Advice on morning running prep?

Hi all,

I would like to start running in the morning rather than the afternoon as it gets hot and humid by midday down here in the South. My normal routine for running has me eating something light and downing a cup of coffee and a few glasses of water about an hour before I head out. I'm unsure how to make the transition to early morning runs as this kind of prep is unrealistic with my work schedule. So, my question is - what do those of you who run early do to prep for your run? Is my prep routine unnecessary?



  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,635 Member
    All I have done is just get up, have a cup of tea, eat two bananas or an orange and a banana, give it half an hour and go out for my run.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    It depends on the distance you're running. If you're only going to run 1-3 miles you might be ok with not eating until after your run, or eating something small like a banana. You want to choose something with simple sugars that will be absorbed into your blood stream quickly so you have more energy and won't have a stomach cramp. If you're going to be running longer distances I find a plain bagel (not whole wheat as it takes more to digest it... this is really the only time I eat white bread) with some jelly on it and a banana with a glass of water before I head out keeps me held over enough to complete my run with good energy. If you're doing really long runs (8+ miles) then I would suggest you pack something to eat along the way like a gel or gummy (I like the Clif Bar shot blox myself) this way you are getting some doses of carbs to help you push through with enough energy and calories. Also, especially since it's summertime, water is a really good thing to have on you with distances longer than 4ish miles. I have a fuel belt that holds about 40 oz. and I find that keeps me satisfied for my long runs (8-10 miles at a time).
  • Lammerchops
    Lammerchops Posts: 68 Member
    What are your goals with said cardio? Are you currently cutting? Bulking? Training for a marathon? More deets would be helpful. What type of running? Short distance? Long distance? Steady-state? Tempo runs?

    Either way, you'll get a variety of answers but at least you can assess the pros/cons and general uses of fasted vs non-fasted cardio.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I only worry about fueling ahead of a run if it's going to be more than a couple of hours or so.

    If you're running 5 or 10km you should have plenty of stored glycogen to see you through if you're running fasted. Similarly, it's not the water you drink shortly before a run that helps with hydration - it's what you drink the day before that really counts.

    I usually just enjoy a cup of coffee and then I'm out the door. For a longer Sunday run I'll have some toast & PB and a banana a couple of hours before I run (I find running with food in my stomach - or too much water - makes me feel very uncomfortable)

    It may take a little trial and error making the change in routine......
  • _thirtytwo
    _thirtytwo Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks everyone! When I run it is usually somewhere between 3 and 5 miles (primary goal is weight loss, getting into a pattern to become a "runner"), so it sounds like all of your advice should fit my situation really well. Thanks for all of the help!
  • MarineCodie
    MarineCodie Posts: 256 Member
    If I'm running first thing out of bed I don't eat or drink anything. I tried coffee but that just sloshes around and I really don't feel the pick me up. I'd rather just enjoy my breakfast and morning coffee after my run.

    Not eating/drinking has not hurt my performance in the AM unless I didn't have enough to fuel me from dinner the night before.

    Ultimately, you just have to try out a few things and see what works for you and your belly (and your um.... digestive system)
  • scarrie2
    scarrie2 Posts: 80 Member
    I do not eat before unless it's a 8+ run. I drink 10oz before any run, and over 6 miles I bring water w/ me. I concentrate on eating after. I usually don't use energy stuff on my runs unless it's 8+. And I agree w/ PP, it doesn't matter what I eat in the morning, but the night before that gives me my energy.
  • Monny287
    Monny287 Posts: 109
    I don't run, but I do bike every morning and just wanted to add my two cents. Hope you don't mind. I bike four miles first thing in the morning and I've found it helpful not to eat anything before hand. Not only do I not have time to eat breakfast and wait for it to digest a little, I've found in the past that exercising even an hour after eating only makes me feel sick. I do drink water before and after, and have a nice relaxing breakfast when I get back.