gotta get healthy!

I am 29, SAHM to a 2 year old boy and I also babysit a 15 month old boy. They keep me busy. I am looking to lose 100 lbs. I want to be healthy and strong. Being thinner is a bonus in my mind. I just want to feel good in my own skin. I am coming from weight watchers. Just don't want to pay $20 a month for what this app does for free. :) I hate to exercise, but I am completely addicted to the results of feeling better, natural energy high, and less pain in my body. It really helps manage my stress and anxiety as well. Now if only I could remember these things on my lazy days! I am a horrible stress eater and that is where the problem lies. I'm hoping to actually push through this time tho!


  • RooBug88
    RooBug88 Posts: 55 Member
    I came from WW as well, and this app is much easier (plus, like you's FREE!) I've added you as a friend, I'm online daily and I'm 100% behind all my friends here, good days and bad. Best of luck, looking forward to seeing you around the site :)
  • clearlyme
    clearlyme Posts: 36
    awesome! thanks