

  • Your body doesn't know WHAT TIME IT IS..but it does know what to do with the calories..try listening to MFP..even though I had lost 2-3 lbs a wk from wk 1-5...I gained 20 lbs in wk 6 of MFP bc I had not eaten bk any of my exercise calories.. I then took MFP advice, went to organic food, cut back on sodium, increased my…
  • Karin is right..but first step..REST IT..discontinue exercising until you can figure out the severity of the injury! THEN, ...IMMEDIATELY ICE! and IBUPROFEN..this helps with inflammation.. suggested first 24hrs of injury 20mins ea. setting.. always treat an though it is an injury! The body responds best this way..…
  • My advice for the OP, if you feel like you are injured you shouldn't even hesitate to go see the doctor. If you haven't been exercising regularly you may have actually hurt yourself. If you have been exercising regularly it could be an overuse injury which is very common in the knees. If it is actually swollen you should…
  • I work hard toward a certain BURN #..depending on whether or not I make it in that given amnt of time...I will usually (not ALWAYS)..but I try to cool down then STRETCH in to a normal HR, or close anyway...but never my resting HR (that could take me another hour or so!) However if I am doing 2 WOs at diff. times of the…
  • Wow! These look great! Will have to add to next week's shopping list!
  • O and another great way to detox/boost the immune system is MASSAGE..try an ABDOMINAL massage..or do it yourself.. If you have a professional for PEPPER essential oil to be put on the abdomen and lymph can always invigorate those on your own to as simple as self massage Deep UPWARD strokes from…
  • I like to eat my detoxifying elements:) a few of my faves are red pepper flakes, jalapenos, cabbage, spinach, turnip greens...turnips..cinnamon hot tea..flax seed in salads most anything really;)
  • MEEE!!! Getting my WO in that I get to see it!!!
  • Great topic and feedback! Thanks for posting!! have not been having a recovery drink..have chocolate milk every now and then..but do get in more protein as usual....just started wk 5..and have been considering adding one to my you guys do superpump too?
  • All I really want is my DENTAL BILL to be HEALTHY, and to KEEP LOSING...and to get my son on board with for him, I want a HRM..... and we'd love to share another apple..that iPad! heehee...I really need some more YOGA PANTS and some LEG WARMERS..these skinny legs are getting pretty chilly!…
  • O, and you will LOVE the AROMA! Aromatherapy that is!! ;)
  • Hi dear, massage therapist here...let me take your hand sweetie! If you can possibly afford a massage, do it..go with a swedish. Ask your Massage Therapist to include essential oils in the session that are uplifting, and balancing..I suggest grapefruit and lavender for starters..I AM AN ESSENTIAL OIL JUNKIE! If you can't…
  • The feedback here is wonderful..please read the link! she posted!!! Its right ON!!!
  • Isn't this just the way THINGS GO..when you are making any type of CHANGE..YOU DO what YOU NEED TO DO, for YOURSELF...YOU ARE SHOWING YOUR STRENGTHS and DETERMINATION..we are NEVER to PUT a STUMBLING BLOCK in FRONT OF ANOTHER..but to be HELPFUL, LIFTING EACH OTHER UP! Do what you need to do, make time for your partner, our…
  • Are you getting all of your water in, and watching your sodium intake? Most importantly, are you EATING 70-75% of your EXERCISE CALORIES that you BURNED OFF? Keeping a close eye on how many calories you burn with a HRM?
  • Season's change, people change...its only natural..we all appeal to fitness..just how intensely?? Intensely enough to make a change for ourselves..affecting our mind/body image? Not to mention the way regular exercise intensifies positivity..from your thought patterns of yourself to your thoughts of others.. There is…
  • LOL :laugh: Hilarious, and Splendid! I know what you mean girl! So thankful I've been able to step back down into my 13/14 skinnys..and will be able to keep stepping down into the 10s I bought only a couple of years ago..I found it so frustrating when having to jean shop..they fit so much differently when you get so much…
  • Hi! Massage Therapist here...I have to hand it to Priskar and AsaThorsWoman they are RIGHT! That's why I am working to my schoolgirl figure back now at 34..before it's too late to save the skin! (Find out for yourself...take closeups of before pics..and continue throughout your journey).... So many factors depending on…
  • EXCELLENT WORK DOG!!! :glasses: There is no doubt about it! YOU ARE PACK LEADER!!!!! Keep up the AWESOME WORK my friend! The reward in WEIGHTLOSS is PLEASING TO THE EYES..but the GIFT we receive from it, is LEARNING to COOK HEALTHIER FOODS/PORTION CONTROL, and the BiGGEST BLESSING the HIGHER ENERGY OF GREAT HEALTH that we…
  • How about the 90 calorie Tall Dolche Cinnamon Latte - Skinny BE sure to REQUEST non fat milk!! otherwise they add whole milk!! A friend of mine gave me Starbucks recipe book a few years this Holiday season..I am going to revise the recipe for SB's Blueberry Coffee Cake..and enjoy a nice home brewed cup..Soon as I…
  • First of all, sounds like your friend just wants to spend some time with you..a great time to celebrate your accomplishments and possibly inspire..There is no doubt your fears and lack of courage from restraining yourself from making poor choices..But instead of setting yourself up with doubting thought..with your waitress…
  • Adding you as a friend dear! You keep in touch with me! K! Pain management is my specialty! :bigsmile: Wouldn't mind walking you through it over the phone if necessary!! It's not easy doing bodywork on yourself..but bc it can be expensive and hard to find one with the knowledge, I have learned to take care of MYSELF! I…
  • Vickie and MagicClaire are exactly RIGHT!.. (I am a Massage Therapist) Always use ice after ANY strain or sprain...even after a good hard workout..stretch, then ice..THEN HEAT ...then REPEAT this until you feel no heat coming from that particular muscle when you touch it. In this case..It really depends on exactly…
  • Curious as to whether or not you've seen a doctor..are you feeling pain or discomfort on both sides of the knee, more in the origin area of the hamstrings or quads? Have you seen a doctor or physical therapist? What stretches are you doing for the injured knee? Have you tried some isometric stretches? Considered using…
  • O my gosh, good idea Sara..I've never made one..just had to quote this so that I can have access to it from my page!! Thanks!!
  • It appears to be the turkey sausage!!! SO much SOdium!!!! I'm going to start making this 2oz serving a breakfast treat ONLY!!!!
  • Sounds like you've got yourself quite a partner there! bahahaha, good for you!
  • O've been on since June...with only one friend and a 15 lb loss! WTG! I'm in only 2 wks...went from SOFA to Gym the last 4...ready to get this fat offa me! can trail with so many new friends..can only connect with those who are responsive...after another week..gonna start deleting those who…
  • shoot me a request on BBteams =]