How to do clean eating?

Rayanne203 Posts: 207 Member
Hi so I am on th weight loss band wagon..and I plan on losing 50 pound. From what I have learned I can exercise till I am blue in the face but if I do not eat "clean" It is all in vein. SO please tell me, what is eating "clean"? Any tips and tricks? Also any recipes?:smile:


  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    Wash your food before eating it. :laugh:

    But in all seriousness, it basically is avoiding as much processed, pre-packaged foods as you can. If you can't pronounce the ingredients on the label, you shouldn't eat it. I personally don't follow this mentality, but it works for some people.
  • Rayanne203
    Rayanne203 Posts: 207 Member
    Thank you :) lol & I will also be sure to wash my foods before I eat them :P
  • Monny287
    Monny287 Posts: 109
    Eating clean is a spectrum and means different things to different people. For some, eating clean is making absolutely everything yourself and never eating anything out of a box. For others, it's avoiding foods with artificial ingredients. And eating clean is more about health than it is about weight loss. If a processed food fits into your caloric goals and macros, you could eat it every day and lose weight. I fall into the second group (no artificial ingredients) just because I want to avoid artificial food. And it's fun to make some of the foods I used to buy. I just got back into making my own bread. I've been nurturing a whole-wheat sourdough starter for a couple weeks, and I've made sourdough biscuits and my first batch of sourdough bread. Yum! :)