glamouritz64 Member


  • Got any girlfriends? Happy Hour Rollerskating Karaoke (sp?) Gym Movies Dinner Sports Bar That's just off the top of my head.
  • That's exactly why I do it in the privacy of my own home. So...who gives a damn if I look ridiculous! And, I am ADDICTED!!! GREEEEEAAAAAATTTT workout!
  • This morning, I did 32 minutes of strength training, then ran/walked for 40 minutes. Tonight, I will do 45 minutes of Zumba.
  • photography style rollerskating (cross between jam skating and figure skating) rollercoasters/thrill rides interior decorating football games w/family and friends kickball volleyball laughing! hanging with my sons and my friends cooking & baking watching movies SEX (saved the best for last) *there's more, but…
  • Did you say the ENTIRE batch??? WOW! So, the breakdown per serving would be those numbers divided by 3????!!!
  • Thank God I'm not alone. I have been playing with the same 3.5 lbs. for two months now. I lose 'em, I gain 'em, lose 'em-gain 'em. Rinse and repeat. UGH!!! Not giving up, though. Going to kick up the cardio to twice a day, increase strength training (which I barely do...don't judge me), and get a little stricter with my…
  • You can get a pedometer app for your phone. I use "Pedometer Free" on my iPhone, and I LOVE it. Just keep a charger with you, though. It eats your battery if you're walking across your campus several times per day.
  • I was married before (for 13 years), and it's not all it's cracked up to be--just saying. I have been divorced for 4 years now. If you and this man have been together for 9 years and he still won't marry you, then you have to look at that. You said the two of you have been engaged a total of four (4) times. Sweetheart,…
  • Why don't you book a trip to a Carribean Island, or some such. Buy her a bikini you'd like to see her in. Wrap up the tickets and bikini and present it to her as a present. Then, tell her you'd like her help and support in getting in shape for the trip, and ask her to work out with you.
  • I JUST did Wii Zumba this morning for the first time EVER. I figured if I could learn the Zumba moves in the privacy of my own home, I won't be so...spastic...(to use your word) when I actually take a class. I selected "Intermediate - Easy" and the "45-minute" option. LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it! And talk about SWEAT?! Oh, it's…
  • First of all...take a look at yourself--you ALREADY look good. The fact that you are taking steps to be healthy and look even better brings the haters out. Let their hate motivate. I have an army of haters, and I recruit DAILY. *popping my collar*
  • When you are younger, age doesn't matter as much. When you get to be my age? Hell yeah, it matters. I'm 48 with a very high sex drive. (I know...TMI.) Guys my age? Well...they're winding down, where I'm just winding up. Regardless of this, I still prefer men my own age, or in the range of my age (38-52). But, I sure as…
  • I'm bi-racial (half white, half black), but I largely identify myself as "BLACK". "African American" seems a bit pretentious, and not at all accurate IMHO. There are "African Americans" who have white skin (South Africans? Hello??). Just my 2 cents.:glasses:
  • My boys are 11 and 14. We do things together ALL the time, and I also have one-on-one things that I do with each of them. The memories we make are priceless, and the time we have our kids "all to ourselves" is SOOO short. I am ever conscious of this. As I look at the two loves of my life, I see how quickly time has passed.…
  • It is, indeed, a hard one. But, I have to say this: If Lance Armstrong was NOT doping, then why NOT go to arbitration? Also...I find it extremely hard to believe that Armstrong WASN'T doping. How do you fight cancer and vigorously train for the Tour de France at the same time? AND WIN??? If he was illegally doping, then…
  • Well, today is not over. You can exercise to counter some of the calories you ingested. Try and exercise away half (or more) of what you ate over your calorie goal. Then, and tomorrow do better. :o) It's just one day. Don't give in to one day of poor choices. You can do this!
  • I have hypothyroidism, and I take Levothyroxine daily. I find that as long as I stay consistent with a healthy, low-calorie/low-fat meal plan AND exercise regularly, I lose weight. I've also noticed that if I don't eat after a certain hour, I'm more successful with my weight loss. I try to cut off eating/snacking at around…
  • I'm a style skater (As in the movie "Roll Bounce" with Bow Wow? LOL As a matter of fact, I skate with all the people who were stunt doubles and extras in that movie.) I travel all over the country to attend skate events, and the skate DJ's all sell mixed CDs. I have at least 10 different skate playlists on my iPhone. FYI:…
  • My two boys are HILARIOUS! My 14-year old has an old soul, and is very intelligent. He has a great sense of humor and loves to show off "his cool mom" to his friends. (Who DOES that at 14??) My 11-year old is charming, funny and very loving. He has the most generous spirit I've ever seen. They are both very supportive of…
  • Wow...This is my biggest DOWNFALL!!! Dammittohell! LOL I'M IN!! Me: 0 LNS: 1
  • Ramble on, honnnnaaaaayyyyy!!!! That is FANTASTIC news!!! CONGRATULATIONS, and you are an inspiration. Keep it up!
  • Personally, I think the age of 10 is a bit young for a phone, much less an iPhone. But, I would never have made a comment like that to the child. If I was to say anything at all (and only if I was acquainted with the child and his/her parents), I would have said something to the effect of: "Well, you have wonderful,…
  • Raisin Bran...for obvious reasons.
  • I'm not trying to be mean, or anything...but when you have a substantial amount to lose, sometimes you won't really see the effects of a loss until about the 35-40 lb. mark. Don't get discouraged!!! I've been there!!!! Just keep doing what you're doing, and you WILL begin to see results.
  • A great big HELLLLLLLLLLL NO! LOL Did ya see the movie "Single White Female"??????? LMAO
  • First of all...I don't see the POINT of getting implants in anything LESS than a C cup if you're going to get them (unless it's reconstructive surgery and a woman just wants to replace what she lost). Really...why would ANYONE want to be less than a C cup if you're going to get implants? I'd have to be…
  • Sweetheart...LOSE that motherf*cker, and lose the weight for YOU. You look great NOW, so you will look even better once you reach your goal. You are 23, and you have your ENTIRE life ahead of you. Don't waste it on some dude who has baggage, and don't "acquire" his baggage. If you aren't good enough for him NOW, you will…
  • Question for you: That second pic of you? The split screen with you in a bikini top, etc. Is that how you look now? Because, if it is? You might want to re-think uprooting your life for this dude. You are NEVER going to be good enough for him--he will always find something wrong with you. I think you look fantastic just as…