RooBug88 Member


  • I'll add you! Anyone else who jumps on this thread can feel free to add me as well. I can use all the motivation that's out there!
  • I'm interested!
  • Put me on that "add train" and I'll provide all the cheerleading and motivation I'm capable of!
  • Interested---I totally need this.
  • Snacking is a MUST for me, personally... I tend to get pretty cranky if I don't eat when I'm hungry.Plus, I'm more likely to binge later. Just spend some time in your grocery store and look for some low- cal options. Some of my favorites: Carrots- about 35-50 calories Apples- about 80 calories Special K bars/cracker…
  • Not a parent, but I totally agree. I've seen a couple friends from high school starve themselves to be "pretty" when they had no idea they were pretty to begin with. BDD and EDs are terrible monsters that destroy lives. :(
  • Sweets in general... I was a major emotional eater and virtually all my emotions "demanded" that I eat sugary junk in bulk. I still enjoy some sweets every day now, but for the first week or two, I went sort of cold turkey and didnt eat any. I have since added them back, but with modifications (sugar-free versions of my…
  • Make sure you're always drinking plenty of water. Sometimes our thirst mechanisms are so weak, they're mistaken for hunger. And if you're a boredom or stress eater (like myself), try to "pre-log" some calories in at the start of your day. I personally enjoy raw fruits and veggies to munch on throughout the day. And if you…
  • My goal is purely to be healthy and live a long life. I want to be able to run a mile without feeling like I'm dying, I want to be a healthy mom when I have kids someday, and I want to be a good role model for my family and friends (most of whom, like myself, are overweight or otherwise unhealthy). Weight loss is just a…
  • Okay, I'm convinced... I just ordered a BodyMedia armband. I like the idea of the FitBit, but seeing how many people have washed theirs in the laundry...I know I'd be THAT person. And I can't spend this kind of cash for something I will inevitably ruin or lose. I like the BodyMedia armband because that's what they used to…
  • Im in! I have two tats, hoping for many more when I lose the weight! I have my ears triple pierced on the lobes, the bottom two piercings are gauged (8 and 0, looking to go 00 soon) and I have an industrial piercing on my left ear. I'd love to get my ears pierced all the way up the lobes and cartilage, but my employer…
  • Love this idea! I'm adding this to my stash of awesome substitution recipes! Thanks for the share :D
  • Not sure if anyone's mentioned it yet, but I LOVE Fiber One 90 calorie Brownies. Also, the Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars, but they're a little drier than the brownies. Sugar free Jello Puddings are about 60 calories apiece and they're just as yummy as the regular kind. Also try sugar free chocolates, just compare the caloric…
  • Love it. Love all of it. Great advice!
  • We don't have any kids, but he DOES act like one sometimes haha! He is a truck driver and is on the road about 10-12 hours at a time, so I know I dont have control over what he eats anyway, but when he is home, I make food for the both of us and measure my own portion. Then, I let him take what he wants, which is usually…
  • I think he's only doing it because he sees ME doing it. He's a follower and mostly just does whatever everyone around him is doing. I think it may be a little bit of jealousy as well... I've lost over 30lbs and although you can't see a PHYSICAL difference yet, I have a better outlook on life than I did and I think he wants…
  • I love using Arnold Sandwich Thins, they're only 100 calories. It's not a huge caloric difference from regular bread, but every little bit counts when you're cutting calories. I also like a variety of low fat deli meats, particularly honey ham, oven roasted turkey, and lean roast beef from Oscar Meyer-each is about 60…
  • Neat! Like I said, totally no judgement. I was just curious about how that worked. :)
  • No judgement, I just have an honest question about vaccinations: aren't certain vaccinations required for enrollment in school? If I recall, I had to have several shots before my parents were even ALLOWED to register me for middle school. Side note, I'd love to be your friend! I'm online daily and I try to keep up with…
  • I would love the Mirena, but my doc won't put it in because I have no kids yet and I guess there's some risk of infertility if something goes wrong (rare, but I suppose s**t happens!) I'd love to have 5 more worry-free years and periods that don't remind me of a crimson Niagara Falls (sorry for the mental image there...)…
  • Great replies, gals! Affordability is a huge plus, thanks for that! And Alisa, I can probably manage some cravings here and there, I had a massive sugar addiction just before starting MFP and I have gained a lot of self control over the past few weeks. Motivation is key! Thanks again, ladies :D Great advice!
  • Brilliant! Maybe not totally fashionable, but brilliant nonetheless! You could even line the inside of the sock with a plastic sandwich bag to avoid sweat damage to the phone. I also would have suggested to make your own armband in a similar fashion, or use coban wrap. But this idea is much easier than coban!
  • Awesome job! Don't get discouraged if the loss slows down after the first few weeks, though. Weight loss isn't a race, it's a lifestyle change that takes time. Congrats on the EXCELLENT start, keep it up and you will do just fine! Welcome to MFP :)
  • I came from WW as well, and this app is much easier (plus, like you's FREE!) I've added you as a friend, I'm online daily and I'm 100% behind all my friends here, good days and bad. Best of luck, looking forward to seeing you around the site :)
  • Agreed! And if you do binge and eat half a pizza or something, just remember that a momentary lapse of judgement is not a reason to give up on the whole day---jump right back on that train, sister! Live in the moment and if you mess up, it just means you're HUMAN!
  • I work third shift at a 24 hour major retail center and I have noticed that even though very few customers actually come in during my shift, many of the ones who DO come in are so obese that they require those motorized shopping carts to get their groceries. Two in particular (a father/son pair) have regularly asked me to…
  • I work in the pharmacy department of a major retail chain and my favorite comic relief each night is to read the instructions on all the "diet pills" out there. With almost no exceptions, all of the pills that "burn fat" have a disclaimer on them that says that "study participants followed calorie restricted diets and…
  • Aquaphor healing ointment (made by Eucerin brand). Or vitamin E oil. If you can, slather on the Aquaphor and put on some cotton gloves at bedtime. If the gloves bother you while you sleep, just keep reapplying the Aquaphor as needed throughout the day, you should see some improvement in a few days. If not, try Corn Husker…
    in rough Comment by RooBug88 March 2013
  • Love it there, had a friend at the university...lovely college town!
  • Central Illinois, second cornfield on the left. (Delavan, to be exact, but when you tell people you're from Delavan, IL they just look at you like you have lobsters crawling out of your ears.) It's about 45 minutes from downtown Peoria, halfway between Morton and Lincoln on I-155.