SHORTY'S 12 Week Challenge! (Read more!)



  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    Thank you Kristin and congrats to the ladies who lost you are amazing keep up the good work everyone
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    Thanks for puting in the work Kristin!! You rock

    It's hard but I'm staying in regardless.....the scale will go down. I've had to give up hikes for now with this damn lower back and neck problem and my insurance dropped my physical therapy down to 1x per week which isn't helping but this too shall pass and I'll work through it! I'm so inspired by everyone.
  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    Wow us shortys had an amazing week....great job girls...keep it going everyone is doing great...this challenge is soo awesome it encourages me to do better :)
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Great chart Kristen. It looks amazing! Everyone have a great Easter!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Two more days until weigh in. How is everyone doing?

    I was really bad on Saturday and Sunday. But got back on track yesterday. That seems to be the story of my weight loss journey. 5 days on, 2 days off. I have such a hard time controlling myself on the weekends. I'm hoping that I will learn how to eat something "off limits" without it sending me into a binge. That's my goal here. Well, that and to fit into my size 4 skirt...
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hey Shorties! My weigh ins are not pretty with all the stuff I've had going on the last 2 weekends, I can't see to get back on track long enough before something else comes up! Last weekend my friend visited so we ate out and drank, this weekend I had my 6 month anniversary with my boyfriend on Friday and then went home for Easter and my mom's birthday until last night. Soooo I ate out SO much and my family stuffed me with food. It's not pretty this morning... I'm up 7 lbs from my lowest weigh in!!!!!! Evil water weight, I'm gonna be an angel as much as possible for the next few days, I need to.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I am not expecting big results this week.:sad: I ate way to many goodies on Easter. Just hoping for any loss or at least to have maintained!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Yeah, I'm not too thrilled on this week either. I spent a couple of days in Vegas for my bday, then my mom cooked for my bday on Saturday and then MORE bad stuff on Easter. Phew. Glad that's all over and done with. I'll be good, but I don't know how great the numbers are going to turn out. =/
  • Well hello ladies (SHORTYS)!!!

    I've had a sinus infection for the last week and a half and I think my weigh in was some crazy number that day because the next day I was back at 152lbs :sad:

    I didn't do so bad over Easter weekend, but being sick I've not been working out nearly as much and I've drank a TON of orange juice. Hopefully this S.I. will go away soon and I can get back to kicking butt at the gym!

    Good luck with weigh ins thursday!!!
  • Hi Shorty's! Just checking in and reading everyone's posts today! Some of you have been saying, "Ive been missing" lol Well..I HAVE! I went out of town for a big Easter weekend. Every Easter, we have a family reunion pretty much plus more. So on Easter Sunday we had about 80-90 people show up for food, drinks, kids egg hunt (with over 500 eggs), volleyball games, softball games, musical chairs, pinata (yes a pinata easter bunny...we are Mexican ya know lol) and did i say FOOD??! Omg...tortillas, meat, tortillas, chips and dip...tortillas. Yes, even with all that food I've have to say I evened out! See...although I was eating/drinking constantly throughout the day, I was running around, playing volleyball, chasing my kids and neices and nephews around. So it all evened out for me! So woohoo! SURPRISINGLY...I am looking to go down on the scale this week!! Well, hang in there everyone! This holiday is over now and we can all get back on track! Just a little quote for the day.."Just because you tripped, doesn't mean you fell down." Get back up and keep going! We got this! :)

  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    Im a little nervous for this weeks weigh in also, it wasnt that I ate bad but I worked overnight all weekend which really throws my schedule off and due to being exhausted I didnt make it to the gym at all this weekend, I also worked all day monday and tuesday so only made it to zumba monday and had a last minute workout today, hoping I pulled it together and have a small loss. Goodluck everyone cant wait to see everyones results. Hope everyone had a great easter!!!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Height - 5'2
    CW - 162.7
    LTW - 1.3
    Loss for 12 week challenge - 6.3

    A little disappointed with my loss this week. I was so good over the Easter break. No chocolate or any goodies and I worked out like crazy every day except 1 :grumble: It was TTOM so I hope for a bigger number next week :smile:

    Good luck everyone :smile:

    kraziekay89 I hope you feel better really soon :flowerforyou:
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I weigh in at 168.2 this morning. Thats a 1.6 lb loss. :ohwell: I will take it ,at least its a loss. Besides Easter Sunday it was my daughters birthday yesterday, so we went out to our favorite mexican restaurant last night. I hate to eat out before weigh in. :sad: Everyone have a great day!
  • CarlitaK
    CarlitaK Posts: 139
    I weigh in at 132.8 today. Gained back my loss of .2 hahaha.

    Congrats to everyone who did well over the easter weekend! I know I tried, but was away on holidays... at least i'm pretty much back to my pre-vacation weight again :)
  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    I weighed in at 154.8 this morning so I lost .2, that was better than I expected. I was really expecting a gain this week so Ill take the very small loss atleast I didnt gain. Great job shortys!!
  • Height - 5'2
    CW - 162.7
    LTW - 1.3
    Loss for 12 week challenge - 6.3

    A little disappointed with my loss this week. I was so good over the Easter break. No chocolate or any goodies and I worked out like crazy every day except 1 :grumble: It was TTOM so I hope for a bigger number next week :smile:

    Good luck everyone :smile:

    kraziekay89 I hope you feel better really soon :flowerforyou:

    Wow, thank you so much!!! I am starting to feel better and I'm getting back into the swing of things slowly!!! School is almost over for the semester too so I will have an extra day!

    As far as my weigh in goes.... I am at 152.2.... I think when I sent my weigh in last friday it was a fluke. I had gone to Zumba thursday night and weighed in at a nice weight... then i was sick for this past week... But like i said before I am starting to feel better and get back in the swing of things.

    I also just went to the library to get some cookbooks to help me figure out some healthier meals than what I've been having!! Can't wait to take a look at them this weekend!!!!
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    Nothing too exciting... I gained 0.2 lb. Considering I overate this past weekend and didn't fit in all of my usual exercise, I'm happy with staying about the same. Good luck in the new week, girls ~ let's get back on track :smile:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I am not having a good week at allllll since Easter kind of killed me. I had a string of about 5 days where I ate too much, drank, and didn't workout. The result was that I got back home and I was up 5 lbs!!!! Now I'm still up a few from my lowest point, but it's not pretty. My weigh in for this week was a crappy 150.1. Boo, gain of 2 lbs from my last weigh in!!!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Yeah, this past weekend was a little rough between celebrating my bday and easter! I was very good starting Monday and was able to take off the extra poundage I put on from the long weekend. So, I just broke even. Still the same weight. I guess I really shouldn't complain. But I'm definitely going to keep on pushing and hope for a breakthrough next weigh in!!! Go Team! =)
  • JessyT919
    JessyT919 Posts: 11
    So did my weigh-in and this morning I am 134.9 so am down by a lb or so. Can't complain given that it was a super long-weekend here in Australia (5 days) so my regular exercise routine was a little different and of course, Easter.

    Stay positive shorty's - the fact that we're sticking to the weigh-ins and making ourselves accountable is half the battle! We can do this!!
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