Talk about a slap in the face. Motivation depleted.



  • LorryGuthrie
    LorryGuthrie Posts: 113 Member
    What an *kitten*-hat! You deserve soooooo much better than this guy you are describing. I hope you realize this and move on!

    Good luck to you in your journey!!
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    There is a certain danger in asking men for the truth. Especially when it regards to your figure. If you want the truth you cannot get upset about it. If you want things sugarcoated, tell him.

    But don't let this deplete your motivation. This isn't about him. It's about you.
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    Eff that *kitten*! I really hope you broke up with him. WTF?
  • katicasi82
    katicasi82 Posts: 121 Member
    Oh and btw the way if I was that way inclined I totally would!
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    Can't remember who asked, but he's 32 and has previously divorced someone due to the fact that she gained weight while they were married and DIDN'T put in an effort. I AM working hard, I AM putting in an effort and he STILL tells me he's not attracted to me? I'd love to hear that he thinks I'm beautiful, it would be MUCH more motivation for me, because now I feel like it doesn't matter, he won't be happy with me even if I hit MY goal weight.

    Ugh. Ok, first off, I'd be a little freaked out at the fact that he is enamored with the 17 year old you. Um, jail bait? Secondly, he divorced his first wife because she gained weight and didn't take care of herself? Either he is really *THAT* shallow, or she *REALLY* didn't take care of herself. I'll go with the first reason.

    DO NOT start a life together with this man, if you can call him one. HE WILL cheat if he's doing/saying things like this. He IS a pig and a shame to the human race.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
  • utahgirl247
    utahgirl247 Posts: 370 Member
    5,000 miles apart makes it easier to not miss him when he is your ex. Give him points for being honest, but seriously???? BYEBYE!!!!

    I sooo agree with this. I appreciate the 'positve' with him being honest but really? now you know where his core is, you deserve better.
  • twinkle113
    A man shouldn't be treating you that way. Mean thing to say, for sure :-( Hope you can pick up and move on soon.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    An example of "mispoke himself" vs "Just a jerk"

    My fiancee was looking at a book I made for him one night (just a collection of little notes or letters I wrote and things I love about him). he sighed and said "I wish I loved you as much as you love me".
    That's a great example. I've been guilty a few times saying one thing and have it taken the wrong way. This case is different, as you said.
  • glamouritz64
    glamouritz64 Posts: 85 Member
    Been on my weight-loss journey since May 25th. Almost 2 months in I am bout 6lbs lighter, the difference in inches is minimal and it's hardly noticeable. My boyfriend and I are living 5000 miles away and I am moving back to where he lives at the end of september. My goal was to be down 15-20lbs by September 25th. So about 5 lbs a month. Not too crazy of a goal huh?

    Well the BF was here at the beginning of July for 10 days. We were just on the phone and he goes "You have great features, and while I don't find myself attracted to you because of your weight, I do see potential in you and when I see old pictures of you and where you have been, I see that you can be smaller than you are"

    I am sorry, but WHAT THE EFF!! I was 17 in those pictures, and while yes I may be a few pounds on the heavy side (I am about 145lbs, ex swimmer so my legs are all muscle, and I carry my weight well.) I am busting a$s, and have been frustrated with my current plateau, but not stressing it too much.

    I'm just very upset at the moment. I work out 4-5 days a week, eat relatively healthy (the main change I have done in my diet is to cut out sugary drinks. All I drink is water, green tea and black coffee and also cut down on portion sizes) so I am hoping giving it some more time and upping the intensity of my workouts, I'll bust through this plateau.. but at the same time, what if I'm not able to lose the weight? I don't want to be with someone that no longer finds me attractive because he saw old pictures of me and now "realizes" how "hot" I can be compared to what I look like now.

    Sorry it's so long.

    Question for you: That second pic of you? The split screen with you in a bikini top, etc. Is that how you look now? Because, if it is? You might want to re-think uprooting your life for this dude. You are NEVER going to be good enough for him--he will always find something wrong with you.

    I think you look fantastic just as you are. A lot of women would LOVE to look like that!!! You want to lose some weight real quick? LOSE HIM!
  • ShanniLee
    ShanniLee Posts: 69
    Can't remember who asked, but he's 32 and has previously divorced someone due to the fact that she gained weight while they were married and DIDN'T put in an effort. I AM working hard, I AM putting in an effort and he STILL tells me he's not attracted to me? I'd love to hear that he thinks I'm beautiful, it would be MUCH more motivation for me, because now I feel like it doesn't matter, he won't be happy with me even if I hit MY goal weight.

    Ugh. Ok, first off, I'd be a little freaked out at the fact that he is enamored with the 17 year old you. Um, jail bait? Secondly, he divorced his first wife because she gained weight and didn't take care of herself? Either he is really *THAT* shallow, or she *REALLY* didn't take care of herself. I'll go with the first reason.

    DO NOT start a life together with this man, if you can call him one. HE WILL cheat if he's doing/saying things like this. He IS a pig and a shame to the human race.

  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    keep the motivation and ditch the loser! you deserve better--someone who loves you for who you are not what he thinks you should look like. happy hunting!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I just read the second pargraph again.... Thats his exact wording?

    I think its good to find somebody not just attracted to you by your weight. What did he say there? Read the second paragraph again. I think its good find someone who loves you for who you are, and not just your body size. Because our body sizes are just going to change over time. Thats a fact. I know its hard sometimes for our partners to word everything just right. So it doesn't hurt our feelings, because alot of us are sensitive to this subject. Do you think you have alot of potential? Were you thinner when you were younger? I might be the only one here thats not going to tell you to break up with him. Why don't you talk to him, and tell him how you took what he said. You have a few months to toss this around in your head. And maybe you can decide later if you need to upgrade the man situation.

    You want his exact wording? LOL okay.. pretty much verbatim

    Him: "Promise you don't get mad at me for what I am about to say."

    Me: "Okay. say it"

    Him: "I hope you lose the weight. I am not always that attracted to you, and when I see the american flag bikini picture in my head, I see the potential you have, and I am really attracted TO THE GIRL IN THAT PICTURE"

    I capitalized the last part because there is no bolding function on here. LOL
    I am going to open myself up here.
    My wife said the same thing to me just about.
    I used it as motivation to reach my fitness goals. And yes, it hurt.
    She was just honest.
    Should I have divorced her for that?
    Were you 145 pounds (or say the male equivalent 190) at the time?
    Does it matter?
    As one poster said "you're beautiful at ANY size"
    Seriously, does anybody really believe that?
    Do we live in some dream world where love is so deep that it transcends physical beauty?
    Maybe some of you folks are different.
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    if he does not appreciate you as you are right now, he damned sure does not deserve you as you will be when you achieve YOUR goals.
  • love9705
    love9705 Posts: 478 Member
    Alleycat you will lose a lot of weight once you dumb him. First he should be loving you for who you are and not what you look like and for you to be making such a big move like this and this is how he is treating you I suggest you rethink this.

    Second I am no expert but have gain a lot of knowledge from my wonderful pals on here. I looked at your diary and you tend to go over on your sodium so you could be retaining a lot of water and also you say you are working out alot eating 1200 is not enough it will work for a while but your body needs fuel.

    Check out this group-

    Good luck Hun!!
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    Please run and do not walk to the nearest exit, kick that man to a curb that has his name engraved on it pronto!
    Total douchecanoe!
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    @ chipmaniac, I will say she was far more overweight than I have ever been. My top weight was 155. Hers was probably 205.

    As for those saying it could be misunderstood, he prefaced his words with "Promise you won't get mad" so obviously something that has been on his mind.

    205?!?!?! That is SO not fat.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    so just to make sure i am not shallow how many pounds overweight does a woman have to be before before refusing to date her makes me shallow?

    20? 50? 100? what if she is 200?
    He's not refusing to date her. He's already dating her and f'ing with her head.

    im asking the people in the thread saying its shallow to refuse to date an overweight person.
    Yes. It's shallow but it's not harming anyone. If you are already in a relationship with a person and you can't be attracted to them how they are then you are committing a fraud. In this case, he fessed up. She should take this new information and send him packing so he can refuse to date 145 pound, healthy woman on his own time.

    so if you get married and your SO gains 100 pounds you are shallow if you have a problem with it? thats not the person you married.
    That's not applicable here, unless she weighed 45 pounds when they met.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    I didn't know WHY they divorced until we had been dating for a while. All I knew was he got married at 23 and divorced at 26. All I knew at that point.
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    Alleycat you will lose a lot of weight once you dumb him. First he should be loving you for who you are and not what you look like and for you to be making such a big move like this and this is how he is treating you I suggest you rethink this.

    Second I am no expert but have gain a lot of knowledge from my wonderful pals on here. I looked at your diary and you tend to go over on your sodium so you could be retaining a lot of water and also you say you are working out alot eating 1200 is not enough it will work for a while but your body needs fuel.

    Check out this group-

    Good luck Hun!!
