

  • I like Optimum Nutrition but I love tasting protein powder I've ever had. Although I hear Truetin is good
  • Why not enjoy that 180 calories and still lose weight?
  • I like the simplicity of New Rules b/c I don't like running around the gym doing 20 different things. As one of the other posters mentioned, just make sure you're lifting heavy enough and you're fine. The workouts do get longer later in the program.
  • I mix it with pumpkin, cinnamon and a packet of Truvia--some cereal on top never hurts. Sometimes I mix it with 1/2 a scoop of my protein powder ( you definitely want to use a yummy protein powder for this) Tastes like cheesecake.
  • Hi ladies! Coming in from stage 3 and I'm doing the happy dance—not a fan of stage 3! I'm kind of excited the bulgarian split squat is back. I hate it and love it at the same time. Anyway, just a big HELLO!
  • I tried lifting gloves but they didn't do anything to stop callouses—maybe someone here has had luck with that? I like lifting without. The only time I think I might need them is when I'm holding heavy dumbbells and they're slipping. Now my callouses make me feel like a badass, lol!
  • I've been off the radar, but I'm finally settling back into a routine and I'm so happy about it! My husband bought me one-on-one boxing sessions for my birthday—tried it last night and had a blast! I was so nervous to do something new. I think it's good to face that feeling head on every once in a while. I'll be doing that…
  • You'll adjust to more food in a shorter time. Andy from says it takes about 2 weeks and that was true for me. I wish I felt that full now!! Thanks for the birthday wishes! Trying to get back on strict IF this week. Going from East Coast time back to Pacific time made IF very hard the past couple days but I'm…
  • You really should feel bad for me. Sick last week and in Florida with my in-laws from hell :) I brought all my workout stuff and did not have a moment to do anything. Good thing though is that despite doing a lot of guesstimating on calories and not exercising, I dropped a pound. Guess my body—and mind—needed a break! Now…
  • Hi! Checking in from vacation--was sick all last week and this week I'm in Florida which means no progress. Hmmm maybe ill attempt a wall climb in my hotel room. Or perhaps ill just hit the buffet. Questionable...
  • Enjoy! Oh, by the way, for anyone interested.... the site is great for detailed information. Much more so than the leangains site. Let us know how it goes!
  • Sorry to hijack the thread, but according to Lean Gains, many women (not all) tend to do better at 14/10 instead of 16/8, so he recommends that. I usually fall at 15/9 for some reason!
  • Agree with Beeps. I had tried and tried and tried to beat my night eating habit and it just wasn't happening. With IF, I don't need to beat myself up. I eat at night and lose weight. But April, I TOTALLY get wanting to stop a habit. I personally just couldn't get it under control without IF. BTW guys, help me out? I am…
  • I do IF and I don't see why not. Train fasted, then break it at 12. You might consider taking BCAAs though. Here's some info: I really love IF! It has been the biggest thing keeping me on track with…
  • Hi all! Started stage 3, totally not loving that one arm squat—awkward. But I'm sure it gets better. For the challenge: I'm totally scared to commit to this, but I really want to do a wall climb. I saw a guy doing it at the gym, so I tried it, but couldn't get flush with the wall at the top. Here's a quick video of what it…
  • Goodness gracious! What size step are you using!? FSPP gets less awkward the more you do it. I've actually started to prefer the front squat over the back squat. Great numbers!
  • Just losing it on my food intake. My TOM is here and I just want carbs! Booze, chocolate, bread, you name it. I'm trying to reign it in but struggling. I told my kids they could keep 5 pieces of candy and trade the rest for a small toy. They are SO in, which also means I get temptation out of the house. Win, Win. I woke up…
  • Well, I've never been so happy for my TOM (that's not entirely true :) BUT, I got down to 158 and I've been back up to good ol' 160 for the past few days. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but I've been hovering at 160 for 5 years (granted I had another baby in that time) It's so frustrating not to break that…
  • Glad our east coasters are doing ok. My family and friends were spared with minimal damage but it is so heartbreaking. Chucks! Seriously, lifting in Converse is amazing. I too have heard Vibram's are good but I've never worn them. My lifting became so much better after I ditched the cushion shoe. You're right—you don't…
  • Yeah Chucks! I wear them too and they're awesome. Your feet are much more stable during lifts. I have an injured ankle but have no issues wearing them. Whichever stage you start in, good luck and welcome back!
  • You're killing it Oikidoki! Great job
  • Feel free to add me! I'm in Stage 2. Used to lift with a trainer after my first kid, but this is my first go around on my own.
  • There are success stories on here, and I'm sure some of the amazing NROL4W women will post! I'm almost done with stage 2 and I've lost around 6 pounds and gone down 1.5 inches in my hips, .5 in my waist, and .5 in my bust. I attribute these changes to my diet. Don't get me wrong, the lifting is AWESOME--it's hard work and…
  • I switched to a plate today too (instead of DBs) and I liked it much better. It was easier to balance and set up than holding two DBs
  • My butt doesn't like this stage. I think this one is rough for me because it's tackling my weak spots: glutes and hamstrings. So it's good, but it hurts! And those Bulgarian Split Squats----ooooph!! Those are tough but I'm beginning to like them for the sheer effectiveness!
  • But don't laugh on the scale. It exerts extra force on the scale thus inflating your number. Don't cough either.
  • Cowgirl: In theory it's so little to lose, but I swear it's like pulling teeth. But I'm more determined than I've ever been (except for these past two days I've jumped ship on my diet) so we'll see. Beeps: You are even more awesome because you have a few years on me. It only gets tougher. Losing weight when I was 23 is a…
  • Wow Beeps, we are really similar. Are we twinsies? I weighed in at 158.8 today (at 5'8) so I'm thinking our numbers are pretty similar. What cut are you doing? I'm set to lose .88 per week. I had it set to lose 1 pound, but found that I was getting too hungry. I like that I have that higher calorie goal on the days I…
  • Isn't weird how we progress differently? I have a lot of trouble with my shoulders/back and single leg moves (the Bulgarian SS kills me) I feel the deadlifts in my legs, but even more so in my core. There are different types of IF, but I do the leangains style (, where I fast for 14 hours (half…