swanny320 Member


  • Subway promotes the "scooping" as part of their effort to attract diabetic consumers who must watch carbs. ALL Subways will do it for you.
  • Don't eat Subway. That's the bottom line. IT's FULL of carbs (and omg, I love Subway. I'd eat it every day if I could) but if you're concerned about the carbs and can't eat the salad, then perhaps the best bet for you is to eat something else on the days when your wife wants Subway. Is there anyway that you two could…
  • Thanks guys! Well it got worse! I teach and my students had a surprise birthday party for me and I ended eating cake and chips. UGH. Well, I'm just going to eat clean the rest of the night and start again tomrorow. Thanks for the perspective.
  • I'm a long distance runner and I agree with the other poster who suggested you are running at too high of a pace. Slow yourself down. You don't have to sprint the whole time. Just run at a comfortable pace where you can easily hold a conversation with someone. Try increasing the amount by 10% weekly but no more than that!
  • Cutting requires losing fat. Once fat is gone, muscle is exposed. I wouldn;t focus on one area. I'd do them all because you will burn more efficiently
  • I have such a hard time with that. If I allow myself goodies then I cannot stop. For me, it just has to be all or nothing. I'm that way with most things in life. Part of my weight increase is because I've had to stop running due to injury. I was a marathon runner and now I'm chained to the elliptical, the bike, and…
  • I hated it. It's absolute basic and if that's all you want, fine. However, I like showers,pools, and a variety of free weights. I feel it's a step up from Curves. It might be good for people who just absolutely cannot afford more than the 10 bucks. I pay 30 at my gym and have access to amazing equipment and classes.
  • Hi...I'm a long distance runner who has suffered some pretty painful things as a result. I can give you great advice on this. First of all, only you can judge if it feels painful enough or "weird" enough to visit a doctor. If you think it's not THAT serious yet, then do the following: 1. REST IT! Take a week off and just…
  • Yes, I've run a half before and just completed the Army Ten Miler. I am not too concerned about the time off because I will do some spin classes to stay in cardio shape. However, I worry about damage to the toe and pain. Good advice from all. I appreciate it! I will stay off it and baby it!
  • Well I was mentoring people so my goal was to run it with them. It will be a huge disappointment not to. In the Spring I start Marathon training.
  • Oh yeah....running is mental. As the great Finnish distance runner said, "Mind is everything: muscle--pieces of rubber. All that I am, I am because of my mind." Once your mind has decided, the body has no choice but to submit.
  • As a distance runner the best advice I can give is: - Cadence: Watch your stride length. Heel striking is inefficient and harmful. Try to concentrate on striking midfoot. This will increase your cadence and your turn over and eliminate the enormous force that is sent through your legs if you heel strike. - Listen to your…
  • @Pampered. awww, thank you. You're sweet. @Maverick ....gym rat! :)
  • As a runner who competes in many long distance races, I will say that it's not boring after 3 miles. In fact for me, my body doesn't feel good and break in until mile 3 or 4. What I think you're seeing is the fact that most people don't have time to invest in more than 3 miles. 3 miles, on average, is a 30 minute work out…
  • Cardio is beneficial. If it wasn't, ancient man would have died when the sabre tooth tigers chased them. Ha! Seriously though, just like a well balanced diet is essential to good health, so is a well balanced exercise program. Of course cardio is beneficial. It builds a strong cardio-vascular system but as someone who is a…
  • I hope so. I know numbers are arbitrary but they piss me off!
  • Actually, yes! I have this problem too. I don't have a gas issue. I don't feel gassy...but omg, I just look pregnant after I eat. I could eat a smoothie, a piece of lettuce, a twig...you name it and suddenly I bloat! WHY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hi there! First of all, congrats! I just ran my first half in April and had a GREAT experience. Here is my advice: 1. Runner's World has a great program. Follow it and you should be fine. However, make sure you don't cheat. Stick with the plan so you don't risk injury in the higher mileage. 2. My diet wasn't that different…
  • I totally understand the OP's frustration. I've felt frustrated too when I felt that I was doing all I could do but not making headway; HOWEVER, if it wasn't as simple as calories in and calories out, people who were held in Auschwitz or people living in the Sudan wouldn't have looked like skeletons. Granted, no one here…
  • To add to my post, I don't see anything wrong with explaining the logic or science behind the "measurement" argument but some people were just flat out nasty and I can only assume it just makes them feel better about themselves. Dunno...
  • Oh come on...didn't your mom ever tell you that "two wrongs don't make a right?" As I said, she is obviously frustrated so it seems pointless to jump on her. Besides, her post seemed to be general in nature and not directed at any one person. I can't understand why DOZENS of people decided to jump her and go off? Is it…
  • Mud is the secret to weight loss. Ha! But seriously, thanks for supporting my call for civility.
  • People are too busy making sure they're doing the moves to notice if you goof. Besides, its not a big deal if you do. I go all the time and still mess up. Go have fun! :)
  • Why are you people being SO vicious!? I read about ten posts and I realized that there are a lot of smart *kitten*, snarky people out here. I understand what the OP was trying to say.She is obviously frustrated but instead of either ignoring or encouraging her lots of you jumped on her like lions on a wounded gazelle. Does…
  • Rhonda Goal weight on May 31st : 111 5/01: 5/07: 5/14: 5/21: 5/28: 5/31:
  • If you're going on a 12 Mile run, you absolutely need to be refueling while you run. Do you use GU or Chomps when you run? You definitely need to load up on something with a low glycemic index before running. Eat some oatmeal before you go. It's great for you and burns slowly so you have sustained energy...but definitely…
  • First of all, dump him. Any man that disrespects you like that will eventually start to treat you worse than that. He is testing the waters to see just how much you will take. However, should you choose to stay, turn it around on him and CONSTANTLY comment on men hotter than him.