if eating under 1200cals is so bad.......



  • Dandawa
    I eat around 1200- 1250 a day of high quality food. I work out at 6 days a week hard cardio and light weights. I started weigh 222 and I have lost 16.5 lbs since Aug 1 some may say to fast but I am eating the hole 1200- 1300 depending on my weight sweating tons and I do not eat much of them back. My goal weight is not crazy about 160 which I am sure some index will still say I am over weight but I will look how I want to at that. I am just really focused and driven right now with the time. I will go into maintance when I reach and be happy eating more too. you need to figure out your motivation and rthym and do what is right for you. If they are making you unhappy eating less than that do not you do it do what you want. You can make other mfp and support those you wish to and not be as active on commenting on other folks.
  • madmish00
    Serious jealousy here? you don't associate because they eat vlcd and lose faster than you....wow smh...FYI if you're fat it is more than ok to eat less than 1200..only in western countries do people claim its not for fat people...try being vegan you'll be under 1200 calories and still full/ healthier than those that eat 1200 and the weight falls off. Don't be so narrow-minded and judgmental of others...Since I eat under 1200, we can't be friends hmmm, seems dumb...

    Although I do not profess to be a vegan I have previously eaten a vegan diet and can still obtain way more than 1200 calories a day. Yes you are eating healthier foods which fill you up more but it is still easy to make 1200 calories. And for those people that say because they are eating healthily under 1200 they are still getting all the nutrients they need clearly they are not. You may be getting significantly more 'micronutrients' i.e vitamins and minerals than someone eating 1200 cals of rubbish but you still won't be getting enough 'macronutrients' i.e calories.

    As said early eating consistently under your BMR will slow your metabolic rate over time. Then when you do come to eat more you will inevitably gain weight leading you to cut calories again. As you say on your profile you are a yo-yo dieter so maybe this is something to take into consideration.
  • molzeppa
    molzeppa Posts: 8 Member
    Just out of curiousity - what would all of the NO LESS THAN 1200 calorie supporters suggest for me? I'm 5'2" and would like to be in the middle of my BMI. which means I'd like to weigh 120. According to this site, my BMR is currently 1209 calories a day. (I'm 138 right now)

    So how many net calories do you suggest?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Taking daily vitamins added to your diet can be beneficial as well! Specially to those who are paleo/have gluten intolerance as myself and eat under 1200 calories daily.

    Vitamins .....seriously? Vitamins will not help you retain healthy muscle mass, that's what eating1200 Net calories is about.

    I exercise to keep muscle mass and I eat those calories to FUEL my workouts. By netting under 1200 calories regularly, you risk burning healthy muscle tissue.
  • madmish00
    Just out of curiousity - what would all of the NO LESS THAN 1200 calorie supporters suggest for me? I'm 5'2" and would like to be in the middle of my BMI. which means I'd like to weigh 120. According to this site, my BMR is currently 1209 calories a day. (I'm 138 right now)

    So how many net calories do you suggest?

    It depends on your activity level. I am 5'4" and 117lbs and as I said in my earlier post I aim for 1800 calories a day as this falls between my BMR 1337 and my TDEE 2072 leaving me a calorie deficit of 250 a day. This is based on choosing 'moderate activity' when calculating my TDEE as I workout 6 days a week but I would class three of these as .heavy workouts (weight training) and the others as light cardio.

    Without knowing what your activity levels and type is it is difficult to advise but don't think you would be going far wrong with about 1400 cals unless you are very active
  • madmish00
    Taking daily vitamins added to your diet can be beneficial as well! Specially to those who are paleo/have gluten intolerance as myself and eat under 1200 calories daily.

    Vitamins .....seriously? Vitamins will not help you retain healthy muscle mass, that's what eating1200 Net calories is about.

    I exercise to keep muscle mass and I eat those calories to FUEL my workouts. By netting under 1200 calories regularly, you risk burning healthy muscle tissue.

    ^ This

    There is a massive difference between micronutrients which are needed in extremely small amounts (mg or mcg) and macronutrients which translate to calories. You may be able to get some of your micronutrients from vitamin supplements but they won't give your body the energy to function at its best.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Just out of curiousity - what would all of the NO LESS THAN 1200 calorie supporters suggest for me? I'm 5'2" and would like to be in the middle of my BMI. which means I'd like to weigh 120. According to this site, my BMR is currently 1209 calories a day. (I'm 138 right now)

    So how many net calories do you suggest?
    Find out what your actual TDEE is to know how many calories you need to eat to maintain present weight. Do this by logging what you eat and typical exercise for a few weeks to see if you're able to maintain weight. Once you establish your actual TDEE range, then you can assume a deficit of 20-25%, but not greater, since you have only 18 lbs you wish to lose - the less body fat you have, the less true fat you can lose in a week. For example, if you exercise between 3-5 days a week, your predicted TDEE would be around 1875 calories to maintain weight - a 25% deficit would then be a net of 1405 calories, or 470 less than predicted 1875. You can eat a total of 1575 calories and do 170 calories of total exercise (primarily weight training with optional cardio).
  • LaSweetMini
    LaSweetMini Posts: 157 Member
    Because when you are really overweight and just starting out on here, your body is not used to eating 1200 so even if you are eating 1200 a day of rubbish you will still lose weight rapidly. Your body goes into shock first from the drastic cut in calories. This happend to me. I NEVER went over 1200 and I was eating cake, cookies, pizza and junk and losing up to 10lbs a months. I realized it wasnt healthy so I started to eat clean and a mix of vegan and vegetarian for a while. I was able to eat more food this way but never going over 1200. But unfortunalty, the more weight you lose, the harder it becomes to continue losing. You body becomes smaller so it doesnt use as much energy as it did when it was bigger so you lose weight slower. This is happening to me now. I have been stuggling to lose my last 15 lbs and it doesnt matter how healthy I eat or how much exercise I do, my body has adapted to this healthy lifestyle and it will now take longer. THose people who eat rubbish will learn soon that they have to change sooner or later because their weightloss will too stall.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    With all due honesty, I dont associate with people who eat well below the 1200 or net below 1200.. it is not a healthy management of weight loss or health. Yes, there are people who willingly do that, but I personally find it to be self-destructive... Id rather lose the weight gradually and do it the right way...

    Not all of us who eat under 1200 are doing it on purpose. Some people have a reason and are trying their hardest to take steps to fix it. (Obviously myself included in this lol)

    I was put on some medication by my doctor for PCOS and it totally destroyed my appetite. I fell into eating way too low even though i knew it wasn't healthy. I literally had to force-feed myself most days. I've taken myself off of those now because of this and am trying to eat higher and get my appetite back to normal but its not easy. Its easy to generalize....

    Sorry, just sayin...

    you really need to read my post again... I did not say "all of them are doing it on purpose".....
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    With all due honesty, I dont associate with people who eat well below the 1200 or net below 1200.. it is not a healthy management of weight loss or health. Yes, there are people who willingly do that, but I personally find it to be self-destructive... Id rather lose the weight gradually and do it the right way...

    i agree it just really annoys me when i try to give good advice but its as though im just talking rubbish as they lose easy anyway and they arent big at all! average weight!

    If the advice is asked, then the receiver really should take it to heart. When its unprompted, that is when all hell breaks loose to be honest.

    I simply wont associate with anyone who does this. I dont comment on anyone's intake but I wont keep them around if they willingly make those bad choices... I dont want to be associated with that.
    Serious jealousy here? you don't associate because they eat vlcd and lose faster than you....wow smh...FYI if you're fat it is more than ok to eat less than 1200..only in western countries do people claim its not for fat people...try being vegan you'll be under 1200 calories and still full/ healthier than those that eat 1200 and the weight falls off. Don't be so narrow-minded and judgmental of others...Since I eat under 1200, we can't be friends hmmm, seems dumb...

    Its not judgemental at all... which is why I only stick with like-minded individuals... those who make realistic decisions that are not counterproductive.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I really hate condescending people. Bleh!!! Condescending know it all's who don't know crap. They don't know everything. Drives me nuts.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Just out of curiousity - what would all of the NO LESS THAN 1200 calorie supporters suggest for me? I'm 5'2" and would like to be in the middle of my BMI. which means I'd like to weigh 120. According to this site, my BMR is currently 1209 calories a day. (I'm 138 right now)

    So how many net calories do you suggest?

    Proof right there that the 1200 calorie thing is a rule of thumb, which fits many but not all people, and not a hard limit and you'll drop dead if you ignore it.

    Having said that, you should verify that BMI number, and probably add exercise instead of removing too many calories.
  • emnk5308
    Eating under 1200 long term, get results = TEMPORARY!!! :grumble:

    Doing it the right way, eating enough = FOREVER!! :smile:
  • dawndw
    dawndw Posts: 203
    With all due honesty, I dont associate with people who eat well below the 1200 or net below 1200.. it is not a healthy management of weight loss or health. Yes, there are people who willingly do that, but I personally find it to be self-destructive... Id rather lose the weight gradually and do it the right way...

    Totally agree.
  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    With all due honesty, I dont associate with people who eat well below the 1200 or net below 1200.. it is not a healthy management of weight loss or health. Yes, there are people who willingly do that, but I personally find it to be self-destructive... Id rather lose the weight gradually and do it the right way...

    Totally agree.

    The dogmatic mentality people have around here is destructive.
  • banks89202
    I eat a litte over 1500 cals a day, BUT I am a big girl and I have a ton of weight to lose. I would just not eat back your cals you burned?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Honestly, I don't think it's fair to make blanket statement like "1200 is bad" for all the cases. It's fact that people do lose weight on a lower caloric intake and it proves the simple math of "input vs. output". I am not saying it's good for everybody either. I just feel sometimes, people jump to the conclusion just because some of the board "gurus" say so.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I do eat my exercise calories. I simply try to net at or around 1200. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. Basically, what is working for me (where other concepts have failed) is that I use that 1200 like cash in my wallet. I cannot use what I do not have. If I want to earn more "cash," (so that I can eat more or have a real treat) I do it w/ exercise (so maybe today, I have more like 1400 in my wallet).

    Once I got serious (non-yo yoing), this concept has me losing about a pound a week. Sounds like slow going, I know, but I plan for every pound lost to be a permanent pound lost.

    Oh, just as a footnote, I exercise five days a week. MWF - cardio, TTh - strength. On cardio days, I'm happy burning 300+ cal. I do not feel compelled to burn 800 or 900 cal, but am amazed by those who do. :noway:
  • aishaarivera
    aishaarivera Posts: 10 Member
    Keep in mind that if you are doing insanity you must've built muscle, which could explain some weight gain since muscle weighs more than fat, and they in the other hand are losing muscle, which could explain the rapid weight loss, don't be discouraged you are on the right track. :)
  • aishaarivera
    aishaarivera Posts: 10 Member
    Good job, I also celebrate every pound and half a pound, they seem so little but each of them make a huge difference. I also workout 5 days a week, mainly cardio, walking, elliptical, jogging and weight train weekends or at home, sometimes I do circuit training, I live a busy life but every single bit counts. :)