Relapsed again, HELP!!

I cant help myself... I get really motivated and start dieting, have a really good go at it successfully for a few days and then i sabotage myself for a few days and start all over again. Im soo fed up. Im overweight and have knee and foot injuries becasue of my weight. I work retail in a mall and walk around for 9 hours a day so should be getting enough exercise from it and im also doing a 30 day shred. Does anyone else struggle?? Can you add me for support??


  • Maybee77
    Maybee77 Posts: 17
    Sounds like me! I have found some workout friends and Im determined to stick with it. Im going to send u a friend request
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Are you depriving yourself? If you eat too little or restrict too much you will binge! I have issues with binging if my food is blad i get depressed. I have to have entertaining food to keep me happy :)
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i know what your talking about, been there done that over 30 times... i dont think anyone can motivate you as much as you can motivate yourself! either you want to be fit, look good and feel great, or you dont... eventually, you will get SO fed up, that you'll just DO IT! i finally just DID IT in september of this last year, and have lost 65 pounds, because i finally got sick of being fat, and feeling like crap. none of us can get you to that point. good luck to you, YOU CAN DO IT, you just have to make yourself believe it and want it bad enough!
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    Are you cutting out everything you love? If so, that's why you fall off the wagon after a few days. Work in some things you like and it won't be so bad. This is supposed to be something you are going to stick to for the rest of your life not just a "diet".
  • FitSavs
    FitSavs Posts: 2 Member
    I was actually just coming on here because that's my exact M.O.-- and I have a school-related dinner at a pizza place that is going to be unpleasant tonight. It's day 3 for me, and that's exactly when I start to give up and say its pointless. But I saw something the other day that reminded me that you only fail if you give up. If you want to give up, that's ok, but that's a choice (I keep telling myself).

    But I am going to add both of you if you would like some support. :)
  • lauranicole823
    I do this often as well. I am back on the diet again. It's very true; do not deprive yourself! I lost a lot of weight a few years back, I didn't deprive myself. I cut way back on the bad things and had a cheat day. Trying my best to get back into that way of life. It makes you feel so much better. Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • alisonjayne1989
    alisonjayne1989 Posts: 9 Member
    I honestly just struggle. I know i should get into the mindset of loosing weight but if i get hungry at work and i dont have food with me ill go and grad something from the food court, a muffin or subway then my BF who has a really active job will say lets get takeout for supper and if i say no i feel bad becasue he wants it. There is also alcohol, im 24 and enjoy a social life but obviously with drink comes calories and with drunkness comes eating, then hangover comes breakfast. Im thinking im going to plan a food diary every week for the week ahead based around my shifts and days off..
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Yes that sounds like me, I done really well in the beginning - first 2 years!!! but this year has been awful - i'd be working hard in the gym all week, having a good few days eating then really over do it and eat far too much, I'm forever starting again.

    As of today i've changed my goal to losing just a pound so i get more calories as i think i wasn't eating enough so it lead me to binge.

    Good luck, feel free to add me Mandy xx
  • Jking826
    Jking826 Posts: 131 Member
    Im with you...I just recently started over AGAIN... Its a struggle but it can be done. Add me if you want :smile:
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I would suggest whatever you are doing in terms of "dieting" and exercise just isn't sustainable, so you need to rethink your strategies. Are you being too restrictive - eating too few calories or totally eliminating "bad" foods you enjoy? Are your goals realistic (ie are you getting discouraged because your loses aren't big enough to keep you motivated)? Are you weighing yourself too frequently ("Oh I am down 2 pounds since yesterday, so I can eat more today!" or "Oh, I am up 2 pounds since yesterday, so why bother")?
  • kareyn19
    kareyn19 Posts: 26 Member
    Alot of us share the same struggles. I do well most days of the week but drinking and having a cheat day on the weekends usually spirals completely out of control, leading to no weight loss regardless of how well i've done during the week. It seems like I start over EVERY monday.

    Feel free to add me. I could definitely use the support :happy:
  • RooBug88
    RooBug88 Posts: 55 Member
    Make sure you're always drinking plenty of water. Sometimes our thirst mechanisms are so weak, they're mistaken for hunger. And if you're a boredom or stress eater (like myself), try to "pre-log" some calories in at the start of your day. I personally enjoy raw fruits and veggies to munch on throughout the day. And if you slip up, just know that it happens to ALL of us. And I do mean ALL OF US. Remember this: just because you mess up a little does not mean you should give up on your entire day. Mistakes are just that: mistakes. They only ruin you if you don't learn from them. I've added you, I'm online daily and my wall/inbox are always there for you if you need some extra encouragement (or a good butt-kicking, as we all tend to need from time to time!) We're all here for you, this is a great community and no matter what the scale says, you are doing the right thing for your health. Best wishes! :D
  • daisydaisy99
    daisydaisy99 Posts: 44 Member
    As for the times you "fall off the wagon" It might also help to not think of it as you having failed and having to start again but instead as a bump in the road on a journey - that sounds so poetic, I'm impressed with myself! ;-)

    But seriously just think of it as a process - not everything you do will work but it doesn't mean you have to stop and start all over, just look at it as making adjustments so that you can turn it into something that works for you!

    Happy to help motivate, feel free to add me!
  • alisonjayne1989
    alisonjayne1989 Posts: 9 Member
    I would suggest whatever you are doing in terms of "dieting" and exercise just isn't sustainable, so you need to rethink your strategies. Are you being too restrictive - eating too few calories or totally eliminating "bad" foods you enjoy? Are your goals realistic (ie are you getting discouraged because your loses aren't big enough to keep you motivated)? Are you weighing yourself too frequently ("Oh I am down 2 pounds since yesterday, so I can eat more today!" or "Oh, I am up 2 pounds since yesterday, so why bother")?

