I like Beer! So how do I drink and eat healthy :( ?



  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    Pro Tip: a good hefeweizen is delicious and lower in calories than a Bud
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    edited January 2015
    I just make sure it fits into my calories. I work out, limit myself to 2, and usually I'm good.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    So like I said I like to have a few beers after work each day. I know you are not supposed to have beer when your dieting (empty calories). What do you think if I make sure I exercise off all my drinking calories. My Fitness Pal only allows me 1260 calories a day to lose 1/2 Lbs. a week.
    I appreciate any advice.

    Light beer is only 100 calories a bottle, don't think of them as empty calories rhink of them as sanity calories. By the end of the day that's better than vitamin C

    Most regular beers only have 120-150 cal per bottle. If you drink one with a lot more, it will also have around twice the percentage of alcohol, so you need to drink less to get a buzz! :wink:
  • treetz1979
    treetz1979 Posts: 108 Member
    This post was meant for me!!! I love beer as well....real beer....and have been working out extra to work it in. I've also recently tried "diet" beer, like Select 55 and Mich Ultra.....BLEH!!! So not worth it. I did not know that about the Hefeweizen...great to know! Trying to fit in the real beer and just drink less of it. Not as easy to do as it is easy to type.
  • JamesMauldin
    JamesMauldin Posts: 14 Member
    I brew my own beer, and the idea that I can't run out to the keg and draw a pint whenever I want kills me. I found this website which breaks down an approximate amount of calories by ABV - even down to the ounce! This is huge since my home brewed beer doesn't come with a calorie count.
  • JessaLee0324
    JessaLee0324 Posts: 118 Member
    omg...I don't know how I am supposed to limit myself to just one. If I could, I'd probably be skinny. I like the idea about freezing one and drinking it slowly but still....i can never just have one. :/ so I go for the stronger stuff that takes less to get a buzz hahha.
  • I love beer too! My goal is to only have one if I've exercised during the day and therefore increased the amount of calories I can have in a day. If I'm desperate, I'll drink 1 decent light beer *maybe*.
  • timpaton1
    timpaton1 Posts: 4 Member
    McBoffin wrote: »
    Who ever first came up with the idea that beer is empty calories could suck the joy out of a clown.

    Beer has calories, you're using MFP to track calories and your macros. It's about choices and entirely up to you how you fit it in.


    If I'm planning to drink a few, I'll make sure there's space for them in the daily budget, either by eating very carefully or by earning extra credits. Rolling a few credit kJ over from one day to the next isn't out of the question either - have a few good days to free up enough space for beers tomorrow.

    More often, I'll get to the end of a good day with a solid energy deficit beyond what I've planned (either through eating better than normal or through additional exercise), and if I feel like a beer, I'll reward myself with one. I get to decide how I want to balance out my energy budget, and if there's ample headroom for a 600 kJ bottle of foamy goodness, then that's my choice.

    It's actually one of the things that has surprised me since starting to use MFP, just how LITTLE energy is in beer. I've always believed the conventional wisdom that drinking beer is essentially the opposite of losing weight. Now I find that a beer - although it certainly has a significant energy content - is "lighter" than a bag of potato chips or a chocolate bar. Or an equivalent glass of milk, for that matter. If you want to drink beer energy, you just have to figure out what other energy you're not going to eat or drink to make up for it.

    I don't pay a whole lot of attention to macros, to be honest. When I look, they're usually pretty reasonably balanced, so I tend not to look. It's all about the total energy. Seems to work for me... to the tune of 10kg (20#) in 6 months, while drinking more beers than ever before. Just eating better to make up for it.

    I'll drink to that.
  • llynn1976
    llynn1976 Posts: 22 Member
    Michelob ultra is just 95 calories and low carbs, If you have 4 that's only 380 calories.
  • nogrows
    nogrows Posts: 56 Member
    I love beer so much! Luckily it is winter here now and I can resist the temptation. Just drinking in weekends and because of the weight loss I get 'drunk' sooner (=less calories). I used to work in a special beer bar. That really was like working in a candy store... Let's start a kickstarter project for great tasting light beer (could this ever be possible).

  • royston_ashby
    royston_ashby Posts: 71 Member
    Factor the beer into your macros... try not to drink everyday but still remember you need to live!!! You can see get results even if you drink but it will hinder the time process of reaching your goals
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I have a beer, glass of wine, or a cocktail most days, and often another. I've lost 65 pounds. Log them, and with such a low calorie goal, make sure you're getting your nutrients.

    I also burn nearly 500 calories a day on average through exercise, though. If I were less active, I'd be more concerned about the calories.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    OP - check out my diary - I have a separate category for beer and I prelog it at the beginning of the day so I know how many solid calories I need.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    just do it, and work out and eat well, its easy.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Drink your beer through one of those hats with straws while walking on the treadmill!

    Alternatively, just have a beer and count it into your daily calories. :)

    best idea ever


  • nuttynanners
    nuttynanners Posts: 249 Member
    Pre-log your beer. Pre-logging is SUCH a godsend. I'll think I have no calories left, and then suddenly.... a whole beverage/snack is worked in that I forgot about!!! It's like a present for future you :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    bwogilvie wrote: »
    I have a beer, glass of wine, or a cocktail most days, and often another. I've lost 65 pounds. Log them, and with such a low calorie goal, make sure you're getting your nutrients.

    I also burn nearly 500 calories a day on average through exercise, though. If I were less active, I'd be more concerned about the calories.

    Well put.
  • JGonzo82
    JGonzo82 Posts: 167 Member
    "Beer is proof that God loves us & wants us to be happy."
  • awasko1218 wrote: »
    If I have a craving (for me it is generally WINE and CHOCOLATE) when I get up in the morning (or through the day sometimes), I put that glass of wine and/or chocolate right into my tracker as an after-dinner snack - at 8am. lol. This way, All day long, if the craving goes away, great...but if it doesn't, I've got it covered and I can sit on my couch and watch trash TV and enjoy my treats guilt-free. It is kinda like making a fake withdrawal in your checking account so you can afford those shoes you want when they go on sale...;-)

    Pre-logging helps for me as well. If I have enough by dinner time to allow for the wine/beer/treat, I have it!
  • Misspropa
    Misspropa Posts: 24 Member
    Pre-log your beer. Pre-logging is SUCH a godsend. I'll think I have no calories left, and then suddenly.... a whole beverage/snack is worked in that I forgot about!!! It's like a present for future you :)