georgiagreeneyes Member


  • Howdy @JDonaghey22! So much of your story resonated with me (and also way to go on completing the Boston Marathon that’s a huge accomplishment)! I too am getting back on the band-wagon after letting myself spiral. Like you, I once was so health focused when it came to my nutrition and exercise and somehow got so very far…
  • First off CONGRATULATIONS on making the decision to start prioritizing your nutrition and fitness. You've already lost some weight and that's something to celebrate! Do you use other indicators to measure your progress as well (ie taking body measurements, noting your energy levels, or your physical fitness/tolerance for…
  • My goal is to lose 25-30 pounds by the summer as well. Let's get after it and shed some pounds for good! :smile: Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I am sorry that you are feeling this way right now. One thing that I started trying when I felt especially down was to write down 5 things that I had done well that week or things about myself that I felt positive about. Doing this helped me change my state of mind from focusing on what I couldn't do or hadn't done to a…
  • This sounds like a great idea! Definitely in, if anyone is looking for additional support or friends to add feel free to add me. I'm quite active on my MFP!
  • WOOT, this is an awesome post! I LOVE watching the transformations on Extreme Weightloss, Chris and his wife Heidi are my heroes! The title of this post is what really struck me. I think it's great that you have short term goals and are ready to tackle them. Even more importantly will be developing those goals, challenging…
  • Any way you can bring some healthy alternatives? This is always one of my go to's when having people over for football: Tastes AMAZING and celery makes a great dipper!
  • OMGGG that is really thoughtful but holy crow... so much temptation!
  • Feel free to add me! I'm in the medical field as well--- I know how challenging it can be working in that environment and still finding time to prioritize your own health and fitness!
  • When you quoted the calories are those net calories or is that all you are consuming each day? I'd be worried if you were only eating 1240 but were exercising regularly each day. You may not be noticing the results you're looking for because you're putting your body into starvation storage mode. Your basal metabolic rate…
  • I think the only time cutting carbs super low is helpful is in the instance of trimming and eliminating bloating before a competition or big event. Carbohydrates hold on to more water so cutting them will give one a natural diuretic effect. I agree with what a few others have posted that the type of carbohydrate can make a…
  • Haha totally agree with you about the wanting to look stellar in a dress!!!... What types of exercises and cardio are you doing right now to target your legs? When you're weight lifting how many reps are you aiming for? Perhaps it's time to mix up your routine and see if something starts working for you! I had a similar…
  • This answer really differs for everyone... If you find yourself eating those calories back but your weight loss stalls then try reducing that intake until you find that happy medium. Protein is your best friend if you're trying to build muscle! Another thing you can try with your HRM is to measure your "afterburn"... aka…
  • The drugs used in anesthesia will definitely cause water retention and most pain medications will do the same as well as impair normal bowel movements... aka it all adds up to temporary weight increase. I wouldn't worry too much about an increase... try and eat as clean as possible and you shouldn't have any long lasting…
  • Paleo is typically pretty low carb but as for exact percentages those more so pertain to similar diet strategies such as keto and LCHF. If you are doing alot of physical activity and weight training you will want to increase your protein intake slightly above what is recommended. Here's a decent calculator if you're…
  • When it comes to weight lifting you have to remember It's not all about calorie expenditure. if you're weight training you are increasing your body's muscle mass and thereby increasing your basal metabolic rate (aka how many calories you burn at rest). Running may burn more calories but it's not going to have the same…
  • The main indication for spironolactone for patients with PCOS is to reduce hirsutism (male pattern hair growth), as well as acne and generalized hair loss. It is a very weak diuretic and can really mess with your electrolytes (potassium especially). Diets that minimize insulin spikes will result in the best weight…
  • For all those that need to satisfy a pizza craving, this always does the trick for me!
  • I definitely can relate to the years spent trying to explain to doctors that there was something wrong. It's such an ostracizing feeling when people don't believe your struggle. For me it wasn't just the weight gain, I lost a lot of hair, and my energy levels were pitiful (I often fell asleep immediately after dinner…
  • This response was very well said, and I couldn't have said it any better! It's hard sometimes to realize that we're not the only ones facing issues and insecurities with our bodies. At the end of the day we can strive to give others the same caring support, which we hope to receive ourselves as well.
  • Amen! Before I had my car accident and gained back weight, I was at my perfect goal weight and fitness level. It definitely can be done as many others can attest. I haven't been this heavy in a long time, but I know that with diet I can lose weight albeit slower than average (I also have adrenal problems and due to my car…
  • This is so very true, I have pituitary problems so I also have the added struggle of dealing with adrenal issues. When I was placed on steroids I ballooned up and the weight has been extremely difficult to lose. It's frustrating, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one in this struggle! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • This is the best advice and exactly what I would have advised. Building muscle will give you better tone and will raise your total daily energy expenditure so that you'll be burning more calories per day! If you're unsure where to start when it comes to weight lifting, stronglifts ( is a great app…
  • I sent you a request, having friends to check in with makes it much easier... the camaraderie really helps as you know you're not in this alone! I'm not that active as I'm recovering from surgery, but once cleared I will slowly be incorporating fitness back into my daily routine. I can't wait honestly as before my accident…
  • By chance did you take measurements of your waist, hips, thighs, arms? To me you can CERTAINLY tell a significant change in weight. If it's not convincing enough perhaps try incorporating measurements so that you can tack inches lost. I'm also a fellow BodyBugg user and LOVE it. Keep up the hard work, feel free to add me!
  • This sounds like a great idea, since I'm a little late it'll be 28 days of July! Feel free to add me for those that are interested in sharing food diaries!
  • I really haven't had this problem too much since starting a diet higher in fat, but when it does occur I first try drinking a hot cup of decaffeinated tea as the warm water usually fills me up. In the event that tea does not work, I'll have a small snack high in fat/protein like a piece of cheese and a few almonds. Keep up…
  • HRM are usually the most accurate in determining calorie expenditure, however it's hard to say if the machines at your gym have accurate HR data. If you're really interested consider purchasing a Polar FT4, they're very reliable and quite affordable (!…
  • What is your recommended fat intake? I'm following a high fat moderate protein diet under advisement of my endocrinologist (I do not have diabetes but other thyroid and adrenal issues). Since adopting this way of eating I definitely feel less hungry, but I'm eating much fewer calories. Unfortunately we've been persuaded…
  • What are your motivations for weight loss? Consider writing down some of these motivations or posting a picture on the inside of the snack cupboard in your home. That way you're reminded of what you're fighting for when you're tempted by junk food. Motivation boards are a great way to visually remind yourself of your goals…