treetz1979 Member


  • This post was meant for me!!! I love beer as well....real beer....and have been working out extra to work it in. I've also recently tried "diet" beer, like Select 55 and Mich Ultra.....BLEH!!! So not worth it. I did not know that about the Hefeweizen...great to know! Trying to fit in the real beer and just drink less of…
  • Thank you so much for your honest feedback - this helps a lot and points me in the right direction!
  • ^^ this made me C.O.M.S. (choke on my sausage)
  • Disappointed. I expected pictures of men to choose from. :grumble:
  • Although I knew there was no "spot fix" answer, I was glad to see this topic. I too have "bingo/old lady wings" and am frustrated! I will say that I have started to see some definition as I build the muscle. But because the fat isn't gone yet, I think they just look bigger for now. Frustrating but you have to keep at it I…
  • BRAVO!!! I generally stay away from the forums but this one caught my eye. So glad it did. It's refreshing to hear about a COMMON SENSE approach that works. Thanks for sharing - it keeps the average joe like me encouraged and motivated!!!!!!!
  • "Why do people eat back exercise calories" or "Why don't people eat back exercise calories".
  • .....the truth about women is that most of us are really tired of men trying to figure us out and group us all under the same category. We don't get you guys either. So lets finally accept the fact we are all different and enjoy putting the parts together that make us different and move on :drinker:
  • I love that you posted progress!!! We have been MFP friends since we both started in October (thank you by the way!) and although I have not kept up the same pace as you, you have served as a daily inspiration to get my *kitten* moving. You look amazing and thank you for continuing to be supportive, inspirational and…
  • You all are changing my I am thinking direct vein connection but with Jack and DIET coke (you know, for good measure). Or, I could just get some of that rubber hosing they use for fuel lines, etc. and just suck on that while I am jogging. I've contemplated by Select 55 beer to avoid the 100+ calorie guilt…
  • awesome...I am not the only one!!! I am definitely going to lube me some joints tonight......
  • work it!!!! you should be proud and I love your confidence - you deserve to shine - great job!!!!
  • Thanks for the suggestions so far!!! I do intend on having these portabellas as the "main course" so I like the "burger" idea a lot! Maybe a little bit of swiss on top won't hurt anything either :wink: Keep the ideas coming!!!
  • You are speaking my language!!! I recently realized that I am still wearing the clothes that fit me 30+ pounds ago and they definitely make me look bigger than what I am now. I have one shirt that I can literally wrap around my body twice and I still wear it to work!!!! So, went out and bought myself a new pair of shorts…
  • OMG that is such a great story, thank you for sharing, you are always such a great motivator for me!
  • Oh thanks for sharing this.......I love reading the right post at the right moment!
  • I also did not view the video....there's a reason why I hunt for food still. Call it barbaric, but just like planting your own garden to know where your vegetables are coming from, I know exactly what was done to the meat in my freezer and who did it. Turkey hunting on Monday - yum :-)
  • Fantastic update!!! It has been very motivating to watch your progress, i am glad we are MFP pals!
  • I am with you....I even tracked measurements and didn't even lose inches. I am on my fifth week of this. You will get lot's of advice about zig zagging calories, changing your routine, watching sodium, sugar, fat....increasing water, sleeping more, etc. And, if you are like me, you've already done these things. I have no…
  • Tagging on to this....i am hunter myself and cannot find much that's very dependable. This site has some venison nutritional info but that's about it.
  • Day 13 (Day 3 Level 2) done and i took a little less 5 second breaks. But, and this is hard to explain, it was harder today and really feeling it in my shoulders. But, those chair squats with the v-fly are killers.....i want to throw the hand weights at the tv screen after about five of them. No matter what day, level,…
  • Just re-caught up on the forum since last night - we are a busy group, which is a great thing!!! TOM is Time of the Month and NSV is nonscale victory ....these are my favorite since I am on a 4 week plateau (I think still since I refuse to weight ore measure myself anymore). So an example of an NSV is that someone noticed…
  • Day 12 check! Keep up the good work everyone! I like level 2 more as weird as that sounds, but i have to do more modified moves. Also, someone mentioned pain...i started having lower back issues on day one of level two, but i am also fortunate to have TOM at the same time as level 2 as well. So....this should be…
  • Would like to understand this more too so I am tagging on to this.....people tell me my scale isn't going down because I am gaining muscle with my workout routine, but I don't really understand how one measures muscle vs. fat. on their body.
  • Did my first day on level 2 today....this is sort of NSV for me because i thought by now i would have skipped a day of shred, but not so far!!! Level 2 is way more sweatier for me too, wish i had an HRM just to see what my true burn is. Keep up the good work all!
  • Day 8 - check. So....I think I will try another weigh in/measurement check after completion of Day 10 :sad: First, some background, I've been on a 4 week plateau - no change in anything, ever. I follow MFP's recommended calories to lose a pound a week and watch my sugar, fat, etc. I though the shred would be the kick in…
  • Another day another shred! Anxiously anticipating weigh in tomorrow morning and measurements tomorrow night. I have been on a plateau for going on 4 weeks now. I just hope i have some kind of change....0.000002 pounds, a half inch....anything!!! I feel like Courtney on the Biggest Loser and i feel like one more week will…
  • Day 6 done....I am seeing an improvement in my endurance in everything except those damn push ups. For the previous posts, I plan on doing 30 days consecutively with weigh in/measurements each Friday. This simply just works best for me and it forces me to be accountable. Am i the only one that gets irritated at the end…
  • Day 5 done....and that's all i got to say about that :yawn: