Talk about a slap in the face. Motivation depleted.



  • Mommagoose4
    Mommagoose4 Posts: 132 Member
    I hope he's now your ex boyfriend. What a mean thing to say to someone!

  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    You know, if my wife ditched me for every dumb thing I said, I wouldn't have made it past the first week. Politely, but firmly, point out to him that the way he approached the subject was wrong in the first place. Never, ever, ever comment on a woman's weight. Just not done. Not unless you like being single.

    And for all the "Dump him now" people, do you guys honestly believe that a few words should end a relationship? And if so, how many of you are single?
  • 30forApril
    30forApril Posts: 49 Member
    He was just being honest.
    Most guys would never do that. Use this as a way to set goals and strive for your own ideal.
    Optimal body fat for a lady is around 20%, and as for weight, just fit yourself in the BMI range.
    When we are fat, and our SO says we are beautiful, they're lying.
    Sometimes the truth hurts, but pain makes us stronger.
    The echo chamber will tell you to ditch him but guess what?
    Every other guy will feel the same way. They just lie better.
    Good Luck :flowerforyou:

    I have come to learn this is my hubby lied well until a few days ago.. glad he was honest though.. I chose to take it as motivation and I want for him to be as proud of his wife as I am of my husband!
    I feel sorry for folks whose relationship and attraction is based on such superficiality. Maybe men are using the supposed unattractiveness of their women as an excuse as to why they can't get it up, when in reality it's just their own inadequacy.

    For your information, my husband can get it up really well, thank you... Why should I want to look good for my husband? He takes care of himself.. and if you read one of my other posts, you will see that He never once made me feel bad about my weight ever... not even when I was 200+ lbs and he's doing his thing bodybuilding and such... Our relationship is based on so many levels that I believe someone with your mentality couldn't even begin to comprehend... Jerk.
    If he gets it up, then he's attracted and it doesn't apply.

    This girl is 145 pounds, not 200+. He's either incurably shallow or he's playing mind games with her. At the very least he's monumentally insensitive. Either way, he should be sent packing so he can pursue his unrealistic standards.

    Okay so the one thing we all agree on is that this dude's comments are not acceptable... If He isn't happy with her and the SOLE thing he cares about is her looks, then she should probably reconsider the relationship, because as many have pointed out, if he's unattracted to her now looking as good as she does, imagine when she becomes pregnant... She should thank him for being honest not because what he said in regards to her being overweight is true, but because now she knows a little more about the real him and what his real desires are... When you are in a relationship, it's important to know what makes the other happy, just because we are in a commited relationship doesn't mean you should go eat the whole bag of chips or the whole carton of icecream... keeping the other person attracted to oneself is very important in a long term relationship... His choice of words is douchey, but only she knows what he's really like and only she knows if she should dump him or not.. I just don't like telling people to dump or keep people based on 3 paragraphs of a one sided story. Sure he made a jerk *kitten* comment, apparently he usually does... up to her if she chooses to base her whole fitness journey on what he says or on what she truly wants.. my husband isn't the best motivater either, he's the kind to prove everyone wrong when they say he can't or they don't believe in him... I need uplifitng encouragment with an occasional kick in the butt to get moving sometimes... that's why I said I was glad he was honest in regards to the other day... it made me look back in retrospect and appreciate the greatness of a man that I have at my side... physically, mentally and emotionally!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    5,000 miles apart makes it easier to not miss him when he is your ex. Give him points for being honest, but seriously???? BYEBYE!!!!

    This EXACTLY!!! You are doing good to better yourself. You can take his thoughts, but let him go. His thoughts are honest and they hurt, but better to know now, rather than after you move 5000 miles to be with him. He doesn't deserve you. (or any other woman for that matter) Channel that anger at him when you are at the gym.
  • stephevans274
    stephevans274 Posts: 1 Member
    That sounds like an emotionally abusive relationship. That is NOT how a man should treat you if he truely loves me. I am at least 100 pounds overweight and my husband who is "normal" sized has NEVER made me feel like that about my weight because he loves me for me.

    I really hope that you don't move for that man. And I really hope you will reach out to supportive friends and family if you need help getting out of the relationship.
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    Wow, this turned into kind of a hot button issue.

    If this many strangers are up in arms about what he said, I can only imagine how it felt for you to hear it.

    I'm hoping you don't waste too much time on him. There's plenty of guys out there who'd jump at the chance to be with someone so gorgeous.
  • ShaunMc1968
    ShaunMc1968 Posts: 204
    Love is a funny thing -- so it be attracted to someone. He obviously doesn't love you to say such a horrid thing. You deserve to be supported and felt loved through whatever you endeavour. make a decision that you feel comfortable with but most of all make sure you don't feel de-valued. Be proud of yourself, don't put up with crap - life is too short.

    Good luck.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Here was my thought process after I read your post:

    1) Maybe he's truly not attracted to heavy girls...?
    a. But then why did he even start dating you at all then if you were heavy
    b. Went and looked at your profile pictures.


    You are not heavy AT ALL!!!

    I can understand that you want to drop a little weight, and that's fine. However, what's not fine is the underhanded way that he made it clear that he's not physically attracted to you now but will be if you get back to your 17-year old body.

    I hope that you have enough confidence in yourself to reevaluate what is it that you gain from your relationship with him.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I think the problem here is that she isn't even big. If he sees her as so big that she is not attractive now, she will never be good enough.

    If you are overweight, it's a pretty safe assumption that your spouse would find you more attractive if you were slim. You don't need to ask, and they don't need to say it. I know my husband is still attracted to me, I can tell in the way he touches and desires me and gets turned on when seeing me undressing. But I am a bit too big and I know he would find me more attractive if I lost some weight. key word is MORE...not attractive, finally. Most men would not be turned on by nude pics of me right now, they are probably gross, but he still wants them, bc he loves me, so he finds me attractive.
    You are exactly correct. I actually weigh slightly less than my girlfriend now. She rocks my world. She would like to lose some weight but has a mental block since she can't imagine herself thinner. It doesn't matter to me and I've made that very clear. I like her curves. I'm also not a shallow jerk. I'm a lover of women, all kinds.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    Yep if this had happened to me I would now be single and looking for someone less shallow and worthy of my time and effort....what a douche!

    my gosh, if my fiance ever said anything like that to me(comparing me to my teenage self) He'd be on the couch if he was lucky... He will honestly give me his opinion when I ask him specific questions, but only when I ask. He's completely supportive of me, and loves me as I am, but he is excited(as I am) to see where this takes me! The past is gone, all we can be is the best us of now, not a previous version! And btw you look great already, if he's a perfectionist, you're better off without him, perfection is unobtainable and if he's saying you're not attractive now, he's 1. INSANE 2. A shallow a-hole 3. Threatened by you and wanting to keep you down. (in my opinion)
  • McLifterPants
    McLifterPants Posts: 457 Member
    Based on your pics, I think you have a fantastic body, and any guy would be lucky to date you. What an epic douche. If my guy ever told me he wasn't attracted to me because of my weight, I'd say sweet, don't bother having any more sex with me then.... wouldn't want to put a strain on your delicate sensibilities!
  • I dated a guy for over a year who wouldn't hold my hand in public or make contact with me because of my weight. He constantly made remarks about it, etc. I have been in those shoes and I still haven't recovered from the toll he took on my self-esteem. I am now in a very happy relationship with a man who loves me for exactly the way I am, regardless... but the creep's voice and comments come back into my head and make me feel bad about myself all over again sometimes. Don't let him damage you. Drop him and find someone who loves you and makes you feel great about yourself no matter what size you are!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I just read the second pargraph again.... Thats his exact wording?

    I think its good to find somebody not just attracted to you by your weight. What did he say there? Read the second paragraph again. I think its good find someone who loves you for who you are, and not just your body size. Because our body sizes are just going to change over time. Thats a fact. I know its hard sometimes for our partners to word everything just right. So it doesn't hurt our feelings, because alot of us are sensitive to this subject. Do you think you have alot of potential? Were you thinner when you were younger? I might be the only one here thats not going to tell you to break up with him. Why don't you talk to him, and tell him how you took what he said. You have a few months to toss this around in your head. And maybe you can decide later if you need to upgrade the man situation.

    You want his exact wording? LOL okay.. pretty much verbatim

    Him: "Promise you don't get mad at me for what I am about to say."

    Me: "Okay. say it"

    Him: "I hope you lose the weight. I am not always that attracted to you, and when I see the american flag bikini picture in my head, I see the potential you have, and I am really attracted TO THE GIRL IN THAT PICTURE"

    I capitalized the last part because there is no bolding function on here. LOL
    I am going to open myself up here.
    My wife said the same thing to me just about.
    I used it as motivation to reach my fitness goals. And yes, it hurt.
    She was just honest.
    Should I have divorced her for that?
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    I just read the second pargraph again.... Thats his exact wording?

    I think its good to find somebody not just attracted to you by your weight. What did he say there? Read the second paragraph again. I think its good find someone who loves you for who you are, and not just your body size. Because our body sizes are just going to change over time. Thats a fact. I know its hard sometimes for our partners to word everything just right. So it doesn't hurt our feelings, because alot of us are sensitive to this subject. Do you think you have alot of potential? Were you thinner when you were younger? I might be the only one here thats not going to tell you to break up with him. Why don't you talk to him, and tell him how you took what he said. You have a few months to toss this around in your head. And maybe you can decide later if you need to upgrade the man situation.

    You want his exact wording? LOL okay.. pretty much verbatim

    Him: "Promise you don't get mad at me for what I am about to say."

    Me: "Okay. say it"

    Him: "I hope you lose the weight. I am not always that attracted to you, and when I see the american flag bikini picture in my head, I see the potential you have, and I am really attracted TO THE GIRL IN THAT PICTURE"

    I capitalized the last part because there is no bolding function on here. LOL

    Sounds like he just lacks a "duh don't say something like that" filter. How long have you been dating?

    a year and half, and known each other for 2 and a half. here's the every other aspect, is he supportive and loving?

    My husband says some stupid things sometimes and I always take them the worst way possible. It sounds like he loved you the way you were then but I doubt he loves you less now. I husband has changed since we first met and I sometimes wish he was in the same shape as he was back then and I find myself maybe not as attracted, but all his other qualities helped me fall for him...and we wouldn't give eachother up for any reason, even if the other fell a little off the healthy wagon.

    If you have a healthy relationship and sex life, and he treats you good otherwise, I'd muck this up to stupid man talk and just keep pushing to get better for yourself.
  • Been on my weight-loss journey since May 25th. Almost 2 months in I am bout 6lbs lighter, the difference in inches is minimal and it's hardly noticeable. My boyfriend and I are living 5000 miles away and I am moving back to where he lives at the end of september. My goal was to be down 15-20lbs by September 25th. So about 5 lbs a month. Not too crazy of a goal huh?

    Well the BF was here at the beginning of July for 10 days. We were just on the phone and he goes "You have great features, and while I don't find myself attracted to you because of your weight, I do see potential in you and when I see old pictures of you and where you have been, I see that you can be smaller than you are"

    I am sorry, but WHAT THE EFF!! I was 17 in those pictures, and while yes I may be a few pounds on the heavy side (I am about 145lbs, ex swimmer so my legs are all muscle, and I carry my weight well.) I am busting a$s, and have been frustrated with my current plateau, but not stressing it too much.

    I'm just very upset at the moment. I work out 4-5 days a week, eat relatively healthy (the main change I have done in my diet is to cut out sugary drinks. All I drink is water, green tea and black coffee and also cut down on portion sizes) so I am hoping giving it some more time and upping the intensity of my workouts, I'll bust through this plateau.. but at the same time, what if I'm not able to lose the weight? I don't want to be with someone that no longer finds me attractive because he saw old pictures of me and now "realizes" how "hot" I can be compared to what I look like now.

    Sorry it's so long.
  • Par8hed4life
    Par8hed4life Posts: 104 Member
    I give him props for being honest, but you need to be with somebody who sees you NOW. Not how you could one day be.

    As far as your weight loss is concerned, I was on a 4 month plateau and was SO frustrated. My hubs and I did some research and we began fasting twice a week for 24 hours-based on "Eat Stop Eat". So basically, we eat dinner then fast until dinner the next night. Additionally, I changed my macros to 40% protein, 30% Carbs, 30% Fat. Since doing that two weeks ago, the plateau has been broken and I feel more in control of my hunger. I have also realized that I eat out of habit...
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    If my guy ever told me he wasn't attracted to me because of my weight, I'd say sweet, don't bother having any more sex with me then.... wouldn't want to put a strain on your delicate sensibilities!

    *giggle-snort*. Well put.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    You know, if my wife ditched me for every dumb thing I said, I wouldn't have made it past the first week. Politely, but firmly, point out to him that the way he approached the subject was wrong in the first place. Never, ever, ever comment on a woman's weight. Just not done. Not unless you like being single.

    And for all the "Dump him now" people, do you guys honestly believe that a few words should end a relationship? And if so, how many of you are single?
    He did her a favor but showing his true colors. Now she can evaluate his extreme shallowness and make a change in her life. She should thank him.
  • BeckiCharlotte13x
    BeckiCharlotte13x Posts: 259 Member
    you don't take that from your boyfriend... disgusting.
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    What a *kitten*!!! Find someone who loves you for you.

    Definitely this!! How crazy is he?? He definitely needs to go bye bye!!