    I do weigh myself very frequently. I lost 50lbs almost 2 years ago and i felt amazing it started really well and i went to a really good slimming group and ate the food from their diet but i got so obsessed and even strated taking laxatives to ensure i lost weight. I dont want to gt like that again, i would just love half of the commitment i had then now.. then I moved to Canada from England within around 12 months i put 60lbs on.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Buy a cute lunch box, pack healthy food.

    I started my lifestyle change over 5 years ago and I took baby steps, cut out a little at a time and replaced it with something healthy, or healthier even.

    I only buy healthy food and do not deprive myself if I want a cookie or dessert. If I can eat it in moderation, I enjoy it, if I am not capable of moderation, I abstain from it.

    I can say that being a size 2 at 44 years old is way more fun than being a size 10 when I was 39. Of course I more reasons to be healthy than excuses not to be.
  • hgambaro124
    hgambaro124 Posts: 30 Member
    story of my life i get on track and i'm doing great the weekend comes and its all down hill lol...then i start again on monday!! feel free to add me maybe we can help eachother!!
  • PeachPrincess84
    I think we have all definitely been there for sure. Sometimes I feel like I am spiraling out of control. Making horrible food choices and paying the price for it later. I think at lot of people on here are right, the strongest motivation is going to come from within yourself! Although it does help to have a gym buddy or a friend to keep you on track with your diet. If your BF were on board and supportive it could be much easier? I know that is an area I struggle with too, he can eat anything and his body wont change but the second I look at pizza its 5lbs on my butt!! lol

    My advice is too keep with it. When I fall off the band wagon, which I currently have for the last 6 months or so... I always get back on, but slowly!! If I were to jump back into everything, diet and exercise where I left it I would feel exhausted and deprived. And that will only lead to carb cravings and add to any depression that might be going on, and the spiral continues. What I do, in order to avoid this is make small changes, daily, that I can continue long term. The first week or two I allow myself to EAT AS MUCH AS I WANT, as long as I am eating whole foods (lean meats, veggies, fruit, grains, nuts etc). I also make sure I am drinking at least 2L of water a day. I cut out sugar and as much processed junk as I can, but if a craving really hits I allow myself a taste or a sample of what I am craving at that usually is enough, otherwise I will just binge later. After I have gotten used to my new way of eating I start to cut back on my portion sizing etc. I find this the less stressful on my body and I actually ENJOY it.

    Meal planning is HUGE. My work can be very fast paced and I might not get a chance to stop and sit down for a meal, so I pack healthy snacks to munch on during the day. I prep for my shifts a day or two in advance bringing baggies of mixed veggies, fruit, handful of nuts, or a protein bar. Quick and easy to eat while on the go and it tides you over until you can sit and have a meal with out starving and binging. Eating fast food is usually a last ditch for me. Even if I haven't packed a meal I might try and pick up something at the grocery store instead, lots of ready to go healthier options there!!

    Learning new recipes, or healthy versions of what your craving is always a great idea. Don't be afraid to experiment. I have found a lot of great recipes, tips and tricks online.

    Probably one of the hardest things when watching what you it would be socializing, restaurant/bar food etc. Most restaurants do have healthier options, unfortunately, that giant bacon cheeseburger with french fries on the menu might be a little more tasty then the salad. This is where you are going to have to find the strength to make good decisions on your own! The odd "cheat meal" isn't going to hurt, but keep it to once a week or less. Alcohol can be hard to give up, especially when your young. vodka water can be a good choice with less calories, although if you're drinking in excess a lot, I'm not sure any kind of substitute is going to help. lol

    And as far as exercise goes, push yourself, but start off slowly so you are too sore to move for the next week!! Make it fun and enjoyable instead of a chore and you will make it through.

    sorry this is so long, add me as a friend if you'd like :)
  • AprilEC
    AprilEC Posts: 32 Member
    i know what your talking about, been there done that over 30 times... i dont think anyone can motivate you as much as you can motivate yourself! either you want to be fit, look good and feel great, or you dont... eventually, you will get SO fed up, that you'll just DO IT! i finally just DID IT in september of this last year, and have lost 65 pounds, because i finally got sick of being fat, and feeling like crap. none of us can get you to that point. good luck to you, YOU CAN DO IT, you just have to make yourself believe it and want it bad enough!

    VERY well said! Agree 100%
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Diet is short-term. Take baby steps to introduce yourself to your new LIFESTYLE. You don't need to deprive yourself, and quit all your guilty pleasures cold turkey. Find a program that works for you!

    Healthier choices, exercise, portion control & moderation are the key things that worked for me! Substitution was big thing as well. Find a healthier alternative for your much loved "not to good for you" foods. Swap apple pie for 100% rolled oats and sliced apple. Swap ice cream for yogurt(regular or frozen) Swap chips for air popped popcorn, kale chips, etc. When you do want the real deal, that is where portion control and moderation come in. Instead of a whole bowl of ice cream, have a scoop and toss in some mixed berries. When your craving chips, and nothing but the real thing will cut it. Try counting out a serving and put it in a bowl and pair it with some salsa or hummus.

    Make mini goals and small adjustments until you let yourself get used to this new lifestyle.

    Good luck!