sherronh Posts: 119 Member
Hey all Im interested in doing a half marathon in September. Currently attempting to train for it. I have a few questions to those training now or those who have been through it.

1. Where did you get your training schedules from?

2. What was your diet like during training?

3. How many rest days did you take and did you switch from the treadmill to outside running regularly? I find running ouside much more challenging and my long runs have been outside to make sure Im getting the strength I need for race day.

4. Any general advice is welcome because I'm completely new to this length of race.

MY goal is to just finish and the next one will be to beat this one's time (:


  • artbkward
    artbkward Posts: 238 Member
    I followed a training schedule from Runners World, I believe it was 4 days of running and 3 off days. My diet wasn't anything special, just the usual with more calories on running days.

    I would run mostly outside although I would run on the treadmill if the weather was bad, I would try to keep your runs, especially long runs, outside whenever possible.

    Finishing my first 1/2 was one of the things I'm most proud of. Running the actual race was a breeze, it's the training that's hard. During the race make sure you don't get caught up in the hype and start out too fast or you'll pay for it later. Most races have pacers who run at every 15 min increment of time, they typically carry signs or wear Tshirts that says "10:15/mi pace".

    Good luck to you, finishing a race like that is a great accomplishment.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Hey all Im interested in doing a half marathon in September. Currently attempting to train for it. I have a few questions to those training now or those who have been through it.

    1. Where did you get your training schedules from?

    2. What was your diet like during training?

    3. How many rest days did you take and did you switch from the treadmill to outside running regularly? I find running ouside much more challenging and my long runs have been outside to make sure Im getting the strength I need for race day.

    4. Any general advice is welcome because I'm completely new to this length of race.

    MY goal is to just finish and the next one will be to beat this one's time (:
    1. Runnersworld.com
    2. Pretty close to maintenance- with some half-assed carb loading the week before the race. BTW, carb loading sounds awesome to someone on a diet, but it is miserable.
    3. Outside as much as you can toIerate. I've done training completely outdoors, completely on a treadmill (during a really bad winter for a spring half), and somewhere in between. I even did one half with no training whatsoever, just to see if I could. Bottom line, the experience will be better the more outside training you do. If your schedule or the weather makes it difficult to get outside regularly, try to get outside for your weekly long run on the weekend or your day off, and
    you can do the rest on the treadmill.
    4. Practice with all the stuff you plan on using race day- like a hydration belt, Gu, whatever brand of sports drink they have at the water stops, your pre-race meal. Also, look at the course online and train appropriately for the hills or whatever else they have in the course. My second race was rumored to be a "flat course", and it was, except for the massive hills at miles 8 and 11 that I hadn't planned for...Also, do a bit of cross training- you can't replace your long run, but usually you can cross train 1 or 2 days a week which will help alleviate some of the stress you're going to be putting on your joints.

    ETA: Feel free to add me if you have questions or whatever. I love talking about running, and NONE of my family/friends want to hear it, ever! :tongue:
  • sherronh
    sherronh Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks so much guys! taking notes now!
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi I have just completed my first half marathon and just about to start training for a marathon. the marathon is in october.

    I got my training schedule from a website called the running bug i am in the UK and i think this is UK based but the internet would probably bring up a plan to suit your needs. Their are also numerous books on running that have this information.
    My diet didn,t really change that much I ate 50% carbs, 20%fat and 30% protein although i found this difficult to stick to nearly always went over on carbs and fat. I cut down on alcohol during training and had very little the week prior to the race. i use protein shakes after a run and protein bars as snacks. Eat back your exercise calories as you will need them.
    I run 3-4 times a week with my long run being when I can fit it in but trying to leave at least 4 days between long runs days. I work 30 hours a week and this is mainly nights so has to fit around life. I also have 3 children 2 of them being quite young. I always run outside don,t own a treadmill and not a member/ no time for gym. I also do zumba, strength training, kettlebells and core work exercising 6 days a week most of the time.
    As my runs got longer i experimented with energy gels and found these very beneficial to my stamina. Tips for race day take it steady don,t eat anything on race day you havnt tried in training and dont wear new running clothes/trainers. Find a good running bra that doesn,t rub the sores under my breasts were no fun when I wore the wrong bra, Also for the same reason don,t do long runs in a thong, might be obvious but I did will never do it again.
    If you want to request me as a friend we can motivate each other, my diary is open and I log every day. Hope this helps good luck.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Bump for responses. Training for my first 1/2 and would love the insight!
  • lauleipop
    lauleipop Posts: 260 Member
    1. Where did you get your training schedules from?

    I used Hal Higdon's Novice I and Novice II for half. I'm currently using Novice II for the full. halhigdon.com
    2. What was your diet like during training?

    I ate carb/fat/protein at 50/20/30 for my half training. I currently eat 40/20/40 and it's working really well for me.
    3. How many rest days did you take and did you switch from the treadmill to outside running regularly?

    I have 3 - 4 rest days a week. I am still new(er) to running (3 years) and don't have that high of a weekly mileage base (25 - 30 miles). For where I'm at fitness-wise, I find that running 5 days a week is too much and my performance suffers significantly. I don't train on a treadmill.
    4. Any general advice is welcome because I'm completely new to this length of race.

    Select a training program, work the program, and on race day, trust your training to have delivered.

    Do not underestimate the amount of water you need to consume before and after a long run. **Everyone is different about hydration needs during a run.

    Figure out your fueling needs during training.

    Have. Fun.
  • johnlatv
    johnlatv Posts: 655 Member
    1. another vote for Hal Higdon -- he got me through all my 1/2 and full marys
    2. i didn't change my diet that much, maybe add a little more carbs, i wanted to still lose weight while training so i could build speed.
    3. rest days would be about 2-3. If you are feeling spent then take a few extra days, and few extra days won't kill you here and there. Always run outside, unless it's raining hard, if it's a light rain go out and run in it, cause you know what, the race is still going to happen in the rain so you might as well see what it feels like to run in the rain.
    4. Take your time, you aren't out to break any records. This is your first one, you are setting a personal record. Trust your training. You can do the distance if you did the training. During the race run in the center of the road on the yellow line, a street is normal curved so if you run on the outside you are sort of sideways. If this is a big 1/2 when it comes to the water stops if you have water stops on both the right and left, always go left, more people go right. Also do get water at the first table, wait until one of the lasts tables, less of a crowd.

    Hope that helps.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    I used Hal Higdon Novice I for my race a few weeks ago. I will use the Novice II for my half this fall. I ran 3 days a week, circuit trained 4 days a week and rested one day.

    I did not have a specific diet really. I did cut out most pop/alcohal when I trained. Otherwise I just ate healthy and kept my calorie intake up to reflect what I was burning.

    I did all my training outside. A treadmill run is very different than outside. I wanted to be prepared for all elements I could potentially endure.

    I will be cutting my circuit training down this time around. I pushed my body a little harder that I should have last time.
  • keenercam
    keenercam Posts: 321 Member
    I am a strong advocate of the running plans in the back of Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    1. another vote for Hal Higdon -- he got me through all my 1/2 and full marys
    2. i didn't change my diet that much, maybe add a little more carbs, i wanted to still lose weight while training so i could build speed.
    3. rest days would be about 2-3. If you are feeling spent then take a few extra days, and few extra days won't kill you here and there. Always run outside, unless it's raining hard, if it's a light rain go out and run in it, cause you know what, the race is still going to happen in the rain so you might as well see what it feels like to run in the rain.
    4. Take your time, you aren't out to break any records. This is your first one, you are setting a personal record. Trust your training. You can do the distance if you did the training. During the race run in the center of the road on the yellow line, a street is normal curved so if you run on the outside you are sort of sideways. If this is a big 1/2 when it comes to the water stops if you have water stops on both the right and left, always go left, more people go right. Also do get water at the first table, wait until one of the lasts tables, less of a crowd.

    Hope that helps.

    Great response- stuff you don't normally think of!

    Also, your long runs and the pace when you start the race should feel almost painfully slow. Almost like you're pretending to run. That's the right pace!
  • swanny320
    swanny320 Posts: 169 Member
    Hi there! First of all, congrats! I just ran my first half in April and had a GREAT experience. Here is my advice:

    1. Runner's World has a great program. Follow it and you should be fine. However, make sure you don't cheat. Stick with the plan so you don't risk injury in the higher mileage.

    2. My diet wasn't that different from usual; however, on runs longer than 45 minutes I always took nutrition such as GU or Stinger Waffles etc. Your body will need the energy to sustain itself. Don't worry about it because you're burning about 100 calories every mile.

    3. I ran three days during the week and did my long run on Saturdays. I rested completely on Sunday and did cross training on the other days if I felt up to it. Listen to your body but definitely do some cross training. I mostly ran outside because once I go more than three miles, the dreadmill makes me want to poke my eyes out. Also, you're shortchanging your training if you train on the treadmill. Afterall, your race isn't on a treadmill. It's on a road/course, etc. Train on similar conditions and also train on hills. You will be stronger for it and the race will be easier as a result.

    4. Just have fun. You can do it and you will be so proud of yourself. Don't give up and don't worry about time. Make sure you listen to yoru body. If something hurts, then take a few days off and let your body rest. Otherwise you will injure yourself. Good luck!
  • sherronh
    sherronh Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks everyone for the responses! feeling motivated now.