

  • I don't run, but I do bike every morning and just wanted to add my two cents. Hope you don't mind. I bike four miles first thing in the morning and I've found it helpful not to eat anything before hand. Not only do I not have time to eat breakfast and wait for it to digest a little, I've found in the past that exercising…
  • Eating clean is a spectrum and means different things to different people. For some, eating clean is making absolutely everything yourself and never eating anything out of a box. For others, it's avoiding foods with artificial ingredients. And eating clean is more about health than it is about weight loss. If a processed…
  • I used to drink at least a liter of Diet Coke a day, and never had any ill effects from it (except maybe the jitters from so much caffeine). I don't think artificial food is particularly good for you, which is why I cut the soda out of my diet, but I don't think the amount most people drink is going to hurt them. Unless…
  • Two and a half weeks. I indulged in McDonald's for my birthday. Bad idea. I had the WORST case of heartburn for the rest of the day. I have no desire to eat it in the near future.
  • My bacon is 80 calories for two slices...are you using thick-sliced bacon maybe?
  • I use an organic vanilla soy milk. Only 6g of sugar per serving.
  • 1) Eggs - I've recently been having a hard-boiled egg for breakfast every day (okay, I pretty much make egg salad and eat it on toast....). 2) Oatmeal 3) Chicken - I'm broke. I eat a LOT of chicken. 3) Vegetables - the kind varies. 4) Bananas 5) Melon 6) Bread 7) Tuna fish 8) Yogurt 9) Vanilla soy milk (yum!) 10) Granola…
  • I had never shopped at Trader Joe's (I wasn't even sure what Trader Joe's was) until I moved where I am now. Now, there's one about ten minutes away from where I work. I go there almost every night because their Luna bars are cheaper than any other grocery store in the area. I'm also fond of their shampoo, conditioner, and…
  • I've been wondering this as well. Does it have to be mixed with water to be effective? I'm mostly wondering for what people say it does for your skin. I happen to love ACV (and vinegar in general) and happily take it by the spoonful. Weird, I know. I'm also fond of ACV on my beef stew. ;)
  • I don't eat cold cereal because of the high amount of processing and the sugar. Plus, the serving size nowhere near fills me up! I prefer oatmeal. :)
  • Yes! Yesterday was my birthday and I overindulged. I had the worst stomach ache when I went to bed yesterday and I felt sluggish and awful today.
  • Much to my chagrin, yes. My grandfather always told me that eating junk food wouldn't do my break outs any favors, and I (in all my teenage wisdom) told him that it was a myth that had been debunked. Low and behold, I went clean (or mostly clean) about a month ago and my breakouts have gotten much better. Especially since…
  • Now? I eat right around my BMR, though I haven't always. I was notorious for living on less than 1000 calories a day and not feeling hungry for it. When I decided to be healthier, I bumped up the calories, ate healthier, and switched my beloved Diet Coke for water. And to my surprise, I've lost weight. And I'm hungry…
  • I don't bother to count calories while on vacation, but then again, I'm not explicitly trying to lose weight, just be healthier. I just went back to my hometown to see the folks for Memorial Day and ended up having a long cheat weekend simply because my family doesn't eat nearly as healthy as I do and I didn't want to put…
  • I am SO trying that tomorrow. I use my grocery store's brand of rolled oats and it tastes great. Oatmeal is a bit more time-consuming than pouring a bowl of cereal (it takes about 10 minutes total for rolled oats), but much more delicious, in my opinion. I usually eat mine with a little bit of brown sugar or pure maple…
  • I also just switched to soy milk, and was also thrown by the really long expiration date. However, on the side of most containers, it says that the milk has been ultra-pasteurized to last longer unopened. Once opened, use within 7-10 days. I don't usually pay attention, since my soy milk never lasts longer than 10 days…
  • I have both in my kitchen, but as someone who was raised in Vermont...I gotta go with the maple syrup. :) I usually use between 1/2 and 1 tbsp on my oatmeal in the morning.
  • Same here. I used to eat them all the time, but I'd end up eating at least two packets and ingesting a lot of unhealthy calories. And I'd STILL be hungry! Don't get me wrong, I love Pop Tarts...I would never hate on them, but I'd prefer more bang for my caloric-buck!
  • Totally agree! But that's mostly because I hate celery. I also agree with corn, though I admit I still eat it on occasion. Iceberg lettuce - Ugh, don't get me started. I made a perfectly nice iceberg and spinach salad last week because I wanted to stretch my spinach further for lunches. A day after I made it, the iceberg…
  • It depends on how hungry I am. If I'm really hungry: 1/2 c. rolled oats (cooked, of course), with 1 tbsp of pure maple syrup 2 slices whole-wheat toast with 1 tbsp of apple butter Fruit, usually a banana or blueberries If I'm not so hungry: 1/2 c. vanilla yogurt 2 slices of whole-wheat toast with 1 tbsp of apple butter…
  • I do it all the time. I don't have a lot of time to prepare meals, so I tend to batch cook and eat a lot of the same meals. I have pretty much the same breakfast and the same lunch (at least for three days...that's usually how long my leftovers last!). I try to make them all balanced meals, so I don't worry about not…
  • S'mores! I admit I have a Luna Bar addiction. The Trader Joe's on my way home from work has them for cheap and I've gotten in the habit of buying one in the evening after work. They're delicious.
  • I count them, but I don't stress over the calories in vegetables as much as the vegetables in say...a sandwich.
  • My butter! Yum! :) It averages around 30-40 calories for a 1 tablespoon serving.
  • Kettle cooked salt and vinegar chips. Forget it, I'm gone.
  • You could totally make-ahead salads! I don't think you could freeze them; I've never tried it. But I often make a huge salad at the beginning of the week and eat it throughout the week. I pack a salad in my lunch every day. Right now, there's a huge bowl of iceberg and spinach (and other veggies) in my fridge waiting to be…
  • I'm not really worried about water toxicity, since I don't drink enough in one sitting to make me feel full even. But I do vaguely remember something from way back in high school nutrition class about too much water throwing off vitamins and electrolytes in the body?
  • So glad I'm not the only one. I live in New England, and my area hasn't really gotten a day above 75 yet. But when it's hot and humid, it's a struggle to eat. My advice would be light foods. Cereal, yogurt, cold soups, etc. I eat a lot of sandwiches and salads in the summer. My grandparents eat things like pot roast and…
  • I have a few co-workers who are anti-carb. One read "Wheat Belly" and was really moved by it, but didn't force her opinions on us. I have another who thinks that those who eat carbs are no better than those who drink, smoke, swear, and skip church on Sundays. Which is funny, since she isn't low-carb in her diet at all. And…
  • It's not really a meal, though, it's a snack. And usually, I'm tired and cranky when I get home, so it's not as healthy as it could be. And this small snack doesn't help me reach my calories. I have a hard time reaching my BMR because I have a small appetite. What I pack for an entire day at work (four whole-grain…