Biggest Loser Wii Game

Hi All!!

I went on and bought the Biggest Loser Wii game!! I have had it twice and put it back, but I finally made my mind up to buy it! If I can't get on the show then I can do it at home with Bob! I have to say it is fun, and I was sore this morning!!! I can't wait to get home to do another session with Bob, lol. Anyway, I don't have the balance board but it is ok, you can still do the workouts without it. I just put in my weight manuel and you hold the control in your hand while you are working out. It is almost like a game because you are trying to beat the other contestants!!! I got eliminated in the challenge!!!!!!!!! LOL

So I am starting this new diet again, I can't seem to get back under the 220's, I can't beleive I lost all the way down to 209 and gained it all back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH:noway: So I am on this journey again.

Does anyone else have the game and would they like to start it with me??? Maybe give me some tips on how to use the dang thing!!!!!!


  • 4mykids
    4mykids Posts: 33 Member
    Oh I saw it the other day at Costco and wanted to buy it... but didn't - no money. I will have to get it soon, and I'd love to do it with you. Keep us posted on how you like it.

    Thanks for sharing!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    I have lots of other Wii Fitness games, but not this one. I will till like to hear about your experience wtih it.
  • dannyp
    dannyp Posts: 8
    Does it let you set up with other players online? If so we could get a group together and have some positive competition! :)
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Where did you get it and how much was it... I have wii fit and would love to do something different and that sounds like a game that would keep me motivated to want to play it... I get bored with the wii fit...
  • fatgottago
    fatgottago Posts: 222 Member
    I got it at Wal-Mart for $40, that would be an awesome add in if you could do it online ......and compete, I don't know, I still am just getting to know the game....I know that you can't make you on there you pick from your fav contestants from the show, I picked Michelle, and you enter your weight, and I am fat....Also it shows "'you" doing the exercise with Bob. You get to pick your trainer, and I picked Bob, but might switch later, you compete in challenges, it has a calendar and I guess you weigh in on certain days, it looks just like the ranch!!!!! Last night I had to do this challenge where you were sususpended across the pool and you had to use the ropes to drag yourself across, once across you had to chop this thing to release the balloons, I lasted to the final 3 but got so dang tired I was eliminated!!!!! LOL I hope the challenges change as the game progresses. Also, I am having a hard time understanding how to input my food, and it says it gives you a meal plan but I don't know how to get to it later. Today I am going to do the Cardio workout,,,,,,,I will let ya'll know.
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    It sounds really fun. I am a complete sucker for this type of thing. I recently got wii fti plus, and it is loads of fun. The additional games and features really make it better.

    I also have Wii Active. I'm glad to hear a little about TBL wii game. I don't know if I will get it or not. Wii fit is my favorite now, because of the fit plus. But I had gotten bored with the original Wii fit. And am not a bit bored with Wii active.

    Part of me thinks I should not waste my money, but another part says , who cares if I get tired of it eventually. I have to keep in mind how many workouts I get out of it. It's not like I do it once, and put it away. Just like any workout, you have to mix them up to keep them fun.
  • fatgottago
    fatgottago Posts: 222 Member
    Honest, I think the Wii fit does the same, I just LOVE the Biggest Loser. I actually applied and made it to the one on one interview, and after I did not get picked I gained weight :cry: In a way, this is like being on the ranch, it is fun...I want to buy the wii fit board but do not have the money....maybe for Christmas....... the kids even sat around watching me compete in the challenges saying go Mom!!! It was kinda neat.......LOL

    What is so dang funny is the person you choose mimics your actually weight so I am fat on there :cry: but makes