MFP is yelling at me.



  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    You need to eat in order to keep your metabolism up. If you don't eat, you will go into starvation mode. You body isnt telling you that you are hungry because it is in survival mode. I wasn't eating enough and I stopped losing weight for 6 weeks....I thought that I was doing everything right...but I wasnt eating enough. I increased my calories started dropping weight again.

    What she said. If you are under and not hungry, chug a tall glass of chocolate milk. That's good for 200-300 calories easy and always puts me to sleep very nicely. If you are still confused about eating your exercise calories, read the link in my signature and/or search the forums. There is a TON of info on this topic. Good luck!!
  • kevinthenerd
    kevinthenerd Posts: 21 Member
    It's too late to be eating anyways!!

    No it is not too late to eat.

    Mmmmm..... Fourth Meal!
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    So long as it's not every day, I wouldn't worry about it. Unless, of course, you're under by like 10. I'm often under by just a few. Then I'd say you're fine. The info you're logging is likely not exact anyway.
  • thehealthyone
    Your body doesn't know WHAT TIME IT IS..but it does know what to do with the calories..try listening to MFP..even though I had lost 2-3 lbs a wk from wk 1-5...I gained 20 lbs in wk 6 of MFP bc I had not eaten bk any of my exercise calories..

    I then took MFP advice, went to organic food, cut back on sodium, increased my water, and now eat 70% of my exercise calories plus what MFP is set at.. The 20 FELL OFF and put me back at my starting weight again. DON"T BURN MORE THAN YOU CAN CHEW!!!!!

    Do what you want..but learn from it..and give attention as to why
  • kevinthenerd
    kevinthenerd Posts: 21 Member
    Nobody is going to gain weight in starvation mode. If that were true, anorexics wouldn't be so skinny.

    "Starvation" and "starvation mode" are two different things. Yes, it's true that nobody stayed fat in Auschwitz. If you cut your calories to zero or very near, you will eventually lose weight until you're a very unhealthy bag of bones.

    Your body recognizes when insufficient food is available and slows the rate of energy use to prepare for famine. As I understand, it can tend to overestimate and over respond to this. Recall that losing weight requires that you burn more calories than you consume. If you drop your calories too much, your body's calorie burning engine will pull off the throttle even more so, and the net difference will be reduced. There's a sweet spot before starvation occurs where the net difference is maximized.

    I'm no doctor, but I'm willing to bet that a single day isn't enough to do much of anything if we're only talking about a couple hundred calories. I know that if I pig out, my appetite is reduced even a full 24 hours later, so I'm thinking that your body averages out the calories (and makes starvation-mode "decisions") on a time period much longer than 24 hours.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    I think you should just listen to your body. If you're not hungry, don't eat.

  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I feel like it yes at me too! Some days I'm under and some days I am over. As long as I are not under everyday for a long time you will be okay!
  • tessjordan88
    tessjordan88 Posts: 201 Member
    My girlfriend who has already lost almost 50 lbs with MFP encourages me to have a glass of orange juice or something like that to make up my calories if I'm under.

    Or chocolate milk!! Also nuts are high-calorie and have the good-for-you fat in them,
  • tessjordan88
    tessjordan88 Posts: 201 Member
    You need to eat in order to keep your metabolism up. If you don't eat, you will go into starvation mode. You body isnt telling you that you are hungry because it is in survival mode. I wasn't eating enough and I stopped losing weight for 6 weeks....I thought that I was doing everything right...but I wasnt eating enough. I increased my calories started dropping weight again.

    Everybody is different though. Starvation mode doesn't necessarily happen to everyone. Just do what's right for your own body. As long as you're getting proper nutrition from food and not going to bed hungry, don't worry about a day or two of being a few hundred calories under your goal now and then. I had been told to eat my exercise calories (to "boost" my metabolism and prevent starvation mode) so many times, and then when I did, I started gaining weight back. I stayed too full all the time. I was always bloated and uncomfortable. So, I began listening to my body and stopped eating BEFORE I got too full.

    Do what's right for your own body. General advice for "everybody" may not be the best advice for YOU!
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    500 below your target!!! ?

    thats too big a deficit. ;)
    Whats you target by the way?

    you need to be eating more calories in your meals if your not hitting the target. You're not really going to lose more weight in the long term doing this sort of thing.

    fill up your meals!!! Avocado, cottage cheese, nuts...get those calories in!!!! its not hard. (no, it isnt).

    if you get to the end of the day and you havnt made it yet, eat some good fatty stuff. no carbs. you're body doesnt want/need carbs when sleeping. I'll snack on 50gm's of peanuts if i'm 300 or so short myself...for me, thats a handful, lol.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    same, I eat almonds in bed all the time :P
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Wish I had this Problem. :tongue: :laugh:
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    starvation mode is REAL!!!! You don't want to start gaining weight do you?
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    What all the starvation mode people do not tell you is everyone is diffrent,I have not netted over 1000 calories except on days i dont exercise in a long long time im ok.So I really think one day is not going to throw you into starvation mode.I exercise 5 to 6 times a week and burn anywhere from 400 to 600.
  • tessjordan88
    tessjordan88 Posts: 201 Member
    What all the starvation mode people do not tell you is everyone is diffrent,I have not netted over 1000 calories except on days i dont exercise in a long long time im ok.So I really think one day is not going to throw you into starvation mode.I exercise 5 to 6 times a week and burn anywhere from 400 to 600.

    Exactly! Like I said, if you're getting proper nutrition from food, and not hungry, why force yourself to eat? One day a week is not going to put you into starvation mode. AND EVERYBODY is DIFFERENT! Just make sure you don't go overboard and leave a 500+ calorie deficit for more than one day a week.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    do not confuse hunger with proper nutrition, they do not go hand in hand until you train yourself to recognize what those cravings mean and what you need to keep you healthy. Once you go onto a healthy eating lifestyle it can be hard to get the cal count in initially, you can never go wrong with good fats and a few good carbs to keep the cal counts up and metabolic rate flying.
  • kevinthenerd
    kevinthenerd Posts: 21 Member
    As I understand, it can tend to overestimate and over respond to this. Recall that losing weight requires that you burn more calories than you consume. If you drop your calories too much, your body's calorie burning engine will pull off the throttle even more so, and the net difference will be reduced. There's a sweet spot before starvation occurs where the net difference is maximized.
    Upon further research into this, I found out that your body never over-compensates. Under no conditions will it "throttle back" more than the calorie deficit. As you eat less and less, you'll get decreasing weight loss benefits, but they will still increase.

    I'm not suggesting starvation to anyone. It's still very unhealthy. It also sucks to feel hungry.