How often/how long do you work out?

How many days a week to you excercise and for how long?

I usually wake up at 4am, have some coffee, then do some light warmups at home (squats, high knees, etc) then go to the gym from 5am-6am Mon-Friday. I've been doing this since about mid March and I feel great and motivated for my workouts. I ask though, because I was thinking of starting to keep a gym bag in my car and hit the Y near my office a couple of days a week or go after work a day or two a week in addition to my morning workouts.

Just wondered if anyone else did two a days or long workouts? I would just stay longer in the morning, but I have to get home to get my husband and daughter up and get myself ready for work.

Right now, my workouts are mostly cardio (45 mins elliptical at interval resistance) then I'll do 15 mins of weights (machine or free weights-I try to mix up arms/legs/chest/etc. each day).

Oh, and if you're wondering why I asked-I really want to excercise more each day (which I never thought I'd say or feel that way...but I do...). I like it. It makes me feel better and have more energy. I have a very slow desk job, so I want to work in more activity. I just don't want to overtrain or get burned out.

Thanks in advance for any advice or for relating your own experiences.


  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    When I had my best success, I was going to the gym 5 times for weight training of about an hour each, then abck after work for 30 minutes of cardio, four times a week.

    Right now I weight train 4 days a week for about 1.5hrs or so, I do 1.25hrs of strongman training and doing jiu jitsu two are three times a week. And this week, I need to add in running since I have a few races this summer to do.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I do Insanity for cardio 3 times a week and lift 3 times. That gets me the results I want. I don't have hours to spend in the gym, so the HIIT of Insanity and weights works perfect.
  • mikeatmichael
    mikeatmichael Posts: 92 Member
    I try to do cardio 7 days a week, either swimming, running or biking. Swimming is monday, wednesday and friday for 35-40 minutes on my lunch hour. I alternate running and biking after work on the other days, 45 to 60 minutes on weekdays, 60 to 90 minutes on weekends.

    I do strength training 3 days /week before work. Usually on the same days I swim.

    And karate monday evenings for 1.5 hours.

    Kids are gone. I work days but my wife works 2nd shift.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    Currently I'm doing c25k on SunTuTh, but starting today, I'm adding NROL4W on MWF with Saturday being my only day off from working out. I'm nowhere close to being a morning person so I do all my workouts at around 5:30. I get off work at 5, and get home, change, and get out and do whatever day's workout I'm on.

    ETA: c25k is around 30-35 minutes, and from what I've heard, NROL4W should be about 30-45 of lifting (plus the walk/jog to and from the rec center I'm going to).
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    How many days a week to you excercise and for how long?

    I try to workout every day. I usually do exercises in my office on my breaks and sometimes at lunch (30-45) min per day. Then I do workout after work that is usually 45-70 min long. Occasionally we may take a longer hike or bike ride on nice days, but mostly I've been following the Turbo Fire schedule for the past 16 weeks.

    On the weekends I do Turbo Fire in the mornings and the rest of the day varies greatly. We may hike or bike, I may garden or do yard work, I may play frisbee, tag or ball with the grandkids, or we may break out the water slide if it's really hot, or sleds if it's snowing. Or I may sit and play computer games with my husband the rest of the day if it's nasty out.

    I have a desk job so I try to stay busy outside work. Most days I do, but not all.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Monday - 3 miles jogging

    Tuesday - 45 minute walk in the park at lunch; 5/3/1 lifting PM

    Wed - Sprints and Tabata, 30 minutes total time

    Thurs - 45 minute walk in the park at lunch; 5/3/1 lifting PM

    Friday - 3 miles jogging

    Sat - 5/3/1 and some strength conditioning like pushing the sled or farmers carries

    Sun - rest...just generally active...take kids on bike ride, walk around zoo or aquarium, etc.
  • jillsjourney
    jillsjourney Posts: 167 Member
    I do 30 minutes of low impact aerobics six days a week.
  • koing
    koing Posts: 179 Member
    Mon, Fri = 2-2.5hrs
    Wed, Sun = 3.5-4hrs as I'm OLifting and I don't mind taking longer

  • mdn15
    mdn15 Posts: 145
    If all goes well w/ schedule:
    Monday: 4 mile run, lift for 1 hr (back day), kick boxing for 1 hr
    Tuesday: 4 mile run, leg and arm day - lifting
    Wed: kickboxing 1 hr, Nike training 1 hr
    Thursday: 4 miles run, lift (back/ core) 1 hour
    Friday: legs/ arms- day; 30 minute stairs (or rest)
    Sat: kickboxing 1 hr; Nike Training 1 hour
    Sunday: 3 mile run; lifting 1 hour (or rest)

    either Friday or Sunday is rest day.
  • CycleFlow
    CycleFlow Posts: 55
    I would say it depends on what results you are wanting to achieve. An hour at the gym and eating well should be giving you a decent deficit for weight loss. Unless your goals are otherwise. You might also want to add a little more strength training maybe on 2-3 of the days lift for 30 minutes. OR do 2-3 days of cardio and 2-3 days of just strength.

    The one thing that jumps out at me also is that if you are getting up at 4 am you might find that working out at night makes you more tired the next day and it may make it difficult to get to the gym the next morning if you havent recovered enough. This is totally personal - I have a physical job so I know that one time a day for the gym is enough for me otherwise my body is shot.
  • tellascott
    tellascott Posts: 54
    I made it 22 minutes until I sweated off all my bug spray and the mosquitos started feasting on me, but then I'm way out of shape after 7 months of snow and winter. That is an actual work out, I don't count all the extra gardening and mowing lawn and things like that really as my workout, I'm not on any schedule, I do what feels fun at the time and then adjust my eating according. I'm a terrible dieter. :(