April 30 Day Shred Team Challenge



  • saphire76
    saphire76 Posts: 102
    finished day 5! I despise jump rope. Despise it. But I do notice that the last circuit of cardio I can do everything much better. Thanks to all of you I am sticking to this. I really hope for great results. Not only for me, but to show my sister and get her to do it as well! Good job everyone!

    I feel the same way! Have u done level 2 at all they have dbl jump rope. Sux! good dub being a motivator best of luck to both of you.
  • saphire76
    saphire76 Posts: 102
    *job not dub.
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    Day 5 done- Stopped 6 times during it. I can't wait til I can do the whole workout without stopping. I am almost there I believe. I usually stop 3-5 reps before they do and I try my best to keep going.

    Good job ladies!

    I weigh in tomorrow at my diet class that goes from wed to wed. So I will post my results tomorrow
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    the jump rope is DOUBLE in level two?!?! For real?? Oh man....this is going to get ugly. But I WILL stick with it!! (I hope) lol.
  • keriberrybuttons
    keriberrybuttons Posts: 5 Member
    Day 4 done. Went for a run after ... those push up still kill me.
  • thumper67
    thumper67 Posts: 105
    Well day 5 is done! Yahoo! Good job everyone...we can do it! Kristin and I weigh in tomorrow so I hope we both see a loss. Will post results tomorrow. OMG my knees are killing me. It must be age because the hurt like a hell. I'm telling myself that they just don't like all this work and they will get over it. Aleeve here I come! Still only able to do about 15 pushups each time and I did stop a couple of times during the cardio portions but I do feel that I am a little bit stronger. I talked to a coworker today and she said that level 3 was a ***** to do so be prepared. She saw some really good toning and definition after she completed the 30 days. She looks great since she lost 55lbs over a year ago. I hope to be in her shoes 1 lb at a time.... Doing cardio in the am so see ya tomorrow.
  • pinklion721
    pinklion721 Posts: 226 Member
    I didn't get to shred today :-( I am on level three and it does require more strength but believe me when I say the first two levels prepare you for level three! When I first watched it I thought I would never be able to do it and now its my favorite level! Don't get discourage or intimidated we can all get through it!
  • xaintes
    xaintes Posts: 129
    Day 5 done! I also did Level 1 of The Biggest Loser Weightloss Yoga & the beginner 10 minute Kickbox Bootcamp thing. I highly recommend the yoga if you're looking for additional workouts to the shred :)

    Awesome job everyone!!!
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    Would anyone mind if I join you all? I just got the Shred and started Day 1 yesterday (April 4), so I just missed the first 3 days. And of course, I'll be continuing for a few days into May. But I love it so far (one day in, ha!). Off to start Day 2...
  • treetz1979
    treetz1979 Posts: 108 Member
    Day 5 done....and that's all i got to say about that :yawn:
  • daphne_gets_fit
    daphne_gets_fit Posts: 73 Member
    L1D2 Done!!! Those side lunges are a BEAST!!!
    Starting Measurements

    Starting Weight-156
    Left Leg-22.5
    Right Leg-22.5
    Left Arm-13
    Right Arm-12.5

    I can't wait til I take my measurements on day 30!! I'm soooo excited!!
  • jolarocknrolla
    jolarocknrolla Posts: 236 Member
    i'm doing it every other day (ride a bike on "off" days). i can't even beleive i'm doing better on the cardio & abs bits than on the stuff that requires upper arm strength. damn push-ups. but i'm stcking with it - just at my own pace.

    did it today and finished pretty strong for level 1. hopefully after my off-day i can do it for 2 days in a row which would be an achievement for me :)
    SHALONDAG Posts: 50 Member
    Finished day 5! It was tough to get motivated today because I was really tired. I'm glad I made myself just get up and do it. I've been doing so well, I didn't want to give in to my fatigue. I felt a lot better after I did it. I even got on my elliptical machine for 10 mins. afterward! Keep up the good work guys! We can do this!
  • saphire76
    saphire76 Posts: 102
    Would anyone mind if I join you all? I just got the Shred and started Day 1 yesterday (April 4), so I just missed the first 3 days. And of course, I'll be continuing for a few days into May. But I love it so far (one day in, ha!). Off to start Day 2...

    Glad to have ya! Keeps me going havingbthis challange.
  • c_ramey
    c_ramey Posts: 83 Member
    OK guys day 5 done, but not easily....my knees are killing me I cant put any weight on my feet without feeling like my knees are buckling and ripping apart! I am disappointed because I had just got to the point where I was actually enjoying the workout and the progress:cry: I just added walking 1 1/4 mile to my day yesterday (can do it in 15 mins) Do ya'll think it may have to do with the walking instead of the Shred? The Shred has not bothered my knees any till last night. Thanks for any input! I just took some advil- but if anyone has any advice what to do to help the kness I would appreciate that too!

  • soultrain1913
    soultrain1913 Posts: 33 Member
    I admit that I did not want to do it tonight because I walked 3 miles earlier but I pushed through! Day 5...DONE!!! :-)
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    L1D4 down! i went out and bought 3 lb weights but i still couldnt do all the side lunges with them. hopefully i get stronger soon! I almost didn't do the 30DS today because it's biggest loser tuesday and i go to the gym for two hours to watch it. i only did because of this thread! (okay, and my dress)

    So do you think we're supposed to be taking days off to recover? or is supposed to be the 30 days straight through?
  • evseqvar
    evseqvar Posts: 51 Member
    Me, me count me in! :smile:
  • aferbet
    aferbet Posts: 124
    Good job everybody!!!! I LOVE this thread and all the people who have started the challenge together-makes it so much easier to stick with it. Keep up the good work!!!!
  • elissascotland
    elissascotland Posts: 256 Member
    L1D5 - tick :)

    Thanks for the motivation everyone!
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