

  • I think its the resistance of the cross trainer, if its too high, it burns and takes getting used too, but you can set it really low and fly like the energiser bunny without much bother! I do both as I feel the cross does more for the tops of my thighs and abs and arms if you get more into it. Each to their own :)
  • Find a tailored plan - I am currently on Hal Higdons Novice 2 Half Marathon... okay two runs in with a LOT more to go, but heres hoping in 12 weeks I can do a half in about 2.30,
  • I completed all 30 days in a row and I'm relatively fit, and it hurt doing it once a day. If you wanted to do it twice, I'd suggest replacing it with one of Jillians longer dvds, such as BFBM, or NMTZ.
  • I use it daily - feel free to add me!
  • If you want something a bit longer, I mingle Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism (45 minute beasting of cardio that will leave you in a sweaty heap on the floor) with No More Trouble Zones (45 minute of strength which makes parts of me shake!) I find these are engaging, and go back to them most weeks.
  • Hey there! You have four months... definitely go for it! I think a good idea would be to find a realistic plan you can stick to. I am currently doing Hal Higdons Novice 2, the longest run in the first week is 4 miles and soon jumps up a mile a week. Before I have run 10ks, so I feel it is do-able, albeit tricky. The Novice…
  • Invest in twin skins or anti blister socks. To be honest, if they are new shoes, the breaking in process isn't the most pleasant!
  • I hate to sound very Jillian esque... (I'm a bit of a fanatic!) but a bit of ouch and tightness (clearly not total pain, in which case, please stop!) is your body changing. You don't get results with absolutely no pain or twinging, else what would the point be? Focus on the reasons you are doing it, and don't give up. If…
  • I started running at the start of the year, did a 12k obstacle course in June, and have run two to three times a week since. My longest run at the moment is 10k, but can comfortably run 30 minutes to an hour. Toying between the Int 2 and Novice. I think because I enjoy Jillian Michaels and other workouts, concerned that I…
  • No more trouble zones isn't too jumpy, there are lunges, but not jumping ones. Else I'd just get my trainers on and go out for a run!
  • I have a plan in my head of what I want to have achieved by the end of the week. I don't commit to a set rest day, I let my body ease off when its telling me its had enough. I think if you exercise at similar times each day, you settle to it much easier. Also I'm tough on myself, I won't let myself eat tea or settle down…
  • Go for it! I find as a newbie runner, the community is amazing - people in my city will typically smile as they go by you, its a sort of mutual respect - irrespective of how fast the person is running or how big the person is running. I do feel the one great thing about running is hey - you're only up against yourself. Its…
  • I have just finished Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism just now - torrential Scottish rain put pay to my run! I am a total Jillian convert, and now lying here in a very sweaty heap feeling better. The dvd takes about 45 minutes from start to finish, and is fully cardio. If you read reviews on Amazon, people actually give an…
  • Don't quit! Else you'll just keep saying you'll return to it. Take it slowly, modify the moves. I'm reasonably fit and I struggle with aspects of Jillians dvds - I'll never be able to do a proper push up! You will notice the differences if you can keep with it, and that is what makes it so worth while. Good luck!
  • Typically about 5k, but anywhere up to 10k. Having issues settling to a proper settled routine to build up mileage, as aim to do a half marathon early 2013. It feels some days it is easier to carry on running, and some days a total struggle, hence why I struggle to settle to a set routine. Am tempted by Hal Higdens…
  • On hot days have felt myself wretching, and have thrown up during workouts before. Maybe slow it down and try and get some liquids back into you. Lucozade sport light or something tends to keep me perked up.
  • I use Runkeeper as its free - it works, its accurate, and I like the fact you can set it up to tell you how far along you've got per time/mile/etc. Although now I've turned her voice off as I found it was perhaps putting me off. It runs in the background nicely and you can set goals via the website.
  • For me, I was introduced to 30 day shred by a colleague. Will fully admit I've never been massively overweight, however there are parts of myself I'm not a fan of and thought this would be a great start. Completed 30 day shred January/February this year. Coupled with no alcohol and cakes, it worked a treat. However slacked…
  • I suffered really badly with shin splints. In the first case I was being "cheap" and bought insoles for my existing trainers. They did ease the problem somewhat! More recently took the time to go to a proper running shop and get my gait recorded on the treadmill. Its amazing to see how your feet land, and it was no…
  • That is heavy! I struggle with my 3kgs, and eventually wound up going down to 2kgs because otherwise my arms were too ruined to do it every day - saying that my upper body strength is non existent. Try and do it every day, as then you see the effects. I also find if you take a day off, its far harder to get back into. I…