Running - tendon issue?

After I pushed myself today on my run a bit, I'm getting this weird sensation. My Achilles tendon is "popping" when I walk sometimes and particularly when I walk down stairs. Is there anything I can do, besides just resting it? Is there something I can put on it to start running again. Some sort of sock?


  • swanny320
    swanny320 Posts: 169 Member
    Hi...I'm a long distance runner who has suffered some pretty painful things as a result. I can give you great advice on this. First of all, only you can judge if it feels painful enough or "weird" enough to visit a doctor. If you think it's not THAT serious yet, then do the following:

    1. REST IT! Take a week off and just give your body time to relax.

    2. ROLL IT! Get a foam roller and roll out every part of your leg, all the way up to the hip. Often we think of an injury in isolation when in reality, the root is in another part of the body. Case and point: I recently had HORRIFIC knee pain. So bad that I couldn't bend my knee or finish a half marathon. It felt like the knee was broken. Turns out my IT band in my HIP was too tight and that caused everything else to tighten. So the point is: ROLL OUT. Get a foam roller AND a rolling pin and roll out ALL parts of your legs at least 2-3 times a day for a few minutes. It will hurt like crazy but that's good.

    3. Stretch and massage.

    Try all of this religiously for a week and I bet you will feel better. If it doesn't improve, do NOT run on it. See a doctor at that point because running on your injury will just make it worse (but you probably already know that).
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Thanks!! maybe I do need a massage. I'll have to find one of these rollers.