aspartame poisoning?



  • julies90
    julies90 Posts: 646 Member
    I think it's one of those things that people are never gonna really be sure of, or agree on. I don't think its the best thing in the world for you, but I'm not convinced that it's gonna kill people, Personally I love me a good diet coke.:bigsmile:
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Artificial sweeteners are not good. If they were they would be able to prove it. I believe you can get too much of anything. Moderation is a concept that many are against.
    Maybe the imaginary aspartame poison will cure your imaginary candida problem.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Artificial sweeteners are not good. If they were they would be able to prove it. I believe you can get too much of anything. Moderation is a concept that many are against.
    Maybe the imaginary aspartame poison will cure your imaginary candida problem.
    I see. You are a know it all who knows very little. You enjoy yourself.
  • mammiehorn
    mammiehorn Posts: 119 Member
    I have heard that its only harmful if it is stored above 90 degrees farenheit. So I suppose if it sat in a warm car than someone drank it or on an unrefridgerated shelf or something. But I don't like it all too much just cuz it makes you have to pee alot and it makes you crave sugar more than other types of drinks.
  • mammiehorn
    mammiehorn Posts: 119 Member
    I definitely need to check out the danger of it being stored above 90 degrees. I actually learned to prefer my diet pepsi warm because everyone would forget to replace my cold ones in the refrigerator so I gave up and started drinking it room temp. Maybe this is why sometimes I feel bad when I drink it and sometimes I don't.
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    Every time I eat anything with aspartame in it I get sick. Not 'i've been poisoned' sick. I come down with a cold. I can taste when aspartame is in something without it being listed (a lot of alcohols have aspartame and don't list their ingredients) and it can give me a headache as well as a sore throat.

    I think it's terrible for you and it should be avoided, which is hard because it hides in things with 'healthy' labels.

    obviously its terrible for YOU but that doesn't mean it is for everyone
  • Pvestin
    Pvestin Posts: 19 Member
    I try to be as chemical free as I can, so soda of any kind is a very infrequent treat. This does not adress aspartame poisoning but it does suggest that Diet Soda MIGHT not be as consequence free as some think.

    "Of course, it's important to note that the researchers only found an association -- it's not known whether the artificial sweeteners in the diet drinks actually case diabetes, or if people who are already prone to diabetes tend to drink more diet drinks (perhaps in an effort to decrease their sugar intake). "

    And then there is this

    "A study presented at a American Diabetes Association meeting this week shows that drinking diet soda is associated with a wider waist in humans. And a second study shows that aspartame -- an artificial sweetener in diet soda -- actually raises blood sugar in mice prone to diabetes. "

    And this
    "The researchers found that people who reported drinking diet soda on a daily basis had a 43 percent higher risk of having a vascular event than people who didn't drink any soda, even when accounting for conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes."

    We all get to make our own choices and take our own risks. I personally like to be aware of the risks I am taking. I hate how often something is presentded as healthy when it isn't. Organic potato chips anyone?:drinker:
  • nvhelmer
    nvhelmer Posts: 3
    I quit eating artificial anything about a year ago and feel much better. If I can't visualize it growing in nature, then I just don't eat it. So, what the heck would Aspartane look like growing? Crystals in a test tube?
  • Monny287
    Monny287 Posts: 109
    I used to drink at least a liter of Diet Coke a day, and never had any ill effects from it (except maybe the jitters from so much caffeine). I don't think artificial food is particularly good for you, which is why I cut the soda out of my diet, but I don't think the amount most people drink is going to hurt them. Unless you're drinking your body weight in diet soda, in which case yes, there may be some cause for concern.