 yrs, not wanting to be pregnant at this weight... but - surprise!! Anyway, I seem to have a cycle of getting a gym…
  • Yep! I just have the little ipod... but it went through the washing machine. My husband thought it was pooched, but I told him to just try it -- and yay - IT WORKED!!! And still works! I didn`t do anything to it. Just let it dry out. However, the rice might be a good idea to try.
  • Oh I saw it the other day at Costco and wanted to buy it... but didn't - no money. I will have to get it soon, and I'd love to do it with you. Keep us posted on how you like it. Thanks for sharing!
  • Welcome!!! This is a great place for support, encouragement and just plain information. It's awesome, and I love it -- I'm sure you will too!
  • BUMP! I need to start using my crock pot more... thanks for sharing everyone!
  • Ooo... my husband wants one of those... it looks great! Let us know the real results please!!
  • Owen Sound, ON... just a few hours from you... but still too far to come for a walk - sorry :(
  • That's sooo awesome!!!! Good for you!! I've been wanting to start it for a long time. Just ordered myself a new sports bra (Enell), cause the girls are just too darn big and give me black eyes. I'm waiting for my new bra, but am sooo excited to get started. I've never been a runner in my life, but the people on this site…
  • I'm sorry no one's responded to this yet, as I was looking forward to hearing their answers... Sorry I can't be of help either.
  • Thanks soooo much everybody!!!! "CHEERS" - they didn't even film it there??? What a rip! Too bad! Might still go for the pic! I've heard about the Freedom Trail, I'm sure we'll do that too. If Cheers is on the path, that's even better. I was gonna ask about good seafood - that's what my hubby wants -- I will try it, I…
  • Without knowing what you ate... my first guess would be sodium intake. Maybe you just need a few days of water flushing to work it out. Just a guess.
  • Congratulations! You are so inspiring! I hope to have the same story one year from now (well last month actually).
  • Oh boy. I love cinnamon and raisin toast... but I like to put butter and a slice of cheese on it... hmmmm... not so good for the bod.
  • Oh my gosh, for just 65 calories I'd be tempted more than just twice a week.
    in Coke Icee Comment by 4mykids July 2009
  • Hello! Just checking in to see if Dr. Abravanels diet is working for you or not. My chiropractor recommended his book... I haven't gotten it yet, but I've been trying to find information online about it. From what I'm reading, I'm a gonadal body type. Is it worth the read?
  • Thank you soooo much everyone!!!!!!!! That bra looks like it would hold jello tight - just what I need!:wink: Don't think anything's movin' in there. $60 is well worth it. I've paid $180 before... that was until I found a place online. Thanks again! You ladies are awesome!
  • Owen Sound ON here!
  • Did you stay within you nutritional goals? Yes!!! Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Sorta, but not really... I wanted to exercise... I walked for 20 mins, but didn't get to the video I wanted to do. What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Walked for 20 mins What would I have done differently? Made time to…
  • Sounds delicious!!! I'll have to try it sometime...
  • Hello! Is this a thread you have to join, or can I just post to it?? I like the accountability... Did you stay within you nutritional goals? No. Out with a friend, still made better choices than I would have normally, but it tipped me over. Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? No. What did I do yesterday that I am proud…
  • Day 3 - still clean. I'm missing my diet pepsi though. I actually have one sitting right beside me on my desk. It's been sitting there since Day 1. I'm keeping it warm so I won't be tempted to drink it as much - working so far...
  • I'm in too! Haven't had anything to drink yet today... about to fill up the water bottle. Thanks so much for this challenge!!!
  • The gym where I used to go charges $30 / hour. I really didn't have the money either, but I said I would do it once a month for the first while. All the routines she gave me were ones I could do at home. I think I need to start doing it again. If I go see her once a month, she changes my routine, helping my body not "get…
  • I'm with ya! My youngest is turning 4 next week, and I have a 5 yo as well. I would love to have 2 more babes, but I'm at the heaviest I've ever been in my life, and am refusing to get pregnant at this weight. I think it would kill me (literally). I need help!!!!! That's just one of the many reasons that I want to lose so…
  • I make smoothies and take them to work. 1 small yogurt container (I use vanilla) 3/4 - 1c milk 1c frozen fruit (blueberries, strawberries, whatever works for you) *sometimes I add a little banana just to change up the flavor I blend it in my Magic Bullet (I love that thing!). Takes me 1.5 minutes to make breakfast on the…
  • Wow! You look amazing! It doesn't look like you have any lose skin hanging around, that's what I'm worried about. But not yet, as I'm only just beginning. Amazing!! Congratulations!!!!! PS. The pics of you and your best friend's kids are sooo cute!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks ladies for the encouragement!
    in Newbie Comment by 4mykids July 2009
  • Oh, I would love to join too!!! I'm new to MFP just today! I wish I had joined sooner... oh well. Will find the youtube video and start tonight!!! Only measurements I have so far... Weight: 288lbs Waist: 46.5" I hope I can keep up! I think I'm MUCH larger and heavier than everyone else doing this. Here I go!