

  • I made it 22 minutes until I sweated off all my bug spray and the mosquitos started feasting on me, but then I'm way out of shape after 7 months of snow and winter. That is an actual work out, I don't count all the extra gardening and mowing lawn and things like that really as my workout, I'm not on any schedule, I do what…
  • That's exactly why I won't go to a gym, I am deathly afraid of people judging me and critiquing me when I am trying to get fit. I would rather do it alone at home where I know no one can laugh at me or criticize me. I don't even like the fact my neighbors may be able to see me since my exercise machines are outside on the…
  • I have some friends like that too, and they get kind of ticked when i turn down the food. I think it's because they think I'm getting anorexic or something. I always joke when i visit them its like being at my grammas the way they keep trying to fatten me up. As well it was because of their comments I started dieting and…
  • LOL i love that theory. Except for me, i have a bath and soak up two pounds of water like a sponge. Maybe my water is too cold and its solidifying me instead
  • 25 pound shih-zhu named cujo. Hes enormous, i think he grew big to defend himself from the 4 cats.
  • Noooo, not a real cat but wouldn't it be adorable if it was?
  • this eat more, lose more i have no idea if this is true or not, but I was stuck at 180 forever, like since blasted June. I would get under 180 and then poof right up to 188 or something, it was bloody discouraging. I was at a 1200 calorie limit, feeling bad if I went over it, then whenever I did, i would gain…
  • That's very exciting! I was barely able to get my own place at 35. LOL
  • You had an awesome year! Congrats on all of it. :D
  • Congrats on the new house. It's a great feeling to wake up one day, be able to look around and think this is mine and i worked hard for it!!!
  • I've been using since about October I think. Anyone can feel free to add me there or on MFP. :)
  • I did that. Put t in a cup of rice for day or so to dry out and also write them.i got a new one sent to me within 3 days, they were terrific. My old one does work after the rice trick but he display was really faded so I use the new replacement one now.
  • the Christmas rush is driving me over the edge and I would kill for a ciggie. I am fighting the urge to go to my car and light up my 7 month old stale ones that have been there since i quit just TO GET OUT OF THIS PLACE FOR A WHILE!!!! *twitch*
  • These are both terrific! Thanks so much, now i have something to work from and create my masterpieces from.
  • LOL, it's quite alright, it's definately a love or hate food. But those store bought one's are just vile nowadays. Could they make them any sweeter if they tried? And i do love my Christmas fruitcake so decided to try and just make my own this year without all the sweet junk the store ones have, and with my own lovely rum.…
  • Weekly Goal: no specific goal yet Mon: calories burned (how they were burned) 195 - Christmas decorating and cleaning Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) 980 - painting store front windows, and Christmas decorating at work Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) 730 - yoga and fitbit adjustment form work Thur:…
  • I've been trying to lose that last 15 pounds for 3 months now, get just below 180 on the scale and then it creeps back up again overnight and stays at 181. Very frustrating and discouraging. To cheer myself up i move my wii fit to different spots on the floor until it gives me a weight I know is wrong but I like to hear. :D
  • I can say that when i quit on April 27, I lost weight.It's actually what started me dieting. A friend told me i was already wide so would gain more weight and i was intent on proving him wrong, which I have done. The way I have quit, is i just remind myself how much money i am saving not buying a carton every week (95.00 a…
  • I'm on a 1200 a day, and with my typical work schedule i usually have no problem staying within that amount, but i always know i have that wiggle room for cheating on the weekends, which is usually when i make up for not eating much during the work week. I fin ont he weekends, I tend to scoot up between 1400 and 1700 a day.
  • Hi, First off i want to say not to get discouraged and that judging by your profile picture you are adorable the way you are. If I may make a suggestion based on your diary...and I am only saying this because my entire weight gain had been from being too busy to make food and it was easier to go out to mcdonalds and eat or…
  • OMG I tried on my old jeans the other day and fit some of the slightly larger ones...size 12. I'm aiming for those size 10s I used to wear all the time and I think I may be getting close. Beats the hell out of those size 18 stretchies i was wearing the last 2 years. I was so excited. I ran through the house to my boarder…
  • I think about 6 months ago and the reason I started losing weight. Two separate people, k the first one..i had just quit smoking and my "friend" who is juts a brutally honest type and didn't mean to be hurtful at all, said now you will gain weight and since you are already so wide, it could be a lot. 2 days off ciggies and…
  • I just got my wii today and had such fun with it. Weighed myself 3 times on it and all 3 times it was identical, which was 5 pounds lighter than my bathroom scale from 1950 which seems to always get stuck at 180. I kept getting frustrated plateauing at the same darn weight all the time, now I am hoping my old scale was…
  • Isn't funny how much safer being under those blankies makes one feel? The ghosts and monsters can't hurt me if i'm under here, can't seeeee meeeee.....
  • LOL I still make sure the closets are closed tight and I'm 41. Mind you, the fact my house is haunted doesn't help any. between my bed shaking at night, and footsteps up and down my hallway, the closet is the least of my problems.
  • I know exactly what you mean. I hate photos being taken of me. I have this one friend who, no matter how fat or skinny I ma (we've been friends for 20 years) I always end up looking like jabba the hut. I don't know how she does it..even when I was 188 pounds and stiff wind could blow me over, I still looked fat in her…
  • Hi all, I'm also looking for friends to motivate me. :) Anyone can add me as well.
  • depending on the day, 4-6 500ml water bottles with flavouring, and then a couple of teas or more at work. if i do a heavy workout i can go through 2 bottles alone there
  • Quit smoking in April and a friend said i had to worry about weight gain now since "I was already really wide". Hurt my feelings and made me determined not to gain weight with quitting smoking.