

  • Oh yes, I failed to mention... WE BOTH HAVE THE GYM MEMBERSHIP. We are literally busy every weekend in June. And what about dinner. Am I supposed to eat after the gym? Try to make it until 8 pm for dinner when I eat lunch at 11:30:? Yikes!
  • My idea for the rest of the challenge is Weight Watchers. I feel so much better after just two days. And I think this really is going to help. When you are counting cals as long as you stay at goal you are fine. When doing weight watchers, you have to really think about what you are eating. They have made the plan so that…
  • I'm at 151.7 today. Good luck ladies
  • Weighing in at 152.... not bad considering my week and a half of not logging! and eating terribly. Today I'm starting to get back on track! Wish me luck.
  • Good job! Keep up the great work. Even if you don't MAKE your lunch you can still bring it! You can get a lean cuisine or smart ones are the sodium isn't great, but if you drink plenty of water you should be fine, right?
  • 1. Go to Zumba class every Tues/Thurs 2. Lose 8 lbs 3. Only out to eat once a week 4. Stay on goal with calories
  • bump
  • Great job! you can do it, and yes be positive!!! Talking down to yourself isn't the way to go... if you sit and motivate others, you should talk to yourself the same way!!!! Go girl go!!!
  • So this is kind of a lame example, but last night my boyfriend and I went to Applebees to have a drink or two because my girlfriend works there. So we went up and when she asked if we wanted a menu I automatically said no.... That place is freaking TERRIBLE!! But Nate was like maybe!!! So he got one asked what we should…
  • Thanks sooo much for keeping track of all this!! I love the idea of the mini challenge this week....... I had issues yesterday. I had a paper to write for class, the option to go the buffet and a local casino, or go to ZUMBA! I went to ZUMBA and it felt great! All this week I've been not feeling well and even tho my sinus'…
  • Definately subway or Panera Bread/Bread Co.
  • Agreed also... but yes, why waste your time worrying about it..... I think its ridiculous.... it most certainly is not ruining my day or even a thought in my mind while at work.
  • Taco- you can do this.... you just have to get in the right state of mind, visiting with friends is only an EXCUSE if you let it be.... you can still make healthy choices when visiting!! And believe me i know its hard!! Good Luck this week ladies
  • Wow, thank you so much!!! I am starting to feel better and I'm getting back into the swing of things slowly!!! School is almost over for the semester too so I will have an extra day! As far as my weigh in goes.... I am at 152.2.... I think when I sent my weigh in last friday it was a fluke. I had gone to Zumba thursday…
  • I know they say drink water drink drink drink.... but I drink at LEAST 8 cups a day... not including what is in my food and I don't feel a difference.... but I still do it cause I'm damned and determined to get to my goal weight
  • Well hello ladies (SHORTYS)!!! I've had a sinus infection for the last week and a half and I think my weigh in was some crazy number that day because the next day I was back at 152lbs :sad: I didn't do so bad over Easter weekend, but being sick I've not been working out nearly as much and I've drank a TON of orange juice.…
  • Hey I hear ya, me either.... But keep working at... YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Good Morning Shorty's!! I didn't have a good week, allergies have been kicking my butt as well as TOM! :sad: TOM being in town I think has kinda kicked my bootie outta shape. I still ate decently, just not a lot of excercise. I'm down 1lb from last weigh in... so thats not a gain... I guess that's good.:ohwell: Gotta try…
  • HAHA agreed!... although... I don't really get it.. but you're funny
  • This is interesting... But I'm curious, where did you get your information?
  • Welcome to MFP!! Good luck on your journey!! Add me if you like :)
  • You know you can't derprive yourself of everything you love, you won't succeed that way.... Two weeks ago I had a cupcake... it was wonderful.. and I lost 3.5lbs that week. HAHA:blushing: Don't give up everything.. this is about portion size too! You can't do it, don't give up.:flowerforyou:
    in Help! Comment by KayLeigh6710 April 2011
  • I don't see many negative posts at all... you must be looking in some not so great places!! A LOT OF THE PEOPLE ON HERE ARE VERY NICE AND ENCOURAGING.... I wish you luck in finding good supporting friends on this site... add me if you like! And good luck with your weight loss..
  • Happy Monday! How did everyone do this weekend? I was over on calories Friday, way under on Saturday, then over again yesterday! OUCH! I have to work extra hard these next three days to see some more weight loss. I think I need help with my food intake because I don't particulary like healthy food, nor do I know what is…
  • Thanks so much for getting back... this is what I figured but you never know right!!
  • Have faith in yourself. Just because your friends come in doesn't mean you have to drink.. and if you do want to drink, drink something like vodka and diet or something, instead of high cal beer. And believe me, I like some beer. You can get the weight down if you want, just have to have control over what you're doing.…
  • Great Job this week ladies!! This was just the first week and now we can all share our secrets! I would say that the most important part of this for me was eating right around my calories and going to the gym just about every day... I try to go at least 4 times a week. I also pay more attention to not only how many…
  • Good Morning SHORTYS!! I am happy to report that I am down to 153lbs. That is a 3.8lb loss from weigh in last week! I am SOO excited because I never thought I could do this! I can't "weight" to see everyone else's results!! Good luck ladies
  • You can do it! Find someone else that is losing weight and make it a competition! Thats what i do! Go girl Go!
    in Hello Comment by KayLeigh6710 April 2011
  • Happy 1st! As in happy 1st day of MFP! I started this site last year and didn't really keep myself accountable, but I finally got on the right track and you can do it too. I try to make sure I hold myself accountable for EVERYTHING I eat, drink, and how much I exercise! The support on this site is wonderful and I found for…