Accountability friends needed! 20 pounds to lose

Well I’m not new to mfp, I’ve been using it on and off for the last couple years. However, I am new to this community. Honestly, it has worked great when I have had the discipline/motivation to actually stick with it for longer than a few days. That’s the issue… I just keep losing the same 5 pounds and gaining them back over and over again. I’ve been working at this now for about a year and at this point I’m feeling pretty down on myself and discouraged. I have about 20 pounds I would like to lose and I think it’s time I get some group support. I'm thinking that would make me MUCH more accountable to getting my workout in and eating healthier. I wouldn’t want to be the only one not checking in that I did my workout and ate decently that day… so I guess I’m just looking for some accountability friends & support to get me on track so I can finally get back down to my “comfortable” weight. Any takers??


  • mtoasty79
    mtoasty79 Posts: 18
    I am the same way! I lost about 20 pounds recently and was doing really well and at the first sign of a bad week I totally gave up and reverted back to my old ways. I am sitting at 186 and would like to lose at least 30. I think we can help each other :)
  • katieac14
    katieac14 Posts: 3 Member
    Absolutely, sounds just like me! Let's give this a shot :)
  • mtoasty79
    mtoasty79 Posts: 18
    What are your weaknesses? Mine are evenings when I get home from work. I am a snackaholic. I am usually fine throughout the day because I am so busy but the second I have some down time the battle of epic proportions with food ensues. I have been fighting it for years. We can beat this!
  • rawhidenadz
    rawhidenadz Posts: 254 Member
    You can add me if you like. I want to lose 15-20 pounds as well
  • georgiagreeneyes
    georgiagreeneyes Posts: 69 Member
    I sent you a request, having friends to check in with makes it much easier... the camaraderie really helps as you know you're not in this alone! I'm not that active as I'm recovering from surgery, but once cleared I will slowly be incorporating fitness back into my daily routine. I can't wait honestly as before my accident I was in the best shape of my life and at my goal weight.

    I hope y'all have a healthy 4th of July!!
  • katieac14
    katieac14 Posts: 3 Member
    mtoasty79 - my weaknesses are similar... I eat well at work all day and then I come home exhausted and just snack away, and a healthy dinner never sounds appetizing. I also am VERY inconsistent with my workout routine. I can't seem to just stick with a routine and do it. I get really excited about something, do it for 2-3 weeks and then I get sick of it and don't exercise for another 2-3 weeks.

    georgiagreene - I totally agree, I am loving the camaraderie so far! Good luck in your recovery, you can get back there!!
  • noname94
    noname94 Posts: 4
    Our stories sound similar ! Today I came home from a trip and found out I gained. When i was actually trying to lose (and no, my clothes are not fitting better, it's just fat). I think some motivation for each other would help lots. So I'm sending you a request if that's okay ;)