

  • I'm in the same boat as you so I know exactly how you feel. I am probably in the best shape I've ever been and feel healthier than ever but my other half has no interest in eating anything remotely healthy or doing anything more than minimal exercise (he trains brazilian jiu jitsu once a week) He views 'vegetables' as some…
  • Definitely dark chocolate - minimum 70% A couple of squares of dark chocolate keep me satisfied a lot longer than a full bar of any milk chocolate. And it has healthy flavanoids as a bonus!
  • What macros do you work off? How much protein do you average? May be worth tweaking these a bit as your calories sound OK. Looking at your profile you are already pretty ripped so I assume you have been weight training for a while? What is your training routine? Maybe try mixing this up a bit - alternating low rep high…
  • I always go to classes on my own. I am now friends with all the class regulars and it is really fun. I find I get much more work done in a class that if I go to the gym as I get into the mindset that if other people are still going I can't stop no matter how tired I am. In the gym I would just stop when the going got…
  • I work on the basis of giving absolutely no weight whatsoever to articles which start with "6 things you never knew about..." The article is badly written and relies on some extremely ropey evidence. 1. Nobody had heart attacks at the turn of the century - I'm pretty sure they did... show me statistics that show otherwise…
  • If your sugars are from natural sources then I wouldn't worry too much unless it is putting you over your calories. You can change the setting if you are bothered about seeing the big red number. Just go to My Home, Goals, Change Goals, Custom. That said I tend to limit fruit to 2-3 portions per day as too much fruit tends…
  • Alpen Original No Added Sugar
  • I wouldn't worry about going over your overall fats if they are healthy sources but I would try to keep your saturated fats low. I work on the same macros as you but I tend to struggle more going over on carbs than fat.
  • As for this bit. Lots of studies on Pub Med that are very helpful but you have to consider sample sizes and methodology to determine how much weight to attach to them. After that you're on your own! :noway:
  • Ooh playing expert is fun! What do you mean by balance unsaturated fats 1:1? Are you talking poly vs mono and if so where have you come across that? Not saying it is in anyway incorrect but no something I have heard before. As for protein combining any incomplete protein has a 'limiting' amino acid so should be eaten…
  • STOP! Don't you know exercise will kill you! :noway:
  • I'm going to go and lie in a darkened room and wait to die. I have eaten cereal, bread and pasta over the last couple of days. Not to mention all the other deadly carbs And if all of that doesn't get me I'm pretty sure the eggs and dairy will
  • The ideal ratio for a post workout drink is 3:1 protein to carbs. Flavoured milk is ideal. I have strawberry milk after my strength workouts and it definitely helps. Don't view carbs as the enemy. I eat 50% plus of my calories from carbs and have never had a problem losing weight without cutting these. Post workout carbs…
  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with berries OR boiled egg and peanut butter wholegrain toast OR wholegrain cereal (Alpen No Added Sugar) Mid morning snack: Piece of fruit and a few mixed nuts Lunch: Sandwich - Sliced chicken breast with half avocado and spinach on wholegrain seeded bread Afternoon Snack: Natural Yoghurt Dinner:…
  • ^ This There is a massive difference between micronutrients which are needed in extremely small amounts (mg or mcg) and macronutrients which translate to calories. You may be able to get some of your micronutrients from vitamin supplements but they won't give your body the energy to function at its best.
  • It depends on your activity level. I am 5'4" and 117lbs and as I said in my earlier post I aim for 1800 calories a day as this falls between my BMR 1337 and my TDEE 2072 leaving me a calorie deficit of 250 a day. This is based on choosing 'moderate activity' when calculating my TDEE as I workout 6 days a week but I would…
  • Although I do not profess to be a vegan I have previously eaten a vegan diet and can still obtain way more than 1200 calories a day. Yes you are eating healthier foods which fill you up more but it is still easy to make 1200 calories. And for those people that say because they are eating healthily under 1200 they are still…
  • The MFP formulas are irrelevant. The fact of the matter is your body needs calories to perform brain functions, to circulate blood around the body, to digest the food you eat, to blink, to smile etc.... If you keep lowering your calories as you suggest your body will not be able to perform these processes efficiently as it…
  • Bad advice. That just sounds like a step ladder to anorexia. What happens when you get down to 500 calories and still aren't losing? Keep going?
  • Don't be too disheartened. When you start an intense exercise program like insanity you will often see a weight gain initially because you will retain a lot more water until your body adjusts. Keep at it and you will see the pounds start dropping. 1200 calories is a number that has been demonised as the number not to cross…
  • I would definitely up your calories to the 1600 mark and eat back about 50% of your exercise calories. I have recently upped my calories to 1800 and I am still maintaining my weight (which is my goal) but I am definitely getting more muscle tone now than when I was eating 1400 calories. Obviously to lose you want to have a…
  • I have treats nearly every day. I find if I store up a 'treat day' then I will completely binge on that day whereas if I allow myself a small pleasure each day (within my calories) I crave much less. I do try to make my treats of the healthier variety i.e dark chocolate rather than a Cadbury's caramel. My mini-treats…
  • It is best to just look at the ingredients. I was buying honey in the supermarket the other day - Own brand ingredients 100% honey £1.34, Organic range ingredients 100% honey £2.89. How does the label of organic justify more than double the price when the exact same ingredients are in the bottle?!
  • Depends what you're after. I have done body combat in the past and it is a great cardio workout. But if you are wanting to learn proper martial arts techniques it probably isn't for you.
  • I'm on day 5 of P90X. Loving it so far. Not fully getting into the nutrition plan yet though - I needs my carbs!
  • My partner jokes that I must have a worm. I wake up ravenous in a morning and eat a decent breakfast usually consisting of boiled eggs, peanut butter on wholewheat toast and a banana or low sugar wholegrain cereal with natural yoghurt and mixed berries. I eat this at about 7.45am and by 9.30 I am hungry again. My partner…
  • It is true that only some of the contents of a multivitamin will be absorbed just as when you eat any food containing vitamins only some of it will be absorbed. For example lots of iron in spinach but due to the high oxalate content the absorption level is pretty low. You also should consider that many vitamins work in…
  • I'm slightly taller 5' 4". Currently at 118 and maintaining - down from 136. My ideal weight is 115 but I tend to fluctuate between this and 120 When I get below 115 I start to look too bony on the collar bone but I still have areas that I want to tone. Especially thighs and stomach.
  • Hi Kelly welcome to MFP! I joined about a week ago. I'm Michelle, 27 from Wigan, Lancashire Feel free to add me as a friend